Posts Tagged ‘play’

Top aide to Iranian commander calls on Russia to use S-400 missile shield against all hostile aircraft in Syria

A look at Iranian newspaper front pages on July 9 Newspapers on Saturday covered the remarks by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, in two separate speeches. The… Source Article from

8 Revelations From 2016 That Completely Vindicate “Conspiracy Theorists”

2nd July 2016 By Claire Bernish It could easily be said 2016 has been the year so-called conspiracy theorists were vindicated. Before explaining why that is the case, make no mistake — the term conspiracy theorist originated with the CIA as an effort to discredit viable theories from credible people who chanced upon the truth. First revealed […]

Newly discovered species of bacteria linked to linked to gum disease, cystic fibrosis and antimicrobial resistance

     Parasitic bacteria that are entirely dependent on the other bacteria they infect have been discovered for the first time, in human spit. The tiny cells have gone undetected for decades, but appear to be linked to gum disease, cystic fibrosis and antimicrobial resistance. We only know of one other strain of bacteria that can […]

Robot Escapes Lab And Makes A Break For Freedom In Russia

A crafty robot was able to escape the clutches of scientific research and make a dash for freedom outside a research lab in Perm, Russia on Tuesday. The robot, named Promobot, was being taught to move around on its own when a worker reportedly left a gate open. Promobot traveled about 164 feet, stopping in […]

Tell Me Another Story…

There is one particular thing that the Jews are robbing our people of – the experience of the Family. This is understandable to anyone who knows what is currently going on in the world – that White genocide is not a Conspiracy, but a Reality; that the Jewish New World Order cannot exist without destroying the idea […]

Iran, Russia, Afghanistan hold security meeting in Kabul: Sources

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – National security officials from Iran, Russia and Afghanistan held a trilateral meeting in Kabul on Thursday to coordinate action against terrorism and narcotics, Afghan sources reported. According to Tasnim dispatches, the meeting was held at the level of deputy heads of national security bodies of the three nations at the Arg, the […]

Seven days in Hebron

I took off for Hebron on a Sunday morning, on a number 405 bus from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Throngs of Israeli soldiers filled the station, soldiers on the move, barely more than teenagers, large backpacks and automatic weapons flung over their shoulders, smart phones in their hands. Sitting beside me on the bus, a […]

Holocaust survivor and activist for justice Hedy Epstein dies at 91

The following obituary for Hedy Epstein was sent to us by Dianne Lee. Epstein was a friend and mentor to us at Mondoweiss, and she will be sorely missed.  Holocaust survivor Hedy Epstein, 91, died at her home in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, on May 26, 2016. An internationally renowned, respected and admired advocate for human […]

“Yes We Can!” From Spain To Britain To America, Revitalized Left Is Emerging

Print Friendly Above Photo: From “When you study successful transformational movements, you see that the key to success is to establish a certain identity between your analysis and what the majority feels.” — Pablo Iglesias, General Secretary of the Spanish Podemos Party It took most American news media many months to realize that there was […]

America following in footsteps of Venezuela with polluted water, infrastructure failures and economic collapse

(NaturalNews) Americans enamored with Sen. Bernie Sanders’ socialist economic plans – which essentially amount to taxing the rich (a lot – to the point where they’d leave the country), along with everyone who earns a wage, so that government could make lots of things like college, healthcare and day care for kids “free” […]

Hillary Clinton Supporters Must Have Their Heads Buried In The Sand

If you are a Hillary Clinton supporter then you have either your head buried in the sand or are ignorant of Karma (the laws of cause and effect). Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton dominated the last CNN presidential debate by being allowed, with the help of the presstitute media, to gain the upper hand. The […]

Israel demands correction from Sanders: it killed only 532 Palestinian children in summer 2014

As the New York primary heats up, it’s terrific news that the media and Bernie Sanders are sparring over how many civilians Israel killed in Gaza in 2014. Sanders’s Jewishness is obviously giving this story resonance. The fact that Sanders is Jewish sends a signal to all Americans that it’s not anti-Semitic to criticize Israel. […]

NATO Paved The Way For ISIS To Take Palmyra

American author Daniel Lazare blames American action and inaction for the capture of the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra last year, which was liberated recently by the Syrian Arab Army. Washington and its allies in the Middle East funneled arms to terror groups such as Daesh and al-Qaeda and later sat back and watched as Palmyra […]

81yo woman sues Israeli airline after being asked to move for ultra-Orthodox Jew

The incident occurred on December 2, 2015, when Renee Rabinowitz was traveling from New York to Tel Aviv on El Al Airlines. Shortly before the plane doors closed, the passenger who had been allocated the window seat in Rabinowitz’s row boarded the aircraft. Upon seeing Rabinowitz, the man – who was wearing ultra-Orthodox garb – […]

Creating an alternative world thru solidarity and collectivity — SF State Univ and Birzeit team up for conference

Birzeit University in Palestine released the following report on a recent conference at Birzeit, under the title, “A Comparative Approach Discusses Liberation Movements Resistance History.” Dimensions of the Palestinian, Indigenous and third world liberation struggles and resistance were marked this week at the 7th annual conference of “Struggles for Freedom” organized by the Institute of Women’s […]

Library of Congress to stop using ‘illegal’ and ‘alien’ to describe immigrants, group says

From: The Library of Congress will no longer use the words “illegal” and “alien” to describe undocumented immigrants after Dartmouth College students petitioned for the change, the group said Wednesday. Instead, the Library of Congress will use the terms “non-citizen” and “unauthorized immigrants” in subject headings to refer to undocumented […]

Ted Cruz Copulates with Rats – But Not Donald Trump!

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer March 26, 2016 Ted Cruz has totally lost his crap. At a press conference yesterday, talking about his sex scandal, he said “let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him.” There is no single word in that sentence that can be […]

‘Dancing in minefield’: Erdogan warns Kurdish militants may hit Europe

The angry remarks came after supporters of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which Ankara views as a terrorist group, were allowed to set up protest tents near the venue, hosting an EU-Turkey summit on immigration on Thursday and Friday. Europe is “dancing in a minefield” by directly or indirectly supporting terrorist groups, Erdogan said at […]

Japanese PM Shinzo Abe Sends Envoy to Mozambique to Boost Bilateral Relations

nsnbc : Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe deployed special envoy Ken Shimanouchi to Mozambique to boost bilateral relations between Japan and Mozambique, with focus on infrastructures and training of human resources. The development comes as Japan has a rapidly growing need for natural gas and Mozambique is poised to become the world’s second-largest exporter of […]

Debunking the Western propaganda surrounding blunt force death of RT founder

The mysterious November 5, 2015 death in DC of a former Putin media minister has gone from strange to weird. Ever since Mikhail Lesin was discovered dead in his hotel room, imaginative theories have abounded about what happened. They’ve included: Putin did it because Lesin knew too much.      The death was connected with his […]

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