Posts Tagged ‘star’

The surveillance state cannot protect against lone-wolf attacks

     While French police are yet to connect the dots in the latest terrorist attack to hit the European country, the truck massacre in Nice demonstrated that encroaching electronic surveillance doesn’t protect from lone wolf attacks, a former MI5 agent told RT. The terrorist attack at a Bastille Day celebration in the sea resort claimed […]

Russian revolution icon, cruiser Aurora, makes spectacular comeback in St. Petersburg (VIDEO, PHOTO)

The once formidable 116-year-old battleship returned to its permanent anchorage in downtown St. Petersburg under its own power, fully operational once again, accompanied by tugboats that secured the armored vessel’s passage through the narrowly opened drawbridges along the Neva River. Thousands of viewers lined both riverbanks in the wee hours of Saturday morning to witness […]

HAPPENING: Five Cops Killed in BLM Sniper Attack in Dallas!

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 8, 2016 Well, well, well. Not 24 hours after I am personally named in Congress as some who may potentially incite violence somehow, Black Lives Matter commits a sniper attack against the cops. At least twelve shot, at least five dead. It’s almost as if Blacks – rather than Whites – […]

Rothschilds & Rockefellers — Trillionaires of the World

“Money is Power”, or shall we say, “The Monopoly to Create Credit Money and charge interest is Absolute Power.” — Alex James by Indybay Letter written from London by the Rothschilds to their New York agents introducing their banking method into America:  “The few who can understand the system will be either so  interested in […]

For Hillary Clinton’s Campaign, “Extremely Careless” Is a Soundbite to Celebrate

When Hillary Clinton first acknowledged in March 2015 that she had indeed used a private email account —  and her own server — to conduct official government business as Secretary of State, it would have been hard to imagine that her campaign would 16 months later pronounce itself “pleased” that an FBI investigation concluded that […]

Was the US Declaration of Independence written by a Satanist?

The Host & the Parasite: Largest military aid package ever offered, but israel still isn’t happy

Largest Military Aid Package Ever Offered to a Foreign Country in US History Just Got Bigger (ANTIWAR) Already set to be the “largest military aid package” the US has ever offered to a single country in history, the Obama Administration has written a lengthy letter to US Senators today, informing them of intentions to “substantially sweeten” […]

FBI Interviews Madam Clinton Regarding Her Illegal Email Server

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 2, 2016 The Day of Reckoning cometh. I don’t think it is a coincidence that this comes just after the secret Lynch-Bill meeting. This whole thing could quite possibly be unraveling. New York Times: The F.B.I. interviewed Hillary Clinton on Saturday morning for its investigation into whether she or her aides […]

Are comparisons of South African apartheid and Israel useful?

The South African Nobel laureate J.M. Coetzee has a habit of speaking in rhetoricals. The effect, however, is that he makes his point quite clearly. This was the case recently at the Palestine Festival of Literature, which travels through Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. Speaking on the festival’s last day, Coetzee noticed that “naturally […]

Iran, Norway hold a seminar on JCPOA, opportunity for cooperation

Oslo, June 13, IRNA – A seminar entitled ‘JCPOA and the opportunities for cooperation between Iran and Norway’ began in Oslo on Monday. The seminar, which is being held in cooperation with Foreign Ministries of Iran and Norway, Iranian Embassy in Oslo and a research center for Foreign Trade called Prio Innovation, Norway, is participated […]

49 Years Ago the US Covered Up An Israeli False Flag Attack That Killed 34 Americans, Wounded 173

On June 8, 1967, 34 American servicemen were slaughtered and 173 more wounded after Israeli forces repeatedly attacked the USS Liberty in international waters. The Liberty was not a battleship and was entirely unable to defend itself as the hours-long assault took place. by Jay Syrmopoulos For decades, the US government threatened the survivors with […]

9/11 Report Will Reveal Israel, CIA Role In Attacks

CIA Director John Brennan is worried that a serious investigation into 9/11 will reveal the truth that Israel and the CIA were responsible for the attacks.  According to Dr. Kevin Barrett, an American academic and 9/11 expert, Israel and the CIA played a coup d’état on America on the morning of September 11, 2001 reports: […]

Kiwi Freediver Breaks Own World Record

British born New Zealander William Trubridge has broken his own world record for diving to a depth of 400 feet in the Bahamas. The amazing feat was achieved in four minutes and 24 seconds with just a minor hiccup. A tag came loose on the athletes leg during ascent causing him minor concern and increased […]

Terrorists as freedom fighters, militants as civilians: Catapulting the propaganda in the battle for Aleppo

     Heavy propaganda accompanies the strategic battle in Aleppo between the Syrian Army and its allies (Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and other militia) and the Saudi-Turkey-NATO backed terrorist groups (Jabhat al Nusra, Jaysh al Islam, Ahrar as Sham and ISIS). Fighting escalated in late April when the armed groups sent hundreds of mortars into Syria’s second […]

Spain’s Industry Minister José Manuel Soria resigns over Panama Papers

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The Snow Upon the Pines

The snow lay thick about the pines The mistletoe grows high above like thatched vines Every breath taken in the forest is held sacred For one to stand tall in the open is forsaken by a culture of self-hatred Alas the traditional warrior spirit is held in contempt Whilst the snivelling fork tongued are revered […]

Non-Conformity and Anti-Authoritarianism Now Considered an Illness: ‘Opposition Defiant Disorder’

The Brave New World of “Mental Health Disorders”. by Carolanne Wright If Albert Einstein was a youth today, there’s a good chance he would be saddled with an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnosis, possibly even Opposition Defiant Disorder (ODD) as well. He ignored his teachers, failed college entrance examinations several times and was hard-pressed […]

‘Save us from ISIS or bomb us with chemical weapons,’ Iraqi woman’s emotional plee in FB video

     A woman presumably from Fallujah, Iraq, has made an emotional appeal in a Facebook video that can’t be independently verified. She says her city is starving and called on the world to save them from jihadists or just bomb the town with chemical weapons. The video appeared on Facebook on Thursday. Though the description […]

DOVER: THE BIG FIGHT: 2nd April 2016. British Forces V Zio-Antifa Traitors ~LIVE~

“The revolution will be both radical and respectable” ~Kai Murros British and Judaeo-Antifa forces are lined up for another major head to head confrontation in England’s historic harbour town of Dover on the 2nd of April 2016 over the issue of a long planned white genocide of the indigenous people of Europe by Zionists using […]

A Military Coup In North Korea Could Trigger World War III

A snap military exercise is one in which a potential combatant executes a known military exercise, against a known enemy, in the proximity of an enemy or its resources. The exercise quickly turns from a drill to a live event. In the Asian region, we are witnessing the potential for several “snap” exercises that could easily […]

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