Posts Tagged ‘12’

A Roadmap for Lebanon to grant civil rights for Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon

Shatila Palestinian camp, Beirut. Photo: Franklin Lamb     Franklin Lamb Homs Palestinian refugee camp, Syria   Part II of a III part series The United Nations Human Rights Council, along with the global community and many in Lebanon, has become increasingly concerned about the massive violations of Palestinian civil rights.  As noted in […]

BDS and Normalization: A Palestinian perspective

This piece is written in response to queries sent by some activists about international gatherings and conferences that are being organized to address BDS-related issues without acknowledging the Palestinian leadership of the movement. When we, Palestinian Civil Society, issued our 2015 BDS call, we were counting on people of conscience, rather than governments and complicit […]

Turkish WikiLeaks Cache Links AKP and Libya’s Al-Qaeda Chief Belhaj

nsnbc : WikiLeaks released about 300,000 e-mails styled to Turkey’s ruling AKP. While no link to the “failed” military coup on July 15 was discovered, the cache contains mails suggesting that Libyan Al-Qaeda leader AbdelHakim Belhaj reached out to acquire help with laundering and investing funds stolen from the ousted Libyan government in 2011. The […]

Racist Black Rapist to White Victim: ‘That’s for 400 Years of Slavery You Bitch!’

Former Vanderbilt University football player Corey Batey was sentenced by a judge to 15 years in prison on Friday. The victim was a 21-year-old woman at the time she was discovered unconscious at a university dorm in 2013 after being raped by four men, including Corey Batey. The Tennessean reports on both the horrific nature of […]

Why Starting Work Before 10am Is Hurting Your Health

Do you work before 10am? You’re likely laughing at the question, as your alarm forces you out of sweet dreams and you play mind games each and every morning to pull yourself from the covers, douse yourself in water, drink a cup of coffee, and head to the office. If you consistently dread getting out […]

German mother of 8 dead infants confesses she killed some, can’t remember how many

A woman, known as Andrea G., 45, from the Bavarian town of Wallenfels, was charged with the murder of four of the eight dead babies when she appeared before Coburg state court on Tuesday and confessed to killing some of them, while failing to remember the exact number, local media reports. “It could have been […]

Canada’s foreign policy is based on a foundation of criminal lies

Canada’s warmongering Defence Minister, Harjit Sajjan, recently announced an increased Canadian presence in NATO, predicated on the narrative that Russia “annexed the Crimean Peninsula in Ukraine and backed pro-Russian separatist forces in that country’s eastern region.” Presumably his “Assad must go” narrative about Syria is wearing thin.  After all, NATO member Turkey is a training […]

Tehran Stock Exchange joins World Federation of Exchanges

An Iranian official says the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) is joining the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE). Hassan Qalibaf Asl, chair of the TSE, has told Iranian media that the WFE has in a letter approved TSE’s membership, noting that the Iranian market will join the world body after the Securities and Exchange Organization of […]

Mysterious ‘flouncing’ object spotted over Siberia causes social media stir

     A viral video footage of a mysterious object “flouncing” in the night sky over a small Siberian town caused social media frenzy, making many to believe it was UFO. The footage, made on June 28 by two residents of the town of Cherlak in Russia’s Omsk Region, depicts a bright object that hectically moves […]

Iraqi PM Visits Liberated Fallujah – 30% of the City of Birth Defects is in Ruins

Fahwad Al-Khadoumi (nsnbc) : Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi visited the city of Fallujah on Sunday. The city has been declared as fully liberated from the self-proclaimed Islamic State. Fallujah City Council reports that some thirty percent of the city lays in ruins. Fallujah is one of the Iraqi cities that has been worst affected […]

The Government Wants to Microchip All Kids ‘Sooner Rather Than Later’

The U.S. government intends to further their control over the lives of Americans by introducing microchipping for children in the near future. by Brianna Acuesta As time goes by, the government seems to want to regulate the lives of Americans more and more. Sometimes these decisions for further regulation actually help the American people, which […]

The Government Wants to Microchip All Kids ‘Sooner Rather Than Later’

The U.S. government intends to further their control over the lives of Americans by introducing microchipping for children in the near future. by Brianna Acuesta As time goes by, the government seems to want to regulate the lives of Americans more and more. Sometimes these decisions for further regulation actually help the American people, which […]

The Government Wants to Microchip All Kids ‘Sooner Rather Than Later’

The U.S. government intends to further their control over the lives of Americans by introducing microchipping for children in the near future. by Brianna Acuesta As time goes by, the government seems to want to regulate the lives of Americans more and more. Sometimes these decisions for further regulation actually help the American people, which […]

Largest Fraud Against Govt: 300+ Healthcare Workers Charged Over $900mn in Medicare Scams

“The defendants announced today are charged with various healthcare fraud-related crimes, including conspiracy to commit healthcare fraud, violations of the anti-kickback statutes, money laundering and aggravated identity theft,” the Department of Justice said in a statement Wednesday. The offenses range from a wide variety of treatments and services such as home healthcare, psychotherapy, physical and occupational […]

The Secret Of The Red Shirts & Why it Will Change Your Life—Forever

The secret of the red shirts will change your life. It’s so easy that it takes seconds to learn—and so powerful; the long-term benefits are extraordinary. Why is this secret so powerful? – Because you’ll discover how to instantly shift your focus, which ensures you’re always 100% focused on what matters most in your life. […]

Rio de Janeiro state govt declares ‘state of calamity’ over funding shortage ahead of Olympics

The decree blamed the “serious economic crisis” on the oil price shock. It stressed that the government could fail to honor its commitments to host the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games, which are scheduled to take place August 5-21 and September 7-18, respectively. The crisis could cause a “total collapse in public security, health, […]

We Must Understand Corporate Power To Fight It

Print Friendly Above Photo:   Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is seen on a television monitor addressing her supporters, as reporters file their stories after a June 7 news conference by presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. (Mary Altaffer / AP) In the winter of 1941, a Jewish gravedigger from Chelmo, the western province of Poland, appeared in Warsaw […]

Expert warns of new tick-borne disease: Borrelia miyamotoi

     As spring awakens here in UConn country, so do the ticks. UConn veterinarian, researcher, and tick-borne disease expert Dr. Sandra Bushmich recently answered questions about ticks and the diseases they carry in this area, especially some lesser known and emerging diseases. Can you tell us about Borrelia miyamotoi, the ‘new’ tick-borne disease? Borrelia miyamotoi […]

Dystopian Nightmares Made in Hollywood

Personal thoughts on mind conditioning in pop culture Disclaimer: This article is just my personal digest. There are many books and movies which could have also been brought to the table. I have personally chosen to talk about these particular stories, leaving other aside, because they somewhat meant something to me once. Honestly speaking there […]

Fear of ‘next in line,’ Algeria moves closer to Russia

     It is believed that the omnipresent Washington can destroy the Algerian state. They do it the old-fashioned way: by instigating riots and “color revolutions”. In Algeria there is fear. The government strengthens security, improves its military capability, and is actively in contact with Russia, hoping to strengthen her communication because it is included in […]

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