Posts Tagged ‘reflect’

U.S. court: Biden administration should reflect on its ‘unflagging support’ for ‘plausible’ genocide in Gaza

A U.S. court in Oakland said The White House should reflect on its “unflagging” support for a plausible genocide in Gaza. Source

Lawmakers reflect on third anniversary of Jan. 6 insurrection

Saturday marks the third anniversary of the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol when thousands of protestors marched from the “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington, D.C., to the Capitol at the direction of former President Trump and participated in an attempt to overthrow the results of the 2020 presidential election. Lawmakers on both… […]

When your rights are an afterthought: Palestinian-Americans reflect on the strength of their people  

Palestinian-Americans in Clifton, New Jersey share the hope they find in the steadfastness of their people in Palestine, giving them strength to keep fighting for the liberation of their homeland. Source

‘Christocrat’ Rick Scarborough Declares That ‘A Sodomite Will Always Reflect it in His Countenance’

Earlier this year, Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk was the keynote speaker at gala for the far-right group Recover America, founded by self-proclaimed “Christocrat” Rick Scarborough. As Right Wing Watch reported at the time, Scarborough has a long history of launching virulent attacks against LGBTQ people, calling them “sodomites” and declaring that AIDS is God’s […]

‘It was set up to fail us’: Palestinians reflect on 30 years of the Oslo Accords

Though the Oslo Accords and its signatories made many promises to the Palestinians, in reality, it carved Palestine up into bantustans and ghettos with limited self-autonomy for Palestinians on a minuscule portion of their homeland. Source

Recent Saudi Arabian, Russian supply cuts reflect demand concerns

The recent decision by Saudi Arabia and Russia to extend existing crude oil supply cuts did not have the expected effect on prices, but analysts said the limited increase in prices reflects demand-based worries by investors, reports Anadolu Agency. Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest exporter of crude oil, announced its intention Monday to unilaterally extend […]

Israeli attacks on Easter worshipers reflect efforts to expand control over Jerusalem

Recent attacks on Christian and Muslim worshipers in Jerusalem reflect Israeli efforts to consolidate control over the holy city. “The occupation, through such policies, claims that Jerusalem is theirs,” Archbishop Atallah Hanna tells Mondoweiss. Source

Does the Saudi-Iran agreement reflect the change in China’s foreign policy?

The agreement signed between Saudi Arabia and Iran under Chinese auspices on 6 March aroused much interest in the Arab world, the Middle East and the world in general. It came after a diplomatic break between the two countries in 2016, with a statement that confirmed: “It is a response to the Chinese president’s initiative […]

Biden’s 60 Minutes Interview Horrifies White House: ‘Does NOT Reflect the OFFICIAL Position’

Biden’s 60 Minutes Interview Horrifies White House: ‘Does NOT Reflect the OFFICIAL Position’Date: September 20, 2022Author: Nwo Report    Posted BY: RM | NwoReport Uh oh. Someone let President Joe Biden speak by himself again and damage control immediately ensued. President Joe Biden’s “60 Minutes” interview which aired on CBS Sunday was 60 minutes of […]

Biden’s 60 Minutes Interview Horrifies White House: ‘Does NOT Reflect the OFFICIAL Position’

Biden’s 60 Minutes Interview Horrifies White House: ‘Does NOT Reflect the OFFICIAL Position’Date: September 20, 2022Author: Nwo Report    Posted BY: RM | NwoReport Uh oh. Someone let President Joe Biden speak by himself again and damage control immediately ensued. President Joe Biden’s “60 Minutes” interview which aired on CBS Sunday was 60 minutes of […]

Shen Yun Leads Audiences to Reflect on Heaven

ATLANTA—Bobby Dutcher, the recently retired owner of Atlantic Petroleum, was duly impressed with Shen Yun Performing Arts when he attended the evening performance on Jan. 7. “It’s been fantastic,” he said at the Woodruff Arts Center-Symphony Hall. “The colors and everything is phenomenal. A beautiful performance.” Like for most audiences, attending Shen Yun was a […]

Virginia Delegate Races Could Reflect National Anti-Democratic Mood

Commentary RICHMOND, Virginia—Some of the many overlooked but critically important offices in the American political landscape are the ones held by state legislators and members of general assemblies. These are the people who are most like us, the ones who live in neighborhoods close to ours, sit in the pews on Sundays and attend the […]

Three Great Stories Which Reflect the Perception of Smaller Children

Most of the great works of literature have been written from the perception of adult characters. It is seldom that a story with a small child as the main character finds a secure place in world literature, and it is even more rare to find the entire story being told from the perception of a […]

Palestine activists reflect on the Biden administration’s first 100 days

Joe Biden has now been President for 100 days. We know the moment is largely an arbitrary Beltway obsession, but we’re also confident that Palestine will barely be covered in the mainstream assessments. In that spirit I reached out to some activists, authors, and organizations to get their thoughts on the administration so far. Sumaya […]

Bronze Mirrors Unearthed in China Still Reflect After 2,000 Years

More than 80 exquisite bronze mirrors in excellent condition have been discovered in a large Han Dynasty tomb in China, after being hidden underground for over two millennia. Not only do some of them still have their original reflective quality, but experts are learning from the 2,000-year-old inscriptions and symbols that adorn them. Bronze Mirror […]

Young Israelis Reflect on the Holocaust

With each passing year, there are fewer Holocaust survivors living among us. Now, in keeping with 60 years’ emphasis on personal narrative as the model, new technology is being used to teach the younger generation, in an effort to ensure that “never again” remains a reality. This Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Hashoah in Hebrew), Israel’s […]

IDF Asks Wikipedia to Edit ‘Hezbollah’ Entry to Reflect Terror Designation

(The Media Line) The official IDF Twitter account posted a call on Tuesday for Wikipedia in English to edit its article on the Lebanese organization Hizbullah (spelled “Hezbollah” in Wikipedia) to reflect its identification by 26 countries as a terrorist organization. Wikipedia is a battleground for competing viewpoints, experts say, and the “Hezbollah” page is […]

BDS Bill ‘Does Not Reflect the University’s Views,’ Says UC Irvine After Student Government Passes Anti-Israel Resolution

The insignia of the University of California Irvine. Photo: UC Irvine. The University of California Irvine administration pushed back against the passage of a pro-BDS bill by its student government that referred to Israel as an “apartheid state,” saying the bill “does not reflect the university’s views.” The bill, which passed Tuesday night by 19 […]

Zionist Statements Reflect Confusion after Failed Attempt to Assassinate Hamas Commander in Southern Lebanon

 January 15, 2018 After the Lebanese security agencies launched intensive investigations into the blast which targeted the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas’ commander Mohammad Hamdan in southern Lebanon, several pieces of evidence indicated that the Zionist enemy is behind the operation. The Zionist officials denied the reports about the enemy’s involvement in the blast, reflecting a […]

Sadiq Khan Bringing ‘Gender Neutral’ Toilets to London to ‘Reflect the Incredible Diversity of the City’

Sadiq Khan Bringing ‘Gender Neutral’ Toilets to London to ‘Reflect the Incredible Diversity of the City’ Breitbart November 30, 2017 Londons left-liberal mayor is issuing detailed guidance to developers calling for gender neutral toilets to reflect the incredible diversity of the capital. Labour politician Sadiq Khan declared he had vowed to be a mayor for […]

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