Posts Tagged ‘with’

Press TV Being Taken Off The Air In UK! Is This Lead Up To War With Iran?

YouTube Authorities don’t want viewers to hear the other side of the story. Print this page. Comment Rules 8 Responses to “Press TV Being Taken Off The Air In UK! Is This Lead Up To War With Iran?” Makes sense really, hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Still watch Press TV online, […]

Tokyo Hit With Fukushima Radiation

  Washington’s Blog October 14, 2011 CNN reports today: An extraordinarily high level of radiation was detected in one spot in a central Tokyo residential district Thursday, prompting the local government to cordon off the small area, local officials said. Radiation levels were higher in Tokyo’s Setagaya ward than in the evacuation area around the […]

OWS Protesters Storm Wall St., Get in Scuffle with Cops

  FRANK ROSARIO and DANNY GOLD New York Post October 14, 2011 It’s war! Hundreds of Occupy Wall Street protesters — emboldened by officials backing down this morning from evicting them from their Zuccotti Park campsite for a 7 a.m. cleaning — stormed Wall Street, leaping over barriers and getting into a fracas with cops. […]

PositiveID Corporation Receives VeriChip Order for Use With Israeli Military

PositiveID Corporation Press Release October 14, 2011 PositiveID Corporation (“PositiveID” or “Company”) PSID 0.00% , a developer of medical technologies for diabetes management, clinical diagnostics and bio-threat detection, announced today that it has received an order for its VeriChip(TM) microchip to be used for disaster preparedness and emergency management in Israel by an integration partner. The VeriChip […]

OWS, The Next Revolution is Here with Bryce Shonka

Infowars Nightly News October 14, 2011 Mike Adams talks with Bryce Shonka, the deputy director of the Tenth Amendment Center, about the Occupy Wall Street movement, now closing in on a month encamped in Lower Manhattan. Print this page. Comment Rules Leave a Reply You must be logged in to post a comment.

Occupy Iran Fast & Furious (Extended) with Pepe Escobar

Infowars Nightly News October 14, 2011 Mike Adams sits in for Alex. He interviews Brazil-based journalist Pepe Escobar, who writes for the Asia Times Online, about the bogus Iranian terror plot and the Obama administration’s move toward war. Mike runs down the latest fast moving developments on Iran and the efforts by the Obama administration, […]

Jackson, Jr: Obama should add jobs with ‘extra-constitutional’ action

  Nicholas Ballasy The Daily Caller October 13, 2011 Illinois Democratic Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. told The Daily Caller on Wednesday that congressional opposition to the American Jobs Act is akin to the Confederate “states in rebellion.” Jackson called for full government employment of the 15 million unemployed and said that Obama should “declare a […]

Iran Falsely Charged with Fake Terror Plot

by Stephen Lendman   Since Iran’s 1979 revolution and US hostage crisis, Washington’s been spoiling for a fight. The Carter administration considered invading and seizing its oil fields. Washington exploited Iran/Iraq tensions and encouraged Saddam Hussein to attack. Earlier Iran’s Shah was supported. After 1979, US foreign policy shifted. The Carter Doctrine pledged Middle East […]

Democratic governments don’t deal with terrorists – until they do

  Robert FiskThe Independent October 13, 2011 Once upon a time, we lived in a world where democratic governments did no deals with “terrorists”. No country promoted this nonsense more than Israel. And no Israeli leader repeated the mantra so often as one B Netanyahu Esq. After all, America never “gave way” to “terrorists”. No […]

Walgreens employees rewarded with iPads for meeting flu vaccination recruitment goals

  Mike AdamsNatural News October 13, 2011 (NaturalNews) Accounts are pouring in to NaturalNews that Walgreens customers feel they are being verbally harassed by Walgreens employees at the checkout counter over flu shots. Multiple accounts from NaturalNews readers describe aggressive verbal harassment by Walgreens employees who appear to be “over the top” in pushing flu […]

Alex Interviews Man with Autistic Son: Occupy The Fed Report

  Infowars Nightly News October 13, 2011 Alex defends autistic child from laughing police who think getting an adverse autoimmune response from vaccines is funny. Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Tweet about it Email   Print this page. Comment Rules 19 Responses to “Alex Interviews Man with Autistic Son: Occupy The […]

Goldman Sachs Rules The World with Trader, Alessio Rastani

Infowars Nightly News October 13, 2011 Alex talks with Alessio Rastani, a trader who claimed late last month that financial vampire Goldman Sachs rules the world. Print this page. Comment Rules Leave a Reply You must be logged in to post a comment.

Bring Back The Guillotine with Max Keiser

Infowars Nightly News October 13, 2011 Alex talks with broadcaster, film-maker, and former equities broker Max Keiser on the latest developments in the European Union and the move toward totalitarianism on the part of the globalists. Print this page. Comment Rules Leave a Reply You must be logged in to post a comment.

Senior official charged with vandalism to 135 cars

Tony Sage with another of his cars – a Ferrari that he auctioned earlier this year to raise money for Perth Glory. A senior public servant involved in running Western Australia’s prison system has been charged with vandalising 135 luxury cars, causing more than $400,000 damage. Gilles Gaudet, 46, was charged yesterday with 135 counts […]

Michael Savage Praises and Agrees with Ron Paul on al-Awlaki Assassination

YouTube October 12, 2011 Savage goes out on a limb and says he disagrees with the president murdering Americans without due process. Print this page. Comment Rules 5 Responses to “Michael Savage Praises and Agrees with Ron Paul on al-Awlaki Assassination” The due process is only neccesary in savage barbarian countries like Canada and Norway. […]

Md. TSA Agent Charged With Child Porn

WBALTV October 12, 2011 BALTIMORE — A Transportation Security Administration security officer is out on bail after he was arrested and charged with child pornography. Michael Scott Wilson, 41, has been suspended from his job following the arrest. Wilson was charged Monday with possession and distribution of child pornography after agents searched his Perry Hall […]

U.S.: Iran Plotted With Mexican Drug Cartel to Assassinate Saudi Ambassador

  Kurt Nimmo October 11, 2011 The United States has accused Iran of plotting to kill the Saudi ambassador to the United States and bomb the Saudi embassy in Washington, according to the embattled U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. Atty. Gen. Eric Holder and FBI Director Robert Mueller. Holder and the Justice Department claim […]

Is Iraq threatening to break its military links with US?

  FT October 11, 2011 Baghdad is threatening to break its military relations with Washington at the end of this year and use private contractors to train its armed forces, as the two sides struggle to agree on terms that would see a small number of American troops remain in Iraq next year. The two […]

Man charged with shooting teenager

Updated: 16:47, Tuesday October 11, 2011 A man has been charged after a teenager was shot in the leg while sitting in a parked car in a quiet Sunshine Coast suburb. The 19-year-old was one of three people sitting in the car on Rainforest Drive, Meridan Plains, on Monday night when a shot rang out, […]

Anti-war demonstrators attacked with pepper spray for protesting at tax payer-funded Air and Space Museum (Video)

Madison RuppertActivist Post October 10, 2011 The National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. was shut down when anti-war activists attempted to protest an exhibit promoting deadly military drones, for which they were attacked with pepper spray by security guards. John Gibbons, the Smithsonian’s spokesman, estimated that 100-200 people attempted to enter the National Mall […]

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