Posts Tagged ‘frances’

Facebook ‘whistleblower’ Frances Haugen represented by US intelligence insiders

The background of Frances Haugen’s Whistleblower Aid legal team indicates she was cultivated to complete Facebook’s transformation into a vehicle for the US national security state. A former employee of Facebook named Frances Haugen earned national renown after appearing before Congress on October 5, 2021 to accuse the company where she once worked of everything from poisoning […]


[embedded content] Frances Haugen worked alongside ‘former’ top US spies in Facebook’s Threat Intelligence division. She wants greater surveillance, censorship and control of social media and the internet by the US government. Pentagon, CIA and NSA contracts turned Google and other tech giants from small start-ups into global companies. Source

The Nice Terror Attack: Towards a Permanent State of Emergency?

Italy’s ANAS signs deal to build north-south highway in Iran

The Iranian government has signed a deal with Italy’s highway agency ANAS for the construction and management of a 1,200 km (745 miles) road project that will cost 3.6 billion euros ($4 billion), ANAS said on Thursday. The first stretch of highway covering 350 km will be completed by 2022 at a cost of 600 […]

Inter-ethnic brawl between 150 refugees at Samos camp in Greece leads to blaze and arrests

The camp on the Aegean Sea island currently contains 1,100 people, including families with children. According to local police speaking to Kathimerini newspaper, clashes have broken out on Samos between rival ethnic groups. Two barracks were set on fire, leading to the police getting involved, followed by firefighters. The people taken to the hospital at […]

German course teaches migrants how to flirt with women (VIDEO)

“How do we speak to German women?” is the question sex therapist Christian Zech has to commonly deal with at the classes with migrants. Zech works with the Pro-Familia center, specializing in sexuality, partnership and family planning. It is funded by donations as well as government subsidies. Bayerischer Rundfunk television filmed one of the classes teaching […]

Iran starts counting ballots in runoff legislative vote

Iran has started counting ballots cast in the second round of legislative elections as voting draws to a close in nearly all of the 21 provinces across the country. Mohammad Hossein Moqisimi, the head of Interior Ministry’s Election Committee, said the counting process started as soon as voting ended in different constituencies. The run-off parliamentary elections […]

Saudi-led coalition claims recapture of key Yemen oil terminal from Al-Qaeda

As the Saudi-led coalition boasted recapturing Mukalla, an Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) stronghold, sources on the ground confirmed to both Reuters and AFP that the forces also managed to take control of the city of Al Shihr and its oil terminal, the largest hub within the illegal jihadist oil smuggling empire. Before the […]

Breaking News: Judge Rules Man Who Made 911 Call That Led To John Crawford’s Murder Should Face Charges

Earlier this afternoon, Fairborn Municipal Court Judge Beth Root ruled on an affidavit submitted by nine citizens finding that there was probably cause to charge Ronald T. Ritchie with the first degree misdemeanor crime of “making false alarms.” Ritchie was the person that made the 911 call claiming that John Crawford was pointing a gun […]

Young Boy Remembers Past Life As Hollywood Actor From 1930’s

A young boy from Oklahoma is making headlines for his alleged past-life memory. The young man, only 10 years years old, has vivid memories of his former life – as a Hollywood actor from the 1930’s! According to Spirit Science: This 10 year old boy from Oklahoma named Ryan, was born with the memories of […]

Diplomatic genius: How Russia could end up in control of 73% of global oil supply

     Russia has played a master stroke in the current oil crisis by taking the lead in forming a new cartel, but it’s a move that could spell geopolitical disaster. The meeting between Russia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela on 16 February 2016 was the first step. During the next meeting in mid-March, which is […]

Iran starts test production from joint oil field with Iraq

TEHRAN, Feb. 24 (Shana) – Iran has started production operation for 85,000 barrels of oil a day from the Yadavaran Field jointly held by neighboring Iraq to test its output sustainability, said administrator of the field’s development project. “The field will be inaugurated in near future as production of 85,000 barrels a day has been […]

Anti-sanction, Merkel-critic Bavarian leader to meet Putin in Moscow

Seehofer defended his visit to the Russian capital scheduled for early February, saying it was not politically-motivated. He added that he would look to discuss economic proposals between Bavaria and Russia. “We have prepared this trip very carefully … and we are not pursuing any parallel foreign policy,” Seehofer told ZDF television, as cited by […]

Iran condemns fatal terror attack in S. Arabia

Tehran, Jan 29, IRNA – Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossein Jaberi-Ansari on Friday denounced terror attack in Imam Reza Mosque in Al-Ehsa province in Saudi Arabia which left a number of worshippers killed and wounded. Expressing sympathy with the families of victims, he said that repetition of terror attacks to mosques and Husseiniyehs in eastern […]

Gasoline cargoes sail to Iran, crude exports still tough

Major oil firms and trade houses are gradually resuming energy trading with Iran but efforts remain very cautious and often face huge legal obstacles, meaning a post-sanctions return to full-scale activity will take weeks if not months.   Trading sources told Reuters major trading houses Gunvor and Vitol have each delivered several cargoes of gasoline […]

The Pentagon’s Law of War Manual: The Brutality of Imperialist Wars

PART ONE | PART TWO | PART THREE | PART FOUR This is the second of four articles analyzing the new US Department of Defense Law of War Manual. The first article was posted November 3. The most menacing passages of the Pentagon’s Law of War Manual concern its relationship to other areas of law. According to the manual, the law of war is separate from and supersedes all other bodies of law, including international […]

US sued over tax-exempt donations for illegal Israeli settlements

Charlotte Silver Rights and Accountability 5 January 2016 Seinfeld star Jason Alexander with Israeli Staff Sergeant Elle Shmuel, a combat soldier during Israel’s summer 2014 attack on Gaza. The pair were at a November 2014 fundraiser in Los Angeles hosted by Friends of the IDF, a US nonprofit organization named in a lawsuit against the […]

Saudi Arabia is run by corrupt and despotic Donmeh Jewish family

Saudi rulers after sectarian strife in Middle East: Commentator Press TV has conducted an interview with Kevin Barrett, the editor of Veterans Today, to ask his take on execution of the prominent Saudi Shia cleric Nimr al-Nimr. The following is a rough transcription of the interview. Press TV: It seems that Saudi Arabia can’t tolerate even peaceful means […]

Israel pressures Brazil to accept (illegal) settler ambassador – warns of ‘deteriorating relations’ otherwise

     Israel has warned Brazil that relations will deteriorate unless it accepts the former Israeli head of the West Bank settlement program as ambassador. The appointment was made four months ago and has still not been approved by Brazil’s government. The country has continuously failed to give in to diplomatic pressure, leading Israel to up […]

Fireball meteor seen over Henry County, Georgia

     If you find an odd-looking “rock” in the Locust Grove area of Henry County, it might just be part of a meteor that came hurtling toward Earth at nearly 30,000 mph Thursday night. Officials with NASA have confirmed that a fireball spotted over the south metro skies just after sunset Thursday was a meteor […]

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