Posts Tagged ‘Planets’

Visible planets and night sky January 2023

Visible planets and night sky January 2023 Posted by Marcy Curran and John Jardine Goss and Deborah Byrd December 31, 2022 The waxing gibbous moon sits high in the sky next to the glittering Pleiades star cluster on January 2, 2023. Then – for all of us around the globe – the moon is near […]

When Planets Go Boom: Scientists Explore Big Explosions in Solar System—Asteroids, Lurching Landmasses, and More

At one time during Earth’s history, elemental forces heaved the great landmasses in the direction of the equator. So colossal was this shift, it was like Boston being dragged down to zero latitude—a distance more than 1,600 miles. This massive shift occurred 800 million years ago, explained Adam Maloof, an associate professor of geosciences at Princeton […]

When Planets Go Boom: Scientists Explore Big Explosions in Solar System—Asteroids, Lurching Landmasses, and More

At one time during Earth’s history, elemental forces heaved the great landmasses in the direction of the equator. So colossal was this shift, it was like Boston being dragged down to zero latitude—a distance more than 1,600 miles. This massive shift occurred 800 million years ago, explained Adam Maloof, an associate professor of geosciences at Princeton […]

Cakra, Destroyer Of Planets: Did Ancient Nuclear Technology Exist?

Nuclear power has caused some serious disasters throughout the world.  Is it a modern phenomenon, or is there evidence of its existence in the ancient world? The worst nuclear disaster in the United States occurred in Rhode Island at Wood River Junction in Richmond in 1964 when a production operator at United Nuclear Corporation’s Fuels […]

This Ancient Sumerian Cylinder Seal is Said to Depict 12 Planets in Our Solar System

There is an Ancient Sumerian Cylinder Seal, believed to be around 4,500 years old that curiously seems to depict our Sun and twelve planets within our Solar System, one of them supposedly being Nibiru, the elusive planet lurking somewhere on the outer edges of the Solar System. One of the most controversial seals ever discovered […]

‘We may find signs of life on other planets in next 5 to 10 years’ thanks to powerful new telescope, claims researcher

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the successor to Hubble, could detect signs of life on other planets within the next five to 10 years, according to Caprice Phillips, a PhD student at the Ohio State University. Due to launch in October 2021 after years of delays, the new cutting-edge telescope could allow humanity to […]

Planets Align To Form ‘Star of Bethlehem’ This Winter Solstice

This year, as dusk gives way to darkness on the night of the  Winter Solstice  (December 21 st 2020), residents of the United States, the United Kingdom, and other nations across the Northern Hemisphere will bear witness to a highly unusual astronomical occurrence. Low in the southern sky on the longest night of the year, the […]

NASA Removing ‘Offensive’ Names From Planets & Galaxies To Make Space ‘More Inclusive’

Political correctness has now expanded to space as NASA announced this week that it is reexamining the unofficial nicknames used to describe distant cosmic objects. NASA says planets, galaxies and nebulae will no longer be referred to by “offensive” names. Removal of the “Eskimo Nebula” and “Siamese Twins Galaxy” nicknames is its first step in […]

NASA Removing ‘Offensive’ Names From Planets & Galaxies To Make Space ‘More Inclusive’

Political correctness has now expanded to space as NASA announced this week that it is reexamining the unofficial nicknames used to describe distant cosmic objects. NASA says planets, galaxies and nebulae will no longer be referred to by “offensive” names. Removal of the “Eskimo Nebula” and “Siamese Twins Galaxy” nicknames is its first step in […]

NASA Removing ‘Offensive’ Names From Planets & Galaxies To Make Space ‘More Inclusive’

Political correctness has now expanded to space as NASA announced this week that it is reexamining the unofficial nicknames used to describe distant cosmic objects. NASA says planets, galaxies and nebulae will no longer be referred to by “offensive” names. Removal of the “Eskimo Nebula” and “Siamese Twins Galaxy” nicknames is its first step in […]

Will Capitalism Ruin Other Planets After It Ruins Earth?

Life on Earth is far from perfect, and we have many issues that need tackling before we can claim to be putting care for life over care for profit. Framing these everyday circumstances against a much bigger picture, some have posed the concern that the galaxy will succumb to capitalism. Anastasia Romanou, a climate research scientist for Columbia […]

Stephen “The Pussy Hawk” Hawking Says We Must Populate Other Planets in 100 Years to Make Room for Blacks

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 20, 2017 It’s a good thing we have technology so that mute cripple mutants can speak with a robot voice, elsewise we wouldn’t be able to hear this little twerp’s gobbledygook. RT: Renowned theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking has again called on humanity to redouble its efforts […]

‘Every American citizen’s right’: Armed men parade outside GOP convention in Cleveland, Ohio

     On the opening day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, a dozen members of the West Ohio Minutemen paraded through the streets, armed with assault rifles, exercising their right to do so under the state’s “open carry” laws. Among the Minutemen marching through the streets, one carrying a 9mm Carbine hi-point rifle, […]

Breaking News: Enormous Monument Over 2,000 Years Old Discovered in Petra

Archaeologists in Jordan have made an incredible find at the World Heritage site of Petra.  A massive ceremonial platform measuring 184ft (56m) by 161ft (49m), which ‘has no parallels’ in the ancient city, was discovered just half a mile from the city center using high-tech satellite scanners. The National Geographic reports that the discovery was […]

260,000 Austrians Sign EU Exit Petition, Forcing Referendum Debate in Parliament

Overall, the 261,159 people who signed the petition represent 4.12 percent of the electorate. The petition was most popular in the regions of Lower Austria (where 5.18 percent of potential voters signed it) and in Carinthia (4.85 percent). The threshold for calling a debate on a potential referendum is 100,000 people. The petition was launched […]

The Roots Of Today’s Tyranny: Total Information Awareness

Derrick Broze, ContributorWaking Times To understand the roots of the oppression, erosion of liberties, and invasion of privacy that has become the new norm for Americans, we must go back to the days following the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. Immediately following the attacks of September 11, 2001, President George W. […]

Two volcanoes in Guatemala erupt strongly within 24 hours: Santiaguito Volcano sends ash 4,500 meters above sea level

     Guatemala volcanoes are currently recording strong eruptions one after the other. After Volcan de Fuego, yesterday, the Santa Maria volcano sent a thick column of ash 4,500 meters above sea level. Two volcanoes in Guatemala erupted strongly within 24 hours. Yesterday, the Volcano of Fire covered the area with ash in a loud detonation. […]

Kiwi Freediver Breaks Own World Record

British born New Zealander William Trubridge has broken his own world record for diving to a depth of 400 feet in the Bahamas. The amazing feat was achieved in four minutes and 24 seconds with just a minor hiccup. A tag came loose on the athletes leg during ascent causing him minor concern and increased […]

Researcher Discovers Huge Structures on the Surface of Venus

After NASA made public thousands of images showing the surface of Venus, it didn’t take long for a vigilant UFO hunter to spot the anomalies lying on the surface of the planet that’s second to the Sun. by EWAO Although some would expect Venus to be an inhabitable place, the presumed artificial structures discovered there […]

Not The Onion: Lamb Chop Weight Enforcers Want Warrantless Access to Australians’ Metadata

Not The Onion: Lamb Chop Weight Enforcers Want Warrantless Access to Australians’ Metadata January 20th, 2016 Via: Guardian: If you are in the business of selling lamb chops, make sure you are weighing them properly: the National Measurement Institute wants warrantless access to Australians’ […]

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