Posts Tagged ‘poem’

Baltimore police lieutenant acquitted in Freddie Gray case

Baltimore prosecutors on Monday failed for the fourth time to secure a conviction against a city police officer for the death of black detainee Freddie Gray, as a lieutenant was cleared of all charges. The acquittal of Lieutenant Brian Rice renews questions about the prospects for the remaining cases stemming from the death of Gray, […]

The Donald Trump “Reality Show”: Republican Political Circus Kicks Off in Cleveland

Allying with “Political Islam”: Washington’s Tactical Alliances with Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria

Baton Rouge: Three Officers Shot Dead, Three Others Injured

Baton Rouge: Three Officers Shot Dead, Three Others Injured July 17th, 2016 Gavin Long Named as Baton Rouge Gunman Via: Guardian: Gavin Long, the man identified on Sunday as the deadly shooter of police officers in Baton Rouge, left behind an online trail to […]

Texas’ ‘Most Wanted Fugitives’ Are All Listed As White — Based On Their Names, Mugshots And Gang Affiliations, None Of Them Are

Everyone on the Texas Department of Public Safety’s “10 Most Wanted Fugitives” list is identified as white, though based on their mugshots, names & gang affiliations, nine out of 10 of them are clearly not white. The “featured fugitive” — Tommy Dale Sells, Jr. — does appear to be Caucasian, but the nine others on the list do not. The “10 Most Wanted […]

The Daily Traditionalist: Charity Begins at Home

Radio Aryan May 19, 2016 Sven Longshanks joins Matthew Heimbach again for another edition of The Daily Traditionalist, this time looking at the problems we face in getting our message out to our people. If people were to hear what we have to say, then they would naturally want to be nationalists. Our enemies know […]

Saudi Arabia warns of ‘Plan B’ for Syria while US calls on all sides to work together

“It was made clear that Bashar al-Assad has two choices – either he will be removed through political process or he will be removed by force,” Adel al-Jubeir told reporters after the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) meeting co-chaired by Russia and the US. “We believe we should have moved to a ‘Plan B’ a […]

Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases linked to auto-inflammation

     Dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases may be symptoms of inflammation caused by an out-of-control immune system, according to researchers at the University of Adelaide in Australia. Previously, most dementia and Alzheimer’s research has focused on the role of protein deposits called amyloid plaques that lodge in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s. But it […]

Hollande faces more protests and splits in government after surviving confidence vote

     Embattled French President Francois Hollande is facing deep divisions within his own party as well as continuing mass protests by students and unions after surviving a no-confidence vote over his reforms to the country’s labor laws and bypassing parliament to push them through. France has been paralyzed by a series of nationwide strikes – […]

8 Secrets to Living Beyond 100 from the World’s Healthiest People

Christina Sarich, StaffWaking Times In a lost kingdom high in the Himalayan mountains, at one of the extreme northern points of India, bordering Kashmir, China and Afghanistan live a people with incredible secrets for longevity – the Hunzas. Pronounced hoon-zas, they are not a society of mythical legend, but real people […]

8 Secrets to Living Beyond 100 from the World’s Healthiest People

Christina Sarich, StaffWaking Times In a lost kingdom high in the Himalayan mountains, at one of the extreme northern points of India, bordering Kashmir, China and Afghanistan live a people with incredible secrets for longevity – the Hunzas. Pronounced hoon-zas, they are not a society of mythical legend, but real people […]

8 Secrets to Living Beyond 100 from the World’s Healthiest People

Christina Sarich, StaffWaking Times In a lost kingdom high in the Himalayan mountains, at one of the extreme northern points of India, bordering Kashmir, China and Afghanistan live a people with incredible secrets for longevity – the Hunzas. Pronounced hoon-zas, they are not a society of mythical legend, but real people […]

8 Secrets to Living Beyond 100 from the World’s Healthiest People

Christina Sarich, StaffWaking Times In a lost kingdom high in the Himalayan mountains, at one of the extreme northern points of India, bordering Kashmir, China and Afghanistan live a people with incredible secrets for longevity – the Hunzas. Pronounced hoon-zas, they are not a society of mythical legend, but real people […]

ALERT! Everyone who lives in these states needs to contact their governor and representatives to encourage this action to stop Obama’s invasion…

Canada hopes for rain to stifle wildfire, rejects international assistance

“There is no doubt that people around the world have been marked by this disaster and have been very generous in their offers of support, but the reality is with all of the assistance of people across this country, we don’t need help from other countries at this time,” he said as cited by the […]

Russian troops plunge into icy water near North Pole during Arctic drill (VIDEO)

“There is nothing a Russian soldier cannot do,” Kosarve exclaimed, as men clad only in swimming trunks jumped through a hole cut in the 5-foot-thick (1.5 meter-) ice flow. “And we’re right in the heart of the Arctic Ocean,” the impressed journalist added, noting that the water temperature was minus 2 degrees Celsius (28° F), […]

The Illusion of Balkan Energy Security

F. William Engdahl (NEO) : Since strong pressure on the Bulgarian government back in 2014 caused her to stop construction of the Russian gas pipeline, South Stream, that was to have supplied Russian gas to the Balkans and on to Austria and Italy, Brussels has argued that the stop was necessary because of “regional energy security” […]

Russian experts & robots defuse over 1,500 mines in liberated Palmyra (VIDEO)

“Building on the evident success that came with the liberation of Palmyra on March 27, where Russian mine-pickers have already begun demining, as you know, more than 1,500 explosive devices were neutralized,” Maria Zakharova, Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, said at a briefing, while commenting on the situation in Palmyra. Zakharova added that the recent military […]

Robert De Niro Caves In To Pressure and Pulls Anti-Vaccine Documentary From Tribeca Film Festival

“Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe” was slated to appear at Robert De Niro’s upcoming Tribeca Film Festival, but all that changed after tremendous pressure was exerted to silence the truth about vaccines from getting out any further. The film by Dr. Andrew Wakefield features passionate testimony from qualified experts and people personally effected by vaccine damage, making […]

Sedition, Subversion, Sabotage: A Long-War Strategy for the Left

William T. Hathaway (nsnbc) : As the viciousness of capitalism engulfs ever more of us, our yearnings for change are approaching desperation. The system’s current leader, Barack Obama, has shown us that the only change we can believe in is what we ourselves create. To do that, we need to know what is possible in […]

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