Posts Tagged ‘boy’

Pew Research: Europeans fear wave of refugees will lead to more terrorism and fewer jobs

In what turned out to be a heated debate over the UK’s decision to exit the European Union, attacks in Paris and Brussels have fueled public fears about terrorism that stoked an anti-immigrant sentiment. As a new Pew Research Center survey illustrates, the refugee crisis as it stands today and the rising threat of terrorism […]

United Against The Working Class

July 20, 2016  /  Gilad Atzmon Why do they divide us into segments of biology (Black, Lesbians, Gays, Jews etc’)? In this short (E&R) clip I elaborate on the role of the (new) Left and Jewish intelligencia in the creation of sectarianism. I suggest that the desperate attempt to tackle nationalism led the left to […]

BDS and Normalization: A Palestinian perspective

This piece is written in response to queries sent by some activists about international gatherings and conferences that are being organized to address BDS-related issues without acknowledging the Palestinian leadership of the movement. When we, Palestinian Civil Society, issued our 2015 BDS call, we were counting on people of conscience, rather than governments and complicit […]

Numerology: Here’s What Your Birth Date Says About You

Growing up I was always interested in things like astrology and numerology. Regardless of the fact that many people view it as silly or vague explanations that could apply to everyone. But a GOOD astrology or numerology reading actually tells you A LOT about yourself and in ways that would surprise you. Numerology has its […]

Israeli Knesset passes law expelling Arab members

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Israeli occupation parliament (Knesset) passed on Tuesday night law allows expelling Arab members over their support for Palestine issue. The law, which was presented by Nissan Slomiansky from the Jewish Home, passed the second and third readings in a 62-47 vote. MKs from Meretz and Zionist Union protested the law. Arab […]

Lightning bolt kills horse in Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina

     A truck and horse trailer were struck by lightning on Turkey Pen Road Tuesday afternoon, killing one of eight horses. Chief Rick Livingston of Mills River Fire and Rescue said a pickup truck and trailer, with eight horses tied to the trailer, were parked at the parking lot at the Turkey Pen trailhead in […]

Bosnian players warned to keep off minefields amid worldwide Pokemon Go contagion

Posavina Without Mines, a non-governmental organization in Bosnia, issued a warning aimed at people playing Pokemon Go on Tuesday. The NGO called on gamers to make sure they keep off minefields while being fully absorbed with hunting for little monsters in the augmented reality application. Bosnia is one of the most heavily mined countries in […]

Baltimore police lieutenant acquitted in Freddie Gray case

Baltimore prosecutors on Monday failed for the fourth time to secure a conviction against a city police officer for the death of black detainee Freddie Gray, as a lieutenant was cleared of all charges. The acquittal of Lieutenant Brian Rice renews questions about the prospects for the remaining cases stemming from the death of Gray, […]

The Donald Trump “Reality Show”: Republican Political Circus Kicks Off in Cleveland

Allying with “Political Islam”: Washington’s Tactical Alliances with Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria

Baton Rouge: Three Officers Shot Dead, Three Others Injured

Baton Rouge: Three Officers Shot Dead, Three Others Injured July 17th, 2016 Gavin Long Named as Baton Rouge Gunman Via: Guardian: Gavin Long, the man identified on Sunday as the deadly shooter of police officers in Baton Rouge, left behind an online trail to […]

3 arrested in plot to harm Baton Rouge officers during protests

Police arrested three people after a pawn shop robbery Saturday night and uncovered a plot to use the guns to shoot police during weekend protests, according to Baton Rouge Police Chief Carl Dabadie. Police said the four suspects included a 13-year-old. One suspect remains at large, Dabadie said during a press conference Tuesday. Six guns have been […]

Turkey Blames US For Coup, War Looms

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused the United States government of organizing the attempted coup on Friday, and has promised to avenge their actions.  According to, Erdogan said that those who organized the rebellion “were friends standing in front of him”. He told military commanders in a speech in Istanbul that they must ensure that […]

Police Rounded Up Native Americans “Like Animals” and Fenced Them in Without Charges

Courthouse News Service GREAT FALLS, Mont. (AP) — The Fort Peck Tribe and Wolf Point-area law enforcement agencies conspired to illegally round up homeless people in July 2013 to prevent them from panhandling during a rodeo and parade weekend, according to a civil complaint filed on behalf of 31 […]

Texas’ ‘Most Wanted Fugitives’ Are All Listed As White — Based On Their Names, Mugshots And Gang Affiliations, None Of Them Are

Everyone on the Texas Department of Public Safety’s “10 Most Wanted Fugitives” list is identified as white, though based on their mugshots, names & gang affiliations, nine out of 10 of them are clearly not white. The “featured fugitive” — Tommy Dale Sells, Jr. — does appear to be Caucasian, but the nine others on the list do not. The “10 Most Wanted […]

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Creates Its Own Perfect Beer Using Math

A London based start-up firm is using artificial intelligence (AI) to brew beer that would always be evolving toward perfection, using customer feedback. Newsweek reports: London-based IntelligentX is the world’s first firm to brew beer with the help of artificial intelligence. The startup is using an algorithm called Automated Brewing Intelligence (ABI) to collect customer feedback […]

Jewish entitlement, and Jewish populism

Last week’s Aspen Ideas Festival often seemed like a rightwing Jewish event. Accounts of the high-altitude leadership conclave included a lot of obnoxiously-chauvinist Jewish comments, notably this one from Leon Wieseltier, a contributing editor of the Atlantic (as reported by Jewish Insider at a gathering at the Aspen Chabad Jewish Community Center): “If Merrick Garland is appointed to […]

Americans Take to Governor’s Mansion After Deadly Police Shooting

Kevin Lessmiller | Courthouse News Service Protesters took to the governor’s mansion Thursday after a Minnesota police officer shot and killed a black man during a traffic stop the night before, the aftermath of which was apparently streamed live on Facebook. The man was identified as 32-year-old Philando Castile […]

Neuroscientist: ‘Meth is Virtually Identical to Adderall’

The long subway ride from DC’s airport to Silver Spring was unusually pleasant. It had been about an hour since I had taken a low dose of methamphetamine. It was my 40th birthday — October 30, 2006 — and I was headed to a National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)-sponsored meeting. by Dr. Carl L. […]

Russian jets kill 5 Palestinian refugees in Syria

Days of Palestine, London -Russian fighter jets killed on Tuesday night five Palestinian refugees in Khan al-Sheikh Refugee Camp in Damascus countryside. Task Group for the Palestinians in Syria, based in London, said in a statement issued on Wednesday that the Russian fighter jets launched several airstrikes on the refugee camp. Like our page on Facebook […]

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