Posts Tagged ‘epidemic’

A Silent Epidemic With Far-Reaching Health Consequences

From Story at-a-glance Fatty liver disease used to be a disease seen almost exclusively in the elderly, primarily heavy drinkers. The first documented cases of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) didn’t come until I was in medical school in 1980.1 At the time, the researchers described it as a “hitherto unnamed liver disease of […]

Cancer epidemic gathers pace worldwide

By Greg Hunter October 11, 2023 Dr. Ryan Cole is a Board-Certified pathologist.  Dr. Cole is an expert in postmortem examination and has treated more than 500,000 patients.  He has a prestigious resume, including a five-year stint at the Mayo Clinic. Dr. Cole has been fighting the CV19 narrative from infection to injection from the very beginning […]

mRNA Chemicals Have Triggered Worldwide VAIDS Epidemic, Scientist Warn

Scientists are raising the alarm after an official new study shows that Covid mRNA jabs are responsible for a worldwide epidemic of vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (VAIDS). Just like AIDS, the disease attacks the body’s natural […] The post mRNA Chemicals Have Triggered Worldwide VAIDS Epidemic, Scientist Warn appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Beverly Hills: High-End Retail Stores Shuttered amid Smash-and-Grab Epidemic

High-end retail shops in California’s iconic Beverly Hills have reportedly begun to shutter their doors amid an epidemic of robberies.  Source

Destiny Rezendes Interview – A 2019 CIA Epidemic Plan Outlines Near Exactly What Happened In 2020

Joining me today Destiny Rezendez, here to discuss yet another of her very revealing and insightful threads. Destiny discovered a very important document from 2019 (that I had not seen prior to her work) in which In-Q-Tel, the venture capital firm of the CIA, outlined near exactly what later took place during the COVID-19 illusion […]

VOCI – Epidemic of Homosexuality in the RCC

EURO FOLK RADIO VOCI – Epidemic of Homosexuality in the RCC Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Share this: Source

Red Sea epidemic kills off sea urchins, imperilling coral

A deadly epidemic that is spreading through the Red Sea has killed off an entire species of sea urchin in the Gulf of Aqaba, imperilling the region’s uniquely resilient coral reefs, an Israeli research team has found, Reuters reports. The whole population of black sea urchins, a species known for helping keep coral reefs healthy […]

The China “epidemic”: lying about viruses

by Jon Rappoport January 29, 2020 In my ongoing series of articles (archive here), I’ve already established at least a dozen reasons for rejecting the coronavirus story. In particular, demanding that we believe the coronavirus is responsible for an epidemic is absurd. In this article, I’m going to cover another angle. In contemporary history, the […]

The new epidemic of self-silencing plagues America

A new study by the Populace organization revealed the obvious: that Americans are “self-silencing” — people saying what they think others want to hear rather than what they truly feel. Source

Biden Admin Is Taking ‘Executive Action’ On Epidemic Of US Gun Violence

The new White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced on Tuesday that the Biden administration is looking at “executive actions” on gun control. “It is an epidemic, the gun violence we are seeing across the […] The post Biden Admin Is Taking ‘Executive Action’ On Epidemic Of US Gun Violence appeared first on News Punch.

Real Investigative Journalist VOX: Rockefeller’s Planned Ebola Virus Epidemic and CDC Patented Ebola Virus!

Vaccine Epidemic: Young European Politicians Are ‘Suddenly and Unexpectedly’ Dropping Dead

Dozens of young, healthy European mayors have dropped dead within the last two years, leaving doctor’s baffled and concerned. Since December 2020, many sudden and unexpected deaths of mayors under 60 years old have occurred in Germany and Austria. Questions are now being raised about whether these elected officials died as a result of taking […]

Epidemic of Heart Disease Caused By Covid Vaccines

Epidemic of Heart Disease Caused By Covid Vaccines LewRockwell / Dr. Mark Sircus Pandemic, epidemic, or a medical emergency. No matter what we call it, people suffering from vascular disease have dramatically increased, and too many are dying from it. Not only is there no vaccine possible for heart disease, but in all probability, the […]

The Gang Rape Epidemic in Germany

Renegade Editor’s Note: This article has been adapted from a message sent to me. Statistically, two girls or women are raped by groups of men every day in Germany. This is the finding of a Bild inquiry to the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA). Every second suspect in the crime had no German “nationality” (i.e., […]

Trump on Crime Wave: ‘Bloodshed and Violence Reaching Epidemic Proportions’

Speaking to a crowd of thousands on the final day of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), former President Donald Trump called attention to the crime wave plaguing Democrat-run cities. “The bloodshed and violence in these cities is reaching epidemic proportions,” he said on Sunday, noting big percentage boosts in crime in cities like Los […]

Merkel’s Germany Faces ‘EPIDEMIC’ of Rampant Child Rape & Pedophilia

Millions of German children are subjected to rape and child abuse as pedophile’s in Germany feel more empowered than ever under Angela Merkel’s rule. According activist Julia von Weiler, from the German branch of global NGO Innocence in Danger, the sex abuse of children in Germany is now at epidemic levels. The problem authorities face in […]

How To Create An “Epidemic” (NZ Doctor Sam Bailey)

Dr Bailey has co-authored a book, Virus Mania. Info to purchase is below. Hear her speak, link to the video at the end… Dr. Sam Bailey242K subscribers Is an epidemic always a true epidemic? Watch the 3rd part of the video (Interview with Dr Claus Köhnlein) here:… Please support my channel ▶… Leave me […]

‘Cancer Epidemic’ Sweeps Britain Due to Gov’t Stay at Home Orders

An enormous cancer epidemic has swept across the UK following the government’s stay-at-home orders last year in response to the coronavirus pandemic. According to Cancer Reserach UK, 304,555 fewer patients were referred to hospitals for urgent checks by GPs in the last year compared to the previous year. This represents a staggering 13 percent drop. […]

How Chemical Farming Created an Epidemic of Chronic Disease WATCH: How Chemical Farming Created an Epidemic of Chronic DiseaseChildren’s Health Defense » Feed For thousands of years, civilizations have been controlled through their food chain — our world today is no exception. And with a global population of 7.8 billion, controlling the global food supply is big business. What impact does the control […]

Watch Bill Gates Stating That an ‘Intentionally Caused Epidemic is the Most Likely Thing to Cause 10 Million Excess Deaths’

I don’t know about you, but I find Bill Gates to be one of the weirdest, most ghoulish people out there. Bill Gates is not a doctor, or a scientist, or a politician. Yes, I am sure you already know this, but in this day and age, where he’s treated like all of the above, […]

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