Posts Tagged ‘stakes’

Experts say election brings new stakes to Earth Day

This fall’s election has major implications for America’s role in the fight against climate change. The two White House candidates, Joe Biden and Donald Trump, are worlds apart on global warming, and, as Earth Day arrives Monday, climate advocates warn that a second Trump administration could have dire consequences for the planet. “The difference between… […]

Four Twenty – Time for High Stakes

by Tore Says Show Tore Says that the CCP has captured all of the infrastructure of all the nations of the world. Contributed by Alexandra Bruce Contact The post Four Twenty – Time for High Stakes first appeared on Forbidden Knowledge TV. Source

Candace Owens ‘Stakes Entire Reputation’ On Fact That ‘Brigitte Macron Is a Man’

Candace Owens has stated she is willing to stake her entire reputation on the fact that the first lady of France Brigitte Macron was born male. The conservative pundit shared the results of her investigation […] The post Candace Owens ‘Stakes Entire Reputation’ On Fact That ‘Brigitte Macron Is a Man’ appeared first on The […]

Biden’s State of the Union address is seriously high stakes

The State of the Union may be one of the most vastly overrated speeches in all of politics. But not this year. The address President Joe Biden is set to deliver on Thursday night will come as the president faces intensifying worries about his age and vitality and a host of confounding international crises and […]

‘God & Country’ Documentary Highlights Threat of Christian Nationalism, Stakes of 2024 Election

“God & Country,” a new documentary produced by award-winning filmmaker Rob Reiner, focuses on the threat to democracy posed by the MAGA movement’s aggressive Christian nationalism—and the stakes in this year’s presidential election. The well-timed movie, directed by documentarian Dan Partland, opens in theaters Feb. 16. “God & Country” was inspired by the book “The Power […]

Putin Seizes Multi-Billion-Dollar OMV And Wintershall Stakes In Russian Ventures

By Tsvetana Paraskova of Germany’s Wintershall Dea and Austria’s OMV are being stripped of their multi-billion-dollar stakes in joint ventures developing natural gas projects in Russia under a decree by Vladimir Putin. The Russian president has signed a decree ordering that the shares of the two Western energy companies in the Yuzhno-Russkoye field and […]

Poland Prepares To Vote In A High-Stakes National Election With Foreign Ties And Democracy At Stake

Poland is holding an election Sunday that many view as its most important one since the 1989 vote that toppled communism. Source

The High Stakes in the Legal Battle for Free Speech

The ongoing war between the US Security State and the First Amendment is perhaps the most underreported development of the 21st century. Now, Missouri v. Biden may bring it to the Supreme Court.  Just two decades ago, the internet promised liberation as dictatorships would cave to the emerging swell of information. That was the hope, […]

Issue 1 Fails in Ohio Special Election, Raising Stakes for State Abortion Battle

In the Ohio special election on Tuesday night, Issue 1 — a measure that would have raised the threshold to pass amendments to the state constitution from 50 percent plus one to 60 percent — failed, with media outlets calling the election less than two hours after polls closed. Source

Blinken Set For High-Stakes China Visit To Cool Down Escalating Tensions

Shortly before leaving for China, Blinken emphasized the importance of the U.S. and China establishing and maintaining better lines of communication. Source

Boris Johnson endures high-stakes grilling over ‘partygate’

The former British prime minister has been giving testimony Wednesday, to a parliamentary enquiry into Downing Street parties during the pandemic. Source

Vampire Slaying Kit Sells During High-Stakes Bidding War

A vampire slaying kit has been sold for five times more than expected at an auction in Derbyshire, England. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Russia & Ukraine’s Militaries ‘On Alert’, Raise Stakes With Rival Combat Drills

“Russia staged military drills in the Black Sea, south of Ukraine, on Wednesday and said it needed to sharpen the combat-readiness of its conventional and nuclear forces because of heightened NATO activity near its borders,” Reuters reports of the new combat maneuvers. AP archive image: Ukrainian helicopters fly over a Russian warship during Sea Breeze […]

The High Stakes of the U.S.-Russia Confrontation Over Ukraine 

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies The border between post-coup Ukraine and the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, based on the Minsk Agreements. Map credit: Wikipedia A report in Covert Action Magazine from the self-declared Donetsk People’s Republic in Eastern Ukraine describes grave fears of a new offensive by Ukrainian government forces, after […]

Stakes in Afghanistan!

Speculations resting on numerous analyses are being voiced on what does withdrawal of United States from Afghanistan and take-over by Taliban really indicate? The former aspect is being viewed by most as defeat of the Superpower and the latter as probable return of terrorism to the country spelling distress for most, particularly women. Let us […]

Spain’s deputy PM resigns in high-stakes Madrid presidency bid after local govt calls snap election to avoid no-confidence vote

The left-wing deputy prime minister of Spain, Pablo Iglesias, has resigned and thrown his hat in the ring for the presidency of Madrid after the region’s government was forced out last week in a dramatic day for Spanish politics. On Monday, the Madrid-born leader of the Podemos party announced his resignation and intention to replace […]

Yemen’s Houthis Raise Stakes in Marib ‘Blood Bath’, Sources Say

Honor guards carry coffins of Houthi fighters killed in recent fighting against government forces in Yemen’s oil-rich province of Marib, during a funeral procession in Sanaa, Yemen February 20, 2021. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah/File Photo Hundreds of fighters have been killed in a weeks-long Houthi offensive on the Yemeni region of Marib, military sources and a local […]

‘The stakes in this race are high’: pro-Israel lobbying group attacks Nina Turner for not condemning BDS

Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI) has endorsed Shontel Brown in Ohio’s 11th district congressional race. This week they sent an email out to their supporters, attacking candidate Nina Turner for being a critic of Israel. Today, DMFI PAC is proud to endorse @ShontelMBrown for congress in the OH-11 special election. Councilwoman Brown is an effective […]

Redefine Meat Stakes Claim In Vegan Meat Space, Raising $29M For Commercial Launch

Three years after launching a mission to replace meat with plant-based substitutes using 3D printing technology, Israeli food tech startup Redefine Meat is carving out an important spot in the vegan meat space. Last summer, Redefine Meat unveiled the world’s first plant-based 3D-printed steak (Alt-Steak) that looks, cooks, and tastes like beef. And in January, the startup launched a large-scale […]

Trump and Biden campaign in Georgia ahead of high stakes Senate elections

President Donald Trump was in Georgia on Monday evening, ahead of two high stakes runoffs which will determine control of the US Senate. If Republicans win one or both, they will retain a slim majority and can block incoming President Joe Biden’s legislative goals and judicial nominees. If Democrats prevail in both seats, it’s an […]

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