Posts Tagged ‘escalating’

Palestinians Condemn Arrest of Prof. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, Call for Escalating Academic Boycott Campaigns

Palestinians Condemn Arrest of Prof. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, Call for Escalating Academic Boycott Campaigns Update The internationally renowned Palestinian feminist scholar was arrested by Israeli forces in occupied Jerusalem.  Academic Boycott April 18, 2024 By:  Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) Source

Silwan faces escalating home demolitions in fight against messianic settlers

Home demolitions in East Jerusalem are rampant, but none more than in Silwan, where messianic settlers backed by the state are attempting to establish fanciful “archaeological” parks on top of Palestinian homes.  Source

Tragedy in Gaza: The killing of Refaat Alareer and the escalating humanitarian crisis

Image Credit: The Star A devastating Israeli airstrike on Shejaiya resulted in the world losing not just individuals but also voices of resistance and culture. Among them was Refaat Alareer, a prominent Palestinian professor, writer, and activist. The 44-year-old academic’s death, along with his brother, sister, and her four children, has sent shockwaves through the […]

Biden, Xi meet for the first time in over a year amid escalating tensions between the U.S. and China

Biden, Xi meet for the first time in over a year amid escalating tensions between the U.S. and China President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping shook hands for the first time in over a year on Wednesday, Nov. 16 and met for high-level talks amid dangerously escalating tensions between the United States and […]

The censoring of truth is escalating: read the battle one alternative media is facing

This comes from Unbelievable moves to shut them down from pulling Paypal to the bank keeping THEIR funds! Those still asleep ask yourself, what do they not want you to know? EWNZ Read their newsletter copied below & consider supporting them in some way… financially and/or sharing their call for help, they are a […]

Lindsey Graham Says “Only Way” To Keep Hamas-Israel From Escalating Is To Attack Iran’s Oil

Lindsey Graham Says “Only Way” To Keep Hamas-Israel From Escalating Is To Attack Iran’s Oil Republican Senator Lindsey Graham apparently isn’t worried about the price of oil. The hawkish Senator took to Fox News earlier this week, amidst the Hamas attacks on Israel, and immediately called for the U.S. to strike Iran and, specifically, the country’s […]

Blinken Set For High-Stakes China Visit To Cool Down Escalating Tensions

Shortly before leaving for China, Blinken emphasized the importance of the U.S. and China establishing and maintaining better lines of communication. Source

Sharm El-Sheikh summit: Hamas supports escalating resistance against occupation

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas announced on Friday that it advocates escalating resistance against the Israeli occupation, which has intensified its crimes against Palestinians, Al-Resalah newspaper reported. This came in press remarks delivered by senior Hamas leader Musa Abu Marzouq, who stressed that the Sharm El-Sheikh meeting plans to rein in Palestinian resistance. Regarding […]

Iran executes British-Iranian government official escalating tensions with the West

The hanging of Ali Reza Akbari has caused anger in London. Source

Fatah calls for escalating resistance against settlers

Fatah yesterday called on Palestinians to escalate the popular resistance against attacks of Israeli Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank, Anadolu reported. This came during a meeting of Fatah’s Central Committee in Ramallah to discuss the continuous settler attacks on Palestinians, sharp rise of settlement activities and increasing raids of religious sites including Al-Aqsa Mosque. According […]

Who is Responsible for the Escalating Situation between the Taliban and Tajikistan?

In recent days, various media outlets have pointed to a very noticeable aggravation of the situation on the border between Afghanistan and Tajikistan. The border between the two States is more than 1,400 kilometers long. Mutual threats are heard from both sides, and military units are being brought to the border from both sides. According […]

Prosecutor Delayed Escalating Hunter Biden Probe Until After The Election

The federal prosecutor who was investigating Hunter Biden’s alleged tax law violations and dodgy overseas business dealings reportedly decided to keep the public in the dark about the probe until after the 2020 presidential election. It was to avoid impacting the race’s outcome, according to a report by Politico. Brietbart reports: According to the news […]

Diplomatic efforts so far fail to prevent Israel-Gaza conflict from escalating

Funerals were held in Gaza City on Saturday for eight children and two adults from the Abu Hatab family who’d been living in a refugee camp, just hours earlier Israel had flattened their three-storey house in an airstrike. Since Monday night, Hamas has fired hundreds of rockets and Israel has pounded the Gaza Strip killing […]

ICC prosecutor warns against crimes in escalating Israeli-Palestinian violence

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Ben-Gurion closes to arriving flights amid escalating conflict

Ben-Gurion Airport began rerouting all inbound flights to Ramon International Airport in southern Israel on Thursday morning, as terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip continued to launch rockets into Israeli territory. Departing flights will still take off from Ben-Gurion Airport.United Airlines, Delta Airlines and American Airlines have canceled flights between the United States and Tel […]

How Netanyahu stands to gain from the escalating violence in Palestine

In what has almost become a part of the circle of life for the Palestinian people, they are, yet again, being subjected to brutal crackdown by the Israeli government. It almost seems natural at this point – the Palestinian people resist the occupation and violation of their basic human rights, Israel proceeds to beat, choke, […]

UN Security Council to hold emergency meet on escalating Jerusalem violence

NEW YORK — The UN Security Council will convene an emergency session on Monday morning to discuss the escalating violence in Jerusalem, including major clashes on the Temple Mount. The session will be held hours before a scheduled annual march of thousands of Jewish nationalists through the Old City in what some security officials fear […]

Army and cops bolster forces amid escalating Jerusalem violence, Gaza threats

A day after some of the worst violence in Jerusalem for years saw 200 Palestinians and 17 Israeli police officers wounded, Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi announced on Saturday that troop levels would be bolstered. The announcement came after Defense Minister Benny Gantz held an assessment of the security situation with senior […]

What’s behind the escalating tensions in eastern Ukraine?

MOSCOW (AP) — Tensions are rising over the conflict in eastern Ukraine, with growing violations of a cease-fire and a massive Russian military buildup near its border with the region. Ukraine and the West have become worried about the Russian troops’ concentration and have urged Moscow to pull them back. Russia has argued that it’s […]

Ukraine to hold join military drills with NATO amid escalating tensions with Russia

Ukraine’s military announced Saturday that it will hold joint military drills with NATO troops later this year amid escalating violence with pro-Russian separatists in the eastern part of the country. The armed forces said in a statement on Facebook that the drills will be held with more than 1,000 military personnel from at least five NATO member states […]

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