Posts Tagged ‘strength’

The Missing Piece Of The Puzzle: Behind The Inexplicable “Strength” Of US Consumers Is $700 Billion In “Phanton Debt”

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‘They can recommend what they want,’ but Trump is setting policy from position of strength

After the House Republican Study Committee released an election-year policy package last month proposing to raise the retirement age, John McLaughlin, a veteran pollster advising former President Donald Trump, said it was “not a good idea.” The former president and presumptive GOP nominee, he told POLITICO, will be “the dominant voice in the Republican Party […]


MARCH 22ND, 2024 Source Ahmed Abdulkareem In his traditional Tuhamian clothing, Ali, a Yemeni fisherman from the coastal city of Hodeidah, stands in a gathering of thousands of Yemenis and chants, “With you, with you, O Al-Qassam Brigades… until victory or martyrdom.” Ali told MintPress News that with the beginning of the holy month of […]

When your rights are an afterthought: Palestinian-Americans reflect on the strength of their people  

Palestinian-Americans in Clifton, New Jersey share the hope they find in the steadfastness of their people in Palestine, giving them strength to keep fighting for the liberation of their homeland. Source

Gross miscalculations: U.S., Israel overestimate military strength in the Middle East

(NaturalNews) In a recent interview with Mike Adams, an expert on Russian military and naval issues put forward his opinion that the United States and its highly… Source

Rubio: the only language radical regimes understand is ‘strength’

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said he believes people in the West are “incredibly naïve” for thinking agreements can be made with “radical Islamic regimes” in the wake of the deadly Hamas attack. Referencing the Iranian government and the militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah, Rubio said they do not value life “the way we do.” “We… […]

Dollar Strength Poses Risk To China And Global Liquidity

Dollar Strength Poses Risk To China And Global Liquidity Authored by Simon White, Bloomberg macro strategist, A stronger dollar adding to yuan pressure is an ongoing risk to liquidity in China and the rest of the world. The yuan fell versus the dollar overnight, with USDCNY nudging near 15-year highs. This is not something welcomed […]

Activate Motivation to Regain Strength and Vitality in the Senior Years

Editor’s Note: You know you need to exercise, but has your well of motivation run dry over the years? How can you replenish it? Lack of motivation can be caused by mental barriers to change, fear of injury, or dealing with ongoing physical issues such as pain or illness. In “Strength Training for Seniors,” Paige […]

We will not commemorate the 75th Nakba with tears, but with the strength of resistance

The 75th anniversary of the Nakba of all Arabs and Muslims, not just Palestine, is upon us. It is the catastrophe of the entire Islamic nation that began in 1948 and its consequences continue to this day. We remember that day, on 14 May 1948, on which the hearts of the Arab nation was torn […]

Oil Prices Ease to Near 2-month Lows on China Demand Fears, Dollar Strength

LONDON—Oil prices slipped to trade near two-month lows on Monday, having earlier slid by around $1 a barrel, as supply fears receded while concerns over fuel demand from China and U.S. dollar strength weighed on prices. Brent crude futures for January had slipped 51 cents, or 0.6 percent, to $87.11 a barrel by 1205 GMT. […]

That Hideous Strength? Or Are More and More People Short-Circuiting?

That Hideous Strength? Or Are More and More People Short-Circuiting? by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star November 2, 2022   This odd and intriguing article was spotted and shared by K.R., and I’m passing it along, because I’ve noticed the same thing: Why Are People Suddenly Short Circuiting? Now, I share this, because “short-circuited” […]

Fiona Knocks Out Power And Sweeps Away Homes With Hurricane-Strength Winds In Canada

TORONTO (AP) — Fiona washed houses into the sea, tore the roofs off others and knocked out power to the vast majority of two Canadian provinces Saturday as it made landfall as a big, powerful post-tropical cyclone. Fiona transformed from a hurricane into a post-tropical storm late Friday, but it still had hurricane-strength winds and […]

Fiona Knocks Out Power And Sweeps Away Homes With Hurricane-Strength Winds In Canada

TORONTO (AP) — Fiona washed houses into the sea, tore the roofs off others and knocked out power to the vast majority of two Canadian provinces Saturday as it made landfall as a big, powerful post-tropical cyclone. Fiona transformed from a hurricane into a post-tropical storm late Friday, but it still had hurricane-strength winds and […]

America’s need to bolster the PA is indicative of the strength of Palestinian resistance

The US preoccupation with the Palestinian Authority possibly losing control over the Israeli-occupied West Bank has resurfaced, at a time when Mahmoud Abbas is adamant about pursuing full UN membership for Palestine, despite Washington threatening to use its veto. The message is clear: the US wants the PA to be in charge, but it also […]

Broadcom Looks to Defy Chip Slowdown on Data Center, Wireless Strength

Broadcom Inc forecast fourth-quarter revenue above estimates on Thursday as the semiconductor company expects resilient demand from businesses going digital to help it weather a likely chip industry slowdown. Shares of the company rose 2.4 percent to $503 in extended trading after third-quarter results also sailed past expectations. “From our vantage point, infrastructure demand is […]


August 1st, 2022 Australian Senator Alex Antic: ( “Those who want rational debate and value freedom over the promise of safety are now labeled as threats to the public.” “The game plan is to hold us in a perpetual state of emergency until absolute power is obtained. Don’t sit by the sidelines and watch our […]

Kratos: The ‘Cruel’ Greek God of Strength and Power Who Served Zeus

Greek mythology is full of gods and goddesses, heroes, and deities who play roles in countless stories of love, courage, and redemption. Read more Section:  News Myths & Legends Europe Read Later  Source

Why ‘Diversity Is Our Greatest Strength’ is a Corporate Lie

My students, where I once taught at a private university outside of Bangkok, would often come into class carrying coffee cups conspicuously emblazoned with the universally recognizable Starbucks© logo. When they set them on their desks, they were uniformly careful to position the cups so as to prominently display the logo. They didn’t patronize Starbucks© […]

Finding Strength Along a Post-Covid Fury Road

Finding Strength Along a Post-Covid Fury Road LewRockwell / Tom Luongo The COVID-9/11 pandemic is over. With the failure of Omicron to capture the imaginations of only the most unimaginative midwits, the question now is how do we move forward from here. While we can rejoice that the threat to life and limb from COVID-9/11 […]

Taiwan an Indispensable Strength to CPTPP’s Future Success

Commentary More than two decades ago, I ran an import business of home appliances in Taiwan. It was in the midst of the Taiwan Economic Miracle Era when it was named one of Four Asian Tiger nations. I came to Australia with my family and continued managing my import business. From my experiences in Australia, […]

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