Posts Tagged ‘lapid’

Yair Lapid conducts damage control with wavering allies: Democrats and American Jews

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid made a low-key visit to the U.S. this week to shore up unconditional support among Democrats and American Jews, and to bolster his case as an alternative to Netanyahu. Source

Lapid: ‘Making Ben-Gvir responsible for Al-Aqsa Mosque led to disaster’

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid on Friday accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of causing a disaster by assigning National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir responsibility for Al-Aqsa Mosque. Ma'an News Agency disclosed that Lapid accused Netanyahu of knowing that giving the National Security portfolio to Ben-Gvir, which made him responsible for Al-Aqsa Mosque, would lead […]

Knesset Approves Apartheid in Occupied West Bank, Lapid Accuses Netanyahu of Leading ‘Israel’ into Civil War

January 11, 2023 The Israeli Knesset passed on Tuesday the so-called “Emergency Regulations in Judea and Samaria” or Apartheid. The “temporary” measure is voted on every five years. The bill was first adopted in 1967 after ‘Israel’ occupied the West Bank. It addresses the legal status of Zionist settlers living in the occupied West Bank […]

Israel Lapid slams politicians’ incitement against army commanders

Outgoing Israeli Prime Minister, Yair Lapid, on Wednesday, slammed what he described as "wild incitement" against commanders of the Israeli army, Anadolu News Agency reports. Lapid's statement was made in response to criticism of extremist politician, Itamar Ben-Gvir, to the army punishment of soldiers who assaulted Israeli activists last week in the West Bank city […]

Netanyahu seeks to include Lapid, Gantz in cabinet to avoid international isolation

Likud Head Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking to include Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid in his cabinet to avoid international isolation, Israel's public broadcaster Kan reported on Friday. "Netanyahu does not want to endanger his government by giving far-right representatives such as Itamar Ben-Gvir sovereign portfolios," Kan disclosed, according to Al-Watan Voice. Kan also reported that […]

Israeli PM Lapid Concedes Defeat To Netanyahu In Election

Netanyahu is expected to form the country’s most right-wing government in history when he takes power, likely in the coming weeks. Source

Lapid’s misleading two-state solution

Addressing the world leaders on Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister, Yair Lapid, clearly declared his support for the two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, stressing this is even the best solution for all current problems for the State of Israel and for the future of Israeli children. “An agreement with the Palestinians, based on two States […]

Lapid hails UK Premier comment on possible embassy move to Jerusalem

Israeli Prime Minister, Yair Lapid, on Thursday welcomed the comment of his British counterpart, Liz Truss, over reviewing the possibility of moving the UK embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Anadolu News Agency reports. Lapid thanked Truss on his Twitter account over the issue, adding he “will continue to strengthen the partnership between the two […]

Netanyahu accuses Lapid of surrendering to Hezbollah over Karish gas field

Benjamin Netanyahu accused Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid yesterday of surrendering to threats made by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah concerning the disputed Karish gas field in the Mediterranean Sea. “Lapid totally folded in the face of Nasrallah’s threats,” said the Israeli opposition leader on Twitter. “He wants to hand over the gas to Lebanon, a […]

Netanyahu accuses Lapid of surrendering to Hezbollah over Karish gas field

Benjamin Netanyahu accused Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid yesterday of surrendering to threats made by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah concerning the disputed Karish gas field in the Mediterranean Sea. “Lapid totally folded in the face of Nasrallah’s threats,” said the Israeli opposition leader on Twitter. “He wants to hand over the gas to Lebanon, a […]

Netanyahu accuses Lapid of surrendering to Hezbollah over Karish gas field

Benjamin Netanyahu accused Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid yesterday of surrendering to threats made by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah concerning the disputed Karish gas field in the Mediterranean Sea. “Lapid totally folded in the face of Nasrallah’s threats,” said the Israeli opposition leader on Twitter. “He wants to hand over the gas to Lebanon, a […]

Netanyahu ‘blows a fuse’ over Lapid’s Karish concessions to Hezbollah

Source: Al Mayadeen Net By Al Mayadeen English  Former Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu says Yair Lapid panicked and retreated following Sayyed Nasrallah’s threats, thus yielding to Lebanese demands. Former Israeli occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his political rival, Israeli PM Yair Lapid Former Israeli occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed Tuesday his political rival, Israeli […]

Abu Shehadeh: ‘Arab parties conspire against Balad to appease Lapid’

Head of the National Democratic Alliance (Balad) Sami Abu Shehadeh announced on Friday that heads of Arab parties have decided to turn their backs on Balad in favour of Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid. In a video on his Facebook page, Abu Shehadeh asserted that the head of the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, […]

Abu Shehadeh: ‘Arab parties conspire against Balad to appease Lapid’

Head of the National Democratic Alliance (Balad) Sami Abu Shehadeh announced on Friday that heads of Arab parties have decided to turn their backs on Balad in favour of Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid. In a video on his Facebook page, Abu Shehadeh asserted that the head of the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, […]

Israel’s Lapid benefits from pause in Iran talks

TEHRAN – In a commentary on September 9, Al-Monitor said the buzz is that an Iran nuclear deal may be deferred until the November elections in both Israel and the United States and whether a return to deal matters more in Tel Aviv than Washington. In the United States, no one will be switching their […]

Israel fails to coordinate call between Lapid and Biden: local media says

Israel’s Channel 13 said that the government tried to coordinate a phone call between Prime Minister, Yair Lapid, and US President, Joe Biden, about the Iranian file, but it did not succeed. The Channel said, “When asked by Israeli officials for the phone call, the White House replied that Biden was unavailable as he is […]

Gaza attack was ‘incredible boost’ and ‘good debut’ for Yair Lapid

Israeli PM Yair Lapid’s unprovoked attack on Gaza that killed 17 children was part of a “good debut” for him with Israeli voters in his race against Netanyahu, says Tal Shalev of Walla News. Lapid faces the “hatred” of rightwing media, who echo Netanyahu’s racist talking point, Lapid can only form the next government with […]

The ‘NYTimes’ hides why Israel is attacking Gaza — Prime Minister Lapid is running for re-election

The ‘NYTimes’ bias is clear as it attempts to blame Palestinians for Israel’s latest deadly unprovoked attack on Gaza . Source

Israel ‘will respond swiftly and forcefully to any fire’ from Gaza, says Lapid

Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid said on Sunday that Israel "will respond swiftly and forcefully to any fire" launched from the Gaza Strip, which has been under a strict Israeli siege for 15 years. He made no mention of the fact that fire from Gaza is in response to the root cause of the conflict […]

Biden and Lapid Declaration: Iran, Hezbollah Main Concern

July 15, 2022 By Staff, Agencies The Zionist entity’s Prime Minister Yair Lapid and US President Joe Biden on Thursday unveiled the so-called “Al-Quds [Jerusalem] Declaration on the US-Israel Strategic Partnership”. The declaration reaffirms “the unbreakable bonds” between Tel Aviv and Washington, which are “based on a bedrock of shared values, shared interests, and true […]

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