Posts Tagged ‘outlines’

Ben Norton Outlines How the US is the Biggest Obstacle to World Peace

Just in case anyone should doubt this, Ben gives chapter and verse of US performance at the UN over many years, culminating in its most recent shameless veto blocking Palestine from becoming a full member. Source

Henry Curteis Teds candidate for West Mercia outlines his plans to bring back visible policing to the region.

The trend is worldwide.  This next video from a troubled town in Queensland, Australia shows how it is done.  Patrols On Wheels. Source

New UN report outlines the ‘Anatomy of a Genocide’ in Gaza

Last week, the UN Special Rapporteur on Occupied Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese issued a report titled “Anatomy of a Genocide,” concluding that there are “reasonable grounds to believe” that the threshold indicating the commission of the crime of genocide has been met.  Such reports are not usually titled, but the title itself depicts the nature […]

TCCIMA trade development committee outlines plans for next 2 years

TEHRAN – The second meeting of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture (TCCIMA)’s Trade Development and Facilitation Committee was held on Saturday during which the members of the committee discussed their programs for the next two years. Source

Destiny Rezendes Interview – A 2019 CIA Epidemic Plan Outlines Near Exactly What Happened In 2020

Joining me today Destiny Rezendez, here to discuss yet another of her very revealing and insightful threads. Destiny discovered a very important document from 2019 (that I had not seen prior to her work) in which In-Q-Tel, the venture capital firm of the CIA, outlined near exactly what later took place during the COVID-19 illusion […]

Exclusive — Heritage Action Outlines Principles for Potential Ukraine Aid Package

Heritage Action for America Acting Executive Director Ryan Walker outlined the principles by which a future Ukraine aid package should be accepted. Source

New report outlines how Golda Meir’s Israel poisoned Palestinian land in ethnic cleansing operation

In the early 1970s, Golda Meir’s government poisoned the lands of Aqraba in the West Bank to force out its Palestinian inhabitants and clear the way for an illegal Jewish settlement. Source

Rand Paul Slams Alarmist Default Rhetoric, Outlines Fiscal Reform Plan

Senator Rand Paul has slammed ‘doomsday’ talk regarding the debt ceiling and a potential default, saying that such rhetoric is “completely dishonest.” Appearing on Fox Business with Larry Kudlow, Paul noted that such alarmism will “worry the markets, and is bad for the country and bad for all of us,” further explaining that “There is […]

Adams outlines ‘Working People’s Agenda’ in State of the City speech

Adams outlines ‘Working People’s Agenda’ in State of the City speech lead image Source

German bishop outlines new guidelines, mandates priests accept homosexuality, transgenderism

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Leftists have taken over nearly every institution that made Western civilization so successful and great, including the Christian faith, as evidenced by the growing number of denominations now actively advocating the opposite of what Jesus and the Bible teach.The latest example comes from Germany, where a Catholic bishop … [Read More…] Source

Capitol Report (Sept. 23): House GOP Outlines Vision Before Midterms; Biden Makes Election Promises in DNC Speech

House Republicans showcased their “Commitment to America” plan—their promise to the people in the run-up to the midterms. We’ll hear from the House Republican leader himself to find out more about the GOP’s plan for a “new direction.” President Joe Biden pushed back against the Republicans’ proposed agenda Friday, attending an event by the Democratic […]

Anti-Putin official outlines plan to unify Russians behind bid to oust leader

    Vladimir Putin can be removed from power with popular dissent, an anti-Kremlin official said, as he exposes his plot to force the Russian President out of power. The anti-Kremlin official Dmitry Palyuga is on a mission to force Vladimir Putin out of power. With his fellow municipal deputies from St. Petersburg, deputy Palyuga […]

Anti-Putin official outlines plan to unify Russians behind bid to oust leader

    Vladimir Putin can be removed from power with popular dissent, an anti-Kremlin official said, as he exposes his plot to force the Russian President out of power. The anti-Kremlin official Dmitry Palyuga is on a mission to force Vladimir Putin out of power. With his fellow municipal deputies from St. Petersburg, deputy Palyuga […]

Anti-Putin official outlines plan to unify Russians behind bid to oust leader

    Vladimir Putin can be removed from power with popular dissent, an anti-Kremlin official said, as he exposes his plot to force the Russian President out of power. The anti-Kremlin official Dmitry Palyuga is on a mission to force Vladimir Putin out of power. With his fellow municipal deputies from St. Petersburg, deputy Palyuga […]

Anti-Putin official outlines plan to unify Russians behind bid to oust leader

    Vladimir Putin can be removed from power with popular dissent, an anti-Kremlin official said, as he exposes his plot to force the Russian President out of power. The anti-Kremlin official Dmitry Palyuga is on a mission to force Vladimir Putin out of power. With his fellow municipal deputies from St. Petersburg, deputy Palyuga […]

World Economic Forum Outlines Plan to ‘ABOLISH’ Free Speech (Video)

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has called for the complete abolishment of free speech across the globe as part of its agenda to usher in a ‘New World Order.’ “We are finding ourselves in a […] The post World Economic Forum Outlines Plan to ‘ABOLISH’ Free Speech (Video) appeared first on News Punch.

Biden Executive Order Outlines Plan for Central Bank Digital Currency as the U.S. Dollar’s Status as the #1 World Currency is Almost Over

Biden Executive Order Outlines Plan for Central Bank Digital Currency as the U.S. Dollar’s Status as the #1 World Currency is Almost Over   by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News Last week the White House published the “Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets” that will pave the way to a Central […]

Iranian Parliament research service outlines steps for verification of sanctions lifting

Iranian Parliament research service outlines steps for verification of sanctions lifting – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – The Iranian Parliament’s research service has published a one-of-a-kind report on how to verify a potential lifting of U.S. sanctions on Iran from the Iranian perspective in case the Vienna talks culminated in an agreement.  The 33-page report, titled Verification […]

French PM outlines new virus measures amid spike in infections

French Prime Minister Jean Castex announced a series of new COVID-19 measures on Monday as the country grapples with a spike in infections. “The virus is circulating on all the territory” and “pressure is rising in hospitals,” Castex told reporters at a press conference. According to figures released by the French public health agency, 12,096 […]

Ayatollah Khamenei outlines blueprint for scientific leap

Ayatollah Khamenei outlines blueprint for scientific leap – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei on Wednesday morning laid out the contours of scientific progress for Iran in a meeting with distinguished scientific scholars and academic elites. The Leader underlined that Iran enjoyed God-given talents and minds that are capable […]

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