Posts Tagged ‘nazi’


by andrew Anglin from the Daily Stormer So, it isn’t usually (read: ever) mentioned by the Western media, but the US bombings in Syria are illegal under international law, given that they haven’t been sanctioned by Assad, who is the legal ruler of the country. Obviously, Assad is fighting ISIS, so if he thought the US […]

GOP Convention Day 4: LIVE LIVE LIVE

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 21, 2016 UPDATE: Red Ice stream is going live in a few minutes. Original article follows. Sheeeeeeeeeeeit! I’m behind getting this thread up! Today’s festivities area already starting! So, today we’re going to skip the recap part, and go straight to the Live Streams and LIVE THREAD! You know the news […]

Joshua Bonehill-Payne Charged Again: Britain Under Tyranny

Diversity Macht Frei July 20, 2016 An alleged antisemite faces trial in December accused of racially harassing a Jewish Labour MP. Joshua Bonehill-Payne, 23, is said to have posted five abusive articles attacking Luciana Berger. He is charged with racially aggravated harassment relating to material that is said to have appeared on his websites between […]

Trump Holding Off on VP Announcement After Nice Attack

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 15, 2016 Moslems ruin everything. I was so excited to find this out today. Fox News: Donald Trump postponed a news conference scheduled for Friday to announce his running mate after the deadly truck attack in France — though the Associated Press reported that he’s already offered the job to Indiana […]

The Jewish Sound

It’s been quite some time since I posted something new. I’ve been working on a project that is somewhat 50-60% done by now, that will hopefully change a lot within our current struggle. It could have been done already by now, but life under Jewish dictatorship is as it is – problems arise from any […]


jew controlled fbi lets off jew controlled hillary – big surprise ?  report from infostormer  The FBI Director James Comey held a press conference outlining a clear cut case of criminal negligence by Hillary Clinton when she had an illegal e-mail server setup to conduct official State Department business.  Despite laying out substantial evidence proving gross […]

Jewish ‘Auschwitz Survivor’ Admits He Lied About Everything

Joseph Hirt said he fabricated story of being sent to camp and meeting Nazi doctor Josef Mengele to ‘keep memories alive’ about history of the Holocaust by Theguardian A Pennsylvania man who claimed for years to have escaped from Auschwitz, met track and field star Jesse Owens and Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, confessed on Friday […]

Happening: Stabbings at Matt Heimbach’s TradYouth Rally in Sacramento!

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 26, 2016 Insane video. Crowd sees any signs of “Nazis” and they run&attack. A lot of people bleeding/getting maced. @ABC10 — Frances Wang (@ABC10Frances) June 26, 2016 Today’s TradYouth rally in Sacramento turned into a complete fiasco with multiple people getting stabbed and dozens upon dozens attacked. LA Times: At […]

US backs down after Iran’s Leader warning on nuclear deal

Alwaght-Following a stern warning by Iran’s Islamic Revolution Leader that Tehran will set fire to the nuclear agreement if Washington decides to tear it down, the White House is urging the presidential candidates to back down from hardline positions and implement the deal if elected. Speaking on Tuesday in Tehran, Leader of the Islamic Revolution […]

Israeli forces takes measurements of accused Palestinian attacker’s father’s house in order to destroy it

Violence / Detentions — West Bank / Israel Israeli forces raid Yatta, take measurements of suspected attacker’s house HEBRON (Ma‘an) 17 June — Israeli forces early Friday raided the town of Yatta in the southern occupied West Bank district of Hebron, which has been sealed by the Israeli army since last week’s attack in Tel […]

Oakland police department goes through two chiefs in one week

     Paul Figueroa, who became Oakland’s Police Chief on Wednesday, was removed from his position on Friday. His term began when he replaced Interim Chief Ben Fairow, who began his term last Friday after Police Chief Sean Whent resigned. Oakland’s game of police-chief musical chairs continues as the third interim chief was removed from his […]

Homos Arming Themselves for the Coming Terrorist/Homo Civil War

Source Article from

Shanghai airport blast: Suspect used improvised bomb, stabbed himself in neck

Images from the scene showed people being taken to ambulances as eyewitnesses gathered. According to CCTV, the Sunday afternoon blast left at least four people injured. The city of Shanghai posted on Weibo that, after taking the home-made bomb out of his backpack, the man threw it nearby. After the explosion, the suspect took out […]

Dutch Woman Arrested For Adultery After Making Rape Claim In Qatar

A 22-year-old Dutch woman has been put behind bars in Qatar on suspicion of adultery after telling police that she had been raped. Her lawyer claims that while on holiday she was drugged in a Doha hotel and woke up later at an unfamiliar apartment realizing she had been raped. She is appearing in court tomorrow and could […]

Zika virus may be transmitted by oral sex & kissing, doctors warn

In a letter to The New England Journal of Medicine calling for stronger transmission prevention guidelines, a group of doctors highlighted a recent case where a woman appears to have contracted the virus from her partner through oral sex. The 24-year-old woman in Paris fell ill with Zika symptoms on February 20, 10 days after […]

No surprise: Iraqi government formed in 2003 fully controlled by U.S. – Iraq’s former defense minister

     The Iraqi government, formed in 2003 after Saddam Hussein’s regime had been overthrown by the US invasion, was fully controlled by “inspectors” from the United States and its allies, a former Iraqi Defense Minister, Hazem Shaalan, told RT. “I was not independent in my ministry,” Shaalan said. “Inside the ministry, there were American inspectors […]

Jew-Bernie Supporters Too Stupid – Urge Bending of Rules

Patrik FridénDaily Stormer May 24, 2016 In California, Bernie supporters might just be to mentally challenged to get themselves registered to vote. They couldn’t figure out the dates. Because Google does not exist there. The Bernie campaign is now stepping in to file a lawsuit – bending the rules might be required to save the […]

Long Lost Ancient Manuscript Makes Terrifying Predictions: Rise of Islam, the Antichrist and Judgment Day

The ancient manuscript believed to have been made in Lübeck, German was written around 1486 and 1488. It is considered as one the first maps describing the state of the world between 639 and 1514. The ancient manuscript mentions the rise of Islam, speaks about the Antichrist and the Judgement Day. The manuscript composed entirely in Latin, […]

The David Duke Show: Interview with British Activist Mark Collett on the Rising Nationalist Movement in the UK

David Duke May 11, 2016 Dr. Duke is joined by British activist Mark Collette. Mark explains the implications of the election of a Muslim mayor of London, which can only further the ethnic cleansing of the British people from the British capital. Mr. Collette also spoke about how welcome it was for the British people […]

ZOG Moving to Shut Down First Amendment, Prosecute Wrongthinking Bloggers

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 9, 2016 tfw no freedoms. In America, we feel like it could never happen. But it’s already happening. Washington Examiner: Regulators in Washington are showing increasing interest in tightening rules on political speech on the web, arguing that the dissonant voices enabled by “new media” have become too influential. If that […]

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