Posts Tagged ‘sky’

Kuwait’s political elite slam Saudi Arabia’s support for MKO

July 11, The Iran Project – Many of the elite, intellectuals, academics, and political figures of Kuwait strongly criticized Saudi Arabia for supporting anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization’s (MKO). Reacting to Saudi Arabia’s former spy chief Turki al-Faisal’s participation in the MKO gathering and his support for the most hated terrorist group among the Iranians, […]

Extreme adrenaline junkie stages wingsuit flight over active volcano (VIDEO)

     Veteran base jumper and model Roberta Mancino has attempted her most daring wingsuit flight yet – over an active magma-bubbling volcano. Mancino trained for years before embarking on the risky mission that saw her leap out of a helicopter at 15,000 ft and zip through sulfur-infused smoke billowing from one of Chile’s most active […]

Bolivia’s Morales pledges to recognize Crimea, supports and admires "anti-imperialist" Russia

     Bolivian President Evo Morales stated on Thursday in an interview with RIA Novosti that Russia can count on his country’s support for recognizing Crimea. Responding to the question as to whether it should be expected that Sucre will take additional steps towards a Bolivian recognition of Crimea as part of Russia, Morales said: “We […]


Shocking video footage shows Mexican immigrant parents encouraging their 3-year-old daughter to repeatedly say, “We have to kill Donald Trump.”   “We’re going to kill Donald Trump,” states the toddler, to which the mother responds, “Why are we going to kill Donald Trump?” “Cause he’s bad,” responds the child. “That’s right,” replies the mother. “We […]

Canada wildfire threatens Fort McMurray again as 12,000 evacuated from nearby oil sand camps

     At least 12,000 people have been asked to evacuate oil sand camps close to the Canadian town of Fort McMurray after a fresh wildfire began to shift to the north. According to the BBC, more than 8,000 people were urged to leave the area on Monday night, in addition to 4,000 people who had […]

Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases linked to auto-inflammation

     Dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases may be symptoms of inflammation caused by an out-of-control immune system, according to researchers at the University of Adelaide in Australia. Previously, most dementia and Alzheimer’s research has focused on the role of protein deposits called amyloid plaques that lodge in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s. But it […]

Enjoy the Health Ranger’s top FIVE most inspiring music videos!

(NaturalNews) Over the last decade, I’ve written, recorded and produced 16 songs and music videos covering everything from mass awakening to the TSA’s abuse of travelers (“Don’t Touch My Junk“). Click here for all my downloadable songs and music videos, spanning a wide range of musical styles, including rap, country western, pop fusion […]

Carnegie Mellon researchers turns arm skin into touchpad with creepy new technology

     Navigating mobile devices through your skin is not a sci-fi gimmick anymore, thanks to US researchers and their new device called SkinTrack, which takes the concept literally, using skin as a touchpad. The Future Interfaces Group, a research lab at Carnegie Mellon University, thinks that your arm ought to be something more than just […]

Keven Barrett: Russia exposed US lies in fighting Daesh

     “If the US and its allies had wanted to stop the funding for Daesh, they could have done so long ago by cutting supply lines that go through Turkey and then mostly to Israel.” “If the US and its allies had wanted to stop the funding for Daesh, they could have done so long […]

Arrested for Asking an Officer to Show Identification

The video above, which highlights an incident of police misconduct, was submitted by Rich McIsaac after he viewed the cell phone video of his brothers arrest. The abuse of power was so unsettling that he researched the correct conduct for officers during a traffic stop and discovered that not only are officers required to provide ID, if […]

Vaccine paradigm takes another Hollywood hit: Actor Aidan Quinn says vaccination caused his daughter’s autism

     The house of cards may be falling around the “vaccines are totally safe and effective” lie that’s traditionally been propped up in part by the Hollywood establishment. First Robert De Niro backpeddled on censoring a documentary on the CDC whistleblower from the Tribeca Film Festival, going public about changing his mind on the matter, […]

FLASHBACK: Austerity for the masses while the elites hide $21 to $32 trillion in tax havens – conservative estimate

     A new Tax Justice Network (TJN) USA report reveals an estimated $21 – $32 trillion of hidden and stolen wealth stashed largely tax-free secretly. Titled “The Price of Offshore Revisited,” it explains what finance insiders know but won’t discuss because many of them have their own hidden wealth. TJN describes a “subterranean” and systemic […]

Baltimore man in critical condition after gas cylinders explode in vehicle

     A Maryland Transit Administration employee suffered severe injuries to his head, hands and chest Monday morning when cylinders of compressed gas exploded at a maintenance facility in Pikesville, the state fire marshal’s office said. David Kotofski, 64, was flown to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center. He remained in critical condition Monday evening, […]

Russia vows ‘totally asymmetric’ response to a major US/NATO troop build-up in Europe

     Russia’s envoy to NATO has vowed a “totally asymmetrical” response if the alliance stands by a plan to deploy new armored units to Eastern Europe. Citing Russian “aggression” as a pretext, the US has announced “continuous troop rotations” starting 2017. “We are not passive observers, we consistently take all the military measures we consider […]

UN: Saudi-Led Air Strikes On Yemen Market Killed 119

The Saudi-led air strikes on a market in Norther Yemen killed 119 people, nearly three times the number previously reported, the United Nations said Thursday. The UNICEF children’s agency said that among those killed in the Mastaba district on Tuesday were 22 children, while another 47 people were wounded. Press TV reports: The UN children’s […]

DARK Act 2.0 now being cooked up by the U.S. Senate to blind consumers to the truth about GMO

(NaturalNews) When Mike Pompeo (R-KS) and G.K. Butterfield (D-NC) introduced the “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2014” to Congress, they were nefariously supported by the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) and the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO). However, they didn’t have the backing of the American people. The internet exploded with opposition against […]

Top German court considers bid to outlaw far-right party

From: Germany’s highest court opened hearings Tuesday on a bid to outlaw the country’s biggest far-right party, which officials accuse of promoting a racist and anti-Semitic agenda. It’s the second attempt to secure the ban, which would be the first of its kind in 60 years. The German parliament’s […]

Hezbollah Has Improved Fighting Capability Thanks To Russia

Iranian and Lebanese Hezbollah fighters in Syria fighting the civil war alongside government troops have improved their fighting capabilities and learnt modern military tactics from their Russian allies. Hezbollah has suffered 1,300 casualties in Syria , with thousands more of its fighters injured and had to resort to recruiting teenagers recently. But the tide of […]

Looking for friends? Al-Nusra front terrorists ask the UN for protection against Russia

     Russian airstrikes have forced al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist organization al-Nusra to appeal for help in the United Nations, Germany’s Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten reports. The Syria-based terror group, DWN says, citing a Reuters report, has asked for a “two-three week truce,” and demanded that all attacks on the terrorist group be stopped. The group has tabled the […]

Looking for friends? Al-Nusra front terrorists ask the UN for protection against Russia

     Russian airstrikes have forced al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist organization al-Nusra to appeal for help in the United Nations, Germany’s Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten reports. The Syria-based terror group, DWN says, citing a Reuters report, has asked for a “two-three week truce,” and demanded that all attacks on the terrorist group be stopped. The group has tabled the […]

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