Posts Tagged ‘live’

East Euro Welfare Mamas Outraged GL Would Make Them Pay for Their Own Defense

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 21, 2016 It isn’t the 1950s anymore. So ostensibly, the entire purpose of NATO is welfare for Eastern Europe, which may or may not lead to WWIII.  The dirty Jews and their zombie-retard hordes of evangelicucks forced Trump to walk back his initially-stated anti-Israel positions. It was the saddest part of […]

Bush and His Cronies Sad Trump is Saving the GOP After They Almost Totally Destroyed It

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 20, 2016 Wow, it must feel bad to be a Bush right now. Literally, this family’s entire political legacy has been flushed down the toilet by Donald Trump. They are not even forgotten. They are absolutely despised. New York Times: Amid the balloons and parties, speeches and spectacle, one faction of […]

Beijing Holds Anti-US War Games In South China Sea

Beijing are preparing to host anti-US war games in the South China Sea following an international tribunal ruling against China’s territorial claims in the waters.  China are to close off access to the east coast part of the area in order to host military exercises from Tuesday to Thursday this week. reports: The area of sea […]

Crowds Boo French PM at Nice Memorial, Demand His Resignation

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Fake CIA Agent & FOX News “Terror Expert” Sentenced To Prison For Lying To The Public For Years

A man who falsely claimed for decades to be a CIA agent and worked as the FOX News “Terror Expert” has now been sentenced to 33 months in prison, according to prosecutors, as cited by Reuters. According to a U.S. District Attorney’s Office statement, Wayne Shelby Simmons of Annapolis, Maryland, was sentenced in a U.S. District […]

3 Effective Health Supplements for Chemtrail Protection

19th July 2016 By Lance Schuttler Guest writer for Wake Up World Public awareness of chemtrails is on the rise. According to Google Trends, the keyword search for “chemtrails” was at its highest ever in Google’s history in April of 2016 (the link to this chart can be seen here.) Contributing to this trend was late musician Prince’s […]

The 9/11 28 Pages Snorefest and “Transparency”

The 9/11 28 Pages Snorefest and “Transparency” July 15th, 2016 I hesitated posting this at all, but here you go. My guess is that this document has very little to do with what actually happened, but it does represent comedy gold in terms of […]

The Nice Terror Attack: Towards a Permanent State of Emergency?

This Is What The “Secret Government” Does To New Technologies That Could Change Our World

Why does this article mentioned the “secret government?” Well, it’s because there is one, and not many people know about it. John F. Hylan was Mayor of New York City from 1918-1925 told the world that: The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs […]

After two years, Israeli offensive on Gaza in numbers

Days of Palestine, Gaza Strip -Israeli occupation launched widespread offensive on Gaza Strip in August 2014, left around 2,150 Palestinians dead and more than 11,000 injured. Here is a breakdown for the causalities of that Israeli genocide carried out against the Palestinians amidst full international silence. After two years, there are tens of the Palestinians […]

UK Vets’ Warn Against Vaccine After Claims Of Dog Deaths

Dog owners and veterinary associations across Britain are warning of the dangerous and even deadly side effects from a popular vaccine designed to protect dogs from a rare and mild illness. Thousands of dogs are dying or suffering with severe allergic reactions after being treated with a vaccine which was meant to protect them against […]

Amnesty Intl., EU parliament urge Bahrain to release rights activist Nabeel Rajab

“Bahraini authorities must immediately release human rights defender Nabeel Rajab and drop all charges against him,” Amnesty International said in its statement on Friday, denouncing what the organization called Bahrain’s “barefaced assault on freedom of expression.” Bahrain re-arrests top human rights activist Nabeel Rajab – family READ MORE: Bahraini rights activist Nabeel Rajab hospitalized after 2 weeks […]

Brooklyn Muslims mark July 4th protesting attack on teens leaving Ramadan prayers

New Yorkers said “Happy Fourth of July” and “Eid Mubarak” at about the same time this year, thanks to the predictable lunar cycle. But a less predictable pattern of violence against Muslims marred the last few days of the holy month of Ramadan for Brooklyn Muslims. This story was originally going to be about the […]

Dr. Robert Gallo: I Created AIDS to Deliberately Depopulate Humanity

In April 1984, Dr. Robert Gallo filed a United States application for his invention, the HIV/AIDS Virus. by Dailypost Normally, when a patent is filed and approved, as Dr. Gallo’s was, anyone who uses the product or invention owes a royalty payment to the artificer. Thus, holding the intellectual property laws to their fullest interpretations, […]

My Thoughts On Being A Flexitarian. You May Relate

I am a food blogger, an ethical eater, and a health-conscious person. I am also a flexitarian. And I hate that word. Perhaps because it has yet to earn a place in either the public consciousness I’m or its vernacular, or perhaps because I ascribe to it a collection of perceived negative connotations – whatever the reason, it feels decidedly […]

This Is How Mark Zuckerberg Protects His Privacy From Hackers

In today’s tech-savvy world, can one’s privacy ever truly be protected? Mass surveillance crushes free expression and free thought, and feels like the utmost tool for privacy violation. And despite the ongoing studies revealing how it breeds fear and conformity — from Google users being less likely to search for certain terms because it might […]

The Big Failure That Hillary Kept Secret For 30 Years‏

The first time Bill Clinton proposed to Hillary Rodham was at twilight in England’s romantic Lake District in the spring of 1973. She declined. The couple had recently graduated from Yale Law School and were at a crossroads in their two-year relationship. While the spurned Bill returned home to teach at the University of Arkansas and prepare to run […]

FBI Arrest Utah Man For Extreme Hate of Federal Government

The Federal Bureau of Investigations arrested and searched the home of a Stockton, Utah man who allegedly who extremely upset with the federal government, CBS affiliate KUTV reports. CBS claims the man at the center of the FBI investigation, Bill Keebler, is also a friends with the Finnicum and Bundy families, who defended their land rights from an out […]

Mexico: Brutal Repression Of Teachers Movement Kills Six

Print Friendly Above Photo: Police storming road block Photo: LibreRed On June 19, Mexican police intervened to clear a road blockade in the town of Nochixtlan. The brutal repression left 6 people dead and dozens of others injured, at least 21 were arrested. The blockade had been organised by teachers with the support of the local […]

Your Brain Is Not Your Mind: True Nature of Consciousness

Kerry Creaswood, ContributorWaking Times There’s a fundamental question that’s been asked for ages – are your brain and your mind the same thing? If not, what’s the difference? First, let’s take a look at the standard definition of mind: “The element of a person that enables them to be aware of the […]

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