Posts Tagged ‘wife’

Survey Of Police Chiefs: ’76 Percent’ Say Armed Citizens Reduce Violent Crime

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US supplies Ukrainian army with advanced radar systems, clashes ongoing in Donbass

     The Ukrainian Army has received four advanced counterbattery radar systems and 10 countermortar radar systems from the United States military, according to Russian language news accounts. The systems, used at the battalion level by US troops, are among the most advanced of its type in the world. The systems enables the operator to pinpoint […]

Jew Rips-Off Coincidence Detector to Create Nazi Detector

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 26, 2016 Jews do nothing creative. They just take the ideas of White people, make them crappier, then market them better using their ethnic network. A Jew just ripped-off the TRS Coincidence Detector, creating a Nazi Detector. I took the (((Coincidence Detector))) and turned it into a tool for identifying white […]

jew infested state department demands obama bomb assad

report from the daily stormer ISIS is a horrible terrorist organization trying to overthrow the regime of Bashir Assad. The solution to this problem? Bomb the Assad regime. CNN says : More than 50 State Department officials signed an internal memo protesting U.S. policy in Syria, calling for targeted U.S. military strikes against the regime of Bashar […]

Finance Minister Says Closing Borders Will Drive Germans To Incest

Germany’s Finance Minister told a German newspaper this week that closing European borders would lead Germany to incest. Defending his government’s migration policy with a strange argument Wolfgang Schäuble told Die Zeit “Isolation is what would ruin us – it would lead us into incest” Sputnik news reports: “Muslims are an enrichment of our openness […]

The Daily Traditionalist: No Man Can Judge in His Own Cause

Radio Aryan June 10, 2016 Matthew Heimbach is joined by Sven Longshanks for another edition of The Daily Traditionalist, this time to discuss the issue of justice in America and in the West. Donald Trump has recently caused controversy by pointing out that the judge who will oversee a case against him is a Latino […]

Iran exports $ 15mn saffron in 1 month

Deputy Head of Iran’s Union of Sellers and Exporters of Saffron Gholamreza Miri said “a total of 10.344 tons of saffron was exported in the timespan of March 20 to April 19 indicating a 10-percent growth as compared with the same period a year earlier.” “The amount of exported saffron in the time period amounted […]

Video Shows Capabilities Of New German Tank

A video showing the capabilities of a new German tank, the MBT Revolution, has appeared on the internet. The tank is a modular upgrade of an ex-German Leopard 2A4 main battle tank. The video shows German technology company Rheinmetall’s MBT Revolution modular upgrade program, as a way of modifying main battle tanks for specific needs. […]

Reebok tramples on Palestinians with "Israel 68" sneaker

Ali Abunimah Activism and BDS Beat 9 May 2016 The “Israel 68” special edition sneaker from Reebok was announced in The Jerusalem Post. International sportswear brand Reebok has launched a special edition sneaker to commemorate the 68th anniversary of what Israel calls its “Independence Day.” The shoe, with the words “Israel 68” emblazoned on the […]

It’s OK to Hate Hollywood Leftists

Hunter WallaceOccidental Dissent May 7, 2016   I’m having a blast enjoying Donald Trump give his middle finger to the assorted cowards, pussies, cuckservatives, the Bush family, the constipated country club, Conservative, Republican establishment. I am especially excited about the growing Alt Right movement that is filled with very talented, young people who know how […]

Police Depts Nationwide Stockpiling Equipment for Massive Social Unrest

Makers of riot control products are seeing increased demand from law enforcement bodies across America who fear Ferguson-style civil unrest hitting other areas of the country, according to a new report. The report, published by Sandler Research, says that demand for surveillance drones is driving growth, with new systems […]

Corrections Officer Charged With Endangering Child, Claims He Doesn’t Know How To Lock A Door

A corrections officer with the Montford Unit in Lubbock, TX, has been arrested and charged for child endangerment and child neglect. The situation started when Officer Michael Blanco’s 3-year-old child walked through an open front door and wandered the streets alone – at  night. Officers were called to the scene and returned the child to […]

ALERT! Everyone who lives in these states needs to contact their governor and representatives to encourage this action to stop Obama’s invasion…

‘Wait a few days before you waste any prayers’ – Prince’s final words to fans as his death is confirmed

From: Editor’s note: The record producers, the managers and everyone else involved in Prince’s career is going to make a LOT of money on Prince’s death. Just as they did with Whitney Houston & Michael Jackson, who some have speculated was “taken out”. CNN is doing wall to wall coverage, […]

Feds Making Thousands Of Augmented Reality Surveillance Flights Across US

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Homeland Security have been running thousands of surveillance missions employing cellphone tracking and augmented reality technologies over US cities. According to a new investigation by BuzzFeed News that collected flight data logged by planes registered with the two agencies from the public tracking service, FlightRadar24, over 3,500 […]

Grandpa Lampshade: Thoughts of the Day–Where We Come From

Radio Aryan March 23, 2016 Grandpa Lampshade shares a bit of his own personal story on the journey to where he is today, illustrating how the small things we do can make a difference and bring people around to our way of thinking, helping them to understand the truths of this world. When we are […]

Academy disavows Oscars gift bag featuring Israel junket

Ali Abunimah Activism and BDS Beat 18 February 2016 Actor and 2016 Oscar nominee Mark Rylance is among more than 1,000 UK artists who have pledged not to go to Israel. (Garry Knight) The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has filed a lawsuit against Distinctive Assets, the company distributing a luxury gift bag […]

This Mother Lost Her Child, Because She Made A Mistake On Facebook. Keep Your Eyes Open

Founder of WorldTruth.Tv and Eddie (6836 Posts) Eddie L. is the founder and owner of WorldTruth.TV. and Both website are dedicated to educating and informing people with articles on powerful and concealed information from around the world. I have spent the last 36+ years researching Bible, History, Alternative Health, Secret Societies, Symbolism and […]

Trump Just Picked Up The Most BIZARRE Endorsement Yet… You Need To See This

Dean James III% AMERICAS FREEDOM FIGHTERS – If you watched the Republican debate Saturday night you might think that Donald Trump may have gone too far by hammering George W. Bush and the war in Iraq. You might think that he could have hurt his presidential campaign, and you may be right. Then again, you could […]

Race to Raqqa: The Syrian Army’s campaign to defeat Daesh

There is today a lot of indignation in “western” media over the Russian air campaign in Syria. One, two, three … hospitals were bombed! And schools! An the rebels lost more villages! Barrel bombs! Cluster bombs! One must ask how many of these “hospitals” were really hospitals and not just quarters for Jihadi “rebels”. From […]

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