Posts Tagged ‘alex’

Michigan Goes Total Police State With Roadside Saliva Check Points

The Michigan State Police is working on plans to establish a pilot program for roadside drug testing, a spokeswoman said. A new law instructs the state police to pick five counties where it will run a one-year pilot program for saliva-based testing to check drivers for drugs like marijuana, heroin and cocaine. “We expect the counties to be […]

Female German MP Attacks Cops for Killing Afghan Terrorist

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 22, 2016 Germany keeps satirizing itself. A country controlled by feminists obsessed with Moslems men. RT: A German MP from the Green Party, Renate Kunast, faces a backlash after she criticized the police for killing an ax-wielding Afghan refugee who injured five people on a train in the German state of […]


by andrew Anglin from the Daily Stormer So, it isn’t usually (read: ever) mentioned by the Western media, but the US bombings in Syria are illegal under international law, given that they haven’t been sanctioned by Assad, who is the legal ruler of the country. Obviously, Assad is fighting ISIS, so if he thought the US […]

Joshua Bonehill-Payne Charged Again: Britain Under Tyranny

Diversity Macht Frei July 20, 2016 An alleged antisemite faces trial in December accused of racially harassing a Jewish Labour MP. Joshua Bonehill-Payne, 23, is said to have posted five abusive articles attacking Luciana Berger. He is charged with racially aggravated harassment relating to material that is said to have appeared on his websites between […]

Targeting their own? Daesh attacks on Muslims on the rise during Ramadan

     As the fighting against Daesh continues, the terror group has increased its nefarious activities. Recently, a number of attacks have rocked Muslim states, from Turkey to Saudi Arabia. Why do violent Islamic extremists attack fellow members of the faith? “[Daesh] announced before the month of Ramadan that they are going to make this Ramadan […]

The Megyn [sic] Kelly Interview with Donald Trump

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 18, 2016 Donald Trump has officially finished his conquest of the GOP, having forced Megyn [sic] Kelly to bow down before his Holy Throne. The interview is just standard – nothing particularly exciting in the content. The exciting part is that it happened, and that Megyn [sic] wasn’t even confrontational. This […]

PAUL RYAN IS A JEW! Pro Immigration Stance solved.

IF IT WALKS LIKE A JEW AND TALKS LIKE A JEW AND LOVES MASS THIRD WORLD IMMIGRATION AND WHITE GENOCIDE THEN IT’S A JEW! No one could understand how yet another supposed Irishman (Jew John Kerry (Kohn) being the other) could act and behave and think so Jewish and have such Jewish views. But now we know. […]

Labour Party Member Denies Suspension For Israel – ISIS Comments

Bob Campbell, a labour party activist who reportedly claimed that ISIS is controlled by Israel, has denied that he has been the suspended by the party. Both the London-based Jewish Chronicle and the Sunday Times reported over the past few days that Campbell was suspended pending a party investigation after allegedly posting a claim on […]

Wolfgang Halbig v. Sandy Hook FOIA Commission Hearings – Feb. 18, 2016

HARTFORD CT– 2/18/16–FULL LENGTH VIDEO. Wolfgang Halbig, former teacher, law enforcement, and current national school safety assessment & emergency management consultant, appeared in Hartford CT for PART 3 of the FOIA hearings, the purpose of which is to acquire public access to the police Dash Cam Videos of December 14, 2012. Docket # FIC 2015-786: […]

Glorious Leader Invites TOTAL BROS Who Threw-Out Protester Up on Stage

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer February 17, 2016 In what is probably one of the most emotionally moving moments so far in the Trump campaign for me personally, at the rally in North Augusta, South Carolina, Trump called onto the stage two TOTAL BROS who ejected an evil protester. The two men both gave excellent short statements saying what […]

New Hampshire Primary – On The Ground Report

Lee RogersInfo Stormer February 9, 2016 Being up here in New Hampshire, I figured I’d submit a quick on the ground report about what’s happening today. Donald Trump – the only sane choice for White Americans. As many of you already know, I endorsed Donald Trump for President several months ago.  Why?  It is very […]

Ann Coulter Challenges politically Correct Trump Audience In New Hampshire


Three Palestinian cousins shot dead after alleged attack injuring no one

Violence / Detentions — West Bank, Jerusalem 4 Palestinians shot dead after alleged stabbing attempts in West Bank BETHLEHEM (Ma‘an) -7 Jan — Israeli forces shot dead four Palestinians from the town of Sa‘ir on Thursday night after they allegedly carried out two separate stabbing attempts in the southern West Bank, Israeli and Palestinian sources […]

Over 22,000 Iraqi civilians killed & injured in violence in 2015 – UN

“The year 2015 has seen thousands of Iraqis killed and injured as a result of conflict and terrorism. This is unacceptable,” Mr. Ján Kubiš, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG), said in the UNAMI statement. “The Iraqi people have every right to live in peace and tranquility. The United Nations continues […]

Palestinian family fights effort by settlers and Israeli government to evict them from Jerusalem home

The Gaith-Sub Laban family is facing an imminent unlawful forced eviction from their home in the Muslim Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem at the hands of Israeli authorities and settler organizations. Four generations of the Gaith-Sub Laban family have lived in their home since 1953, for 62 years, and they have been targeted for […]

Couple Cancels Wedding Last Minute, Invites Sacramento’s Homeless To Enjoy $35,000 Reception Instead

Imagine that you have planned the wedding of your dreams.  You have paid for the venue, the music is arranged, the caterer is booked, and all you need to do is say ‘I do’ and you have sealed the deal.  Then all of the sudden the Groom calls it off. What do you do with […]

Alex Interviews Man with Autistic Son: Occupy The Fed Report

  Infowars Nightly News October 13, 2011 Alex defends autistic child from laughing police who think getting an adverse autoimmune response from vaccines is funny. Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Tweet about it Email   Print this page. Comment Rules 19 Responses to “Alex Interviews Man with Autistic Son: Occupy The […]

Alex Defends Autistic Child from Laughing Police: Occupy The FED Report

The Alex Jones Channel October 13, 2011 Alex defends autistic child from laughing police who think getting an adverse autoimmune response from vaccines is funny. Print this page. Comment Rules One Response to “Alex Defends Autistic Child from Laughing Police: Occupy The FED Report” Keep up the good work Alex. Leave a Reply You must […]

Alex Jones Breaks Down The Occupy Co-Opting

  Alex Jones October 12, 2011 Alex breaks down how the Occupy Wall Street Movement is being Co-opted just the Tea Party. He is being interviewed by local Houston independent media. Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Tweet about it Email   Print this page. Comment Rules 15 Responses to “Alex […]

Alex Jones Mainstreamed But ‘PUBLIC’ Central Banking Gets Too Much Attention

Dominant Social Theme: What a shock. An interesting spectacle, though. What exactly is the Federal Reserve and who are these people? Free-Market Analysis: Alex Jones and Occupy Wall Street both protested in front of the Dallas Fed on Friday and the result was unusual: Mainstream news coverage. The Dallas Observer ran a fairly significant piece on the protestors […]

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