Posts Tagged ‘melting’

China Unveils New ‘Mind-Melting’ Weapon That Causes Instant Brain Damage

China is gearing up for World War 3 by readying a disturbing cache of mind-melting weapons, experts have warned. According to reports, the Chinese military have access to weapons that are capable of rendering the […] The post China Unveils New ‘Mind-Melting’ Weapon That Causes Instant Brain Damage appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

‘Sick Monster Disguised As a Clown’: Robert De Niro Can’t Stop Melting Down Over Trump

Hollywood actor Robert De Niro has a long history of melting down in public over Donald J. Trump, and as we hurtle towards the November election it appears his case of Trump Derangement Syndrome is […] The post ‘Sick Monster Disguised As a Clown’: Robert De Niro Can’t Stop Melting Down Over Trump appeared first […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Melting Down

VDare melts down over the destruction of a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee that once stood in Charlottesville, declaring it to be “a humiliating act of anti-white hatred.” Jon Miller says that calling Nikki Haley a “Zionist c*nt” doesn’t even do her justice. Josiah David Moody proclaims that he is “antisemitic and anti-Zionist” […]

New study reveals melting ice shelves in Antarctica inevitable no matter the climate initiatives

The analysis shows the rate at which the melting of ice shelves floating in the Amundsen Sea in west Antarctica is three times faster in this century than the 20th century. Source

The Permafrost is Melting, Releasing Deadly Viruses (Video)

The Arctic’s permafrost is thawing due to human-induced climate change, resulting in dire consequences. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Antarctica Videos Read Later  Source

ACH (2180) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #124 – The Melting Pot: The TV Show They Wouldn’t Release

In today’s show originally broadcast on June 12 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “The Melting Pot: The TV Show They Wouldn’t Release.” We discussed: the Jeff Rense and Texe Marrs clip we played during the show intro segment; the BBC television program “The Melting Pot” of […]

Treasure Melting Laser Reveals Legacy of Ancient Alchemists

After a handheld laser “melted” into a collection of ancient gold jewelry a team of scientists discovered microbic evidence of an early Bronze Age trade route. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Russia Drops BANNED Flesh Melting Chemicals Weapons on Ukrainian Recently Liberated Village

    Diabolical terrorist Russians have just dropped chemical weapons known as thermite/white phosphorus on a Ukrainian recently liberated village. These weapons are BANNED internationally from being used during war on civilian population due to their indiscriminate way of slow killing people. However this is subjective as if we are all to abide by such […]

Russia Drops BANNED Flesh Melting Chemicals Weapons on Ukrainian Recently Liberated Village

    Diabolical terrorist Russians have just dropped chemical weapons known as thermite/white phosphorus on a Ukrainian recently liberated village. These weapons are BANNED internationally from being used during war on civilian population due to their indiscriminate way of slow killing people. However this is subjective as if we are all to abide by such […]

Russia Drops BANNED Flesh Melting Chemicals Weapons on Ukrainian Recently Liberated Village

    Diabolical terrorist Russians have just dropped chemical weapons known as thermite/white phosphorus on a Ukrainian recently liberated village. These weapons are BANNED internationally from being used during war on civilian population due to their indiscriminate way of slow killing people. However this is subjective as if we are all to abide by such […]

400-Year-Old Beeswax Candle Box Found in Melting Norwegian Ice

The standard bookish definition for global warming encompasses the melting of polar ice caps and a general rise in temperatures across the globe. At this very moment, sheets of ice are melting in regions which were once abundantly covered with snow. The Lendbreen ice patch located in Oppland County, Norway recently melted further, leading to […]

Rapidly Melting Norwegian Ice Exposes Land Littered with Ancient Arrows

Dozens of ancient arrows dating from the Neolithic to the Viking Era have melted out of the Langfonne ice sheet in Norway. In 2014 and 2016, reindeer bones and antlers, stone and river shell arrowheads, and iron points were exposed from Norway’s 60-acre Langfonne ice patch. Now, a collection of 68 ancient arrows, with some dating […]

Study: Weather anomalies accelerate the melting of sea ice

From ETH ZURICH comes this study with a “never before been seen on this scale” claim. The problem is, we’ve really got only a few decades of observations to compare with, plus 2015/16 was the year of the “monster” El Niño, and there were all sorts of resultant weather anomalies. We don’t have enough weather data […]

Ocean floors sinking under weight of melting glaciers – study

Redistribution of water, once stored in ice sheets, is causing sea levels to rise. Researchers have now found the change is also having another affect – the ocean floor is subsiding under the increasing weight of the added water, according to a new study, published in the Geophysical Research Letters. ‘Most serious effects of human […]

Global warming… in the deeps: Tremendous geothermal heat source is melting Antarctic ice sheet from below

     Scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) have found new evidence to support a theory that the breakup of Antarctic ice may be caused in part by a massive geothermal heat source, with output close to the scale of Yellowstone National Park. A geothermal heat source called a mantle plume – a hot stream […]

Antarctic supervolcano to rival Yellowstone melting ice sheet from within – NASA

A geothermal heat source called a mantle plume – a hot stream of subterranean molten rock that rises through the Earth’s crust – may explain the breathing effect visible on Antarctica’s Marie Byrd Land and elsewhere along the massive ice sheet. While the mantle plume is not a new discovery, the recent research indicates it […]

Watching The Hawks – Polar Ice-Melting Expectations with Kieran Mulvaney

Watching The Hawks – Polar Ice-Melting Expectations with Kieran Mulvaney Watching The Polar adventurer, science writer, and boxing commentator Kieran Mulvaney discusses his trip to the North Pole, the state of our ice caps, and how politics clash with the realities of science. LIKE Watching the Hawks @ WATCHING THE HAWKS ON INSTAGRAM […]

‘Helicopter parenting’ harms child success, study finds

     Parents who are too involved in their children’s lives as they prepare to enter college could be inadvertently hampering their transition into adulthood, causing them to become depressed and experience anxiety during this crucial period, according to a newly-published study. While it is important for mom and dad to help out as young adults […]

Robot Escapes Lab And Makes A Break For Freedom In Russia

A crafty robot was able to escape the clutches of scientific research and make a dash for freedom outside a research lab in Perm, Russia on Tuesday. The robot, named Promobot, was being taught to move around on its own when a worker reportedly left a gate open. Promobot traveled about 164 feet, stopping in […]

State Of Emergency Extended In France To Cover Euro 2016 Games

The French parliament has extended the state of emergency for another two months to the end of July in order to cover the Euro 2016 football tournament and the Tour de France cycling race. It is the third time the state of emergency has been extended since the November 13 attacks on Paris. Press TV […]

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