Posts Tagged ‘worse’

The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: It’s Worse Than You Think

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Hunger “worse than bombings” in starved-out Gaza: “people dizzy and weak”

(NaturalNews) Survivors in the Gaza Strip are scavenging whatever they can find to feed their families amid an ongoing food crisis that was brought about by Israel… Source

The Story of Operation Warp Speed Gets Worse

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL The federal government should never have funded Operation Warp Speed, the 2020 central plan quarterbacked by the Trump administration to rush a coronavirus vaccine to the people. About the previously expressed opinion, none of it should be construed as an expression of medical knowledge. None is needed to disdain what […]

CBS Poll: Half of Voters In Swing States Say Economy Worse Under Biden

A new CBS News poll has found that half of the voters in swing states believe the economy is worse under President Biden. According to the poll about half of voters in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and […] The post CBS Poll: Half of Voters In Swing States Say Economy Worse Under Biden appeared first on The […]

Katherine Maher is Worse Than a Leftist

Katherine Maher, NPR’s new CEO, has been in the spotlight for more than a week now as the straight-out-of-casting avatar of peak woke and peak institutional attainment. But Katherine Maher is not a liberal or a leftist. Though she apes identitarian thought bubbles you won’t find her on a picket line, or splitting any of […]

A secret internal ‘NYTimes’ memo reveals the paper’s anti-Palestinian bias is even worse than we thought

Kudos to the anonymous New York Times staffers who leaked the paper’s offensive internal guide about the language it won’t permit in its reports on Israel/Palestine, and more kudos to The Intercept for publishing it. The shocking revelation should prompt an even broader examination of the biased language that has long been routine in the […]

Ex-Diddy Producer Says This Scandal ‘Could Be WORSE Than Jeffrey Epstein’

Fox News television host Jesse Watters dropped some troubling details about the Diddy scandal on the PBD podcast on Saturday. He highlighted claims from Ex-Diddy producer Rodney “Lil Rod” Jones’ lawsuit that accuses Diddy of orchestrating a surveillance network within his homes to gather compromising material on various individuals, including aspiring artists and prominent figures, […]

And Now… “Bird Flu Pandemic Could be ‘100 Times Worse’ than COVID, Scientists Warn”


RFK Jr. Schools CNN With Stunning Argument That Biden Is a ‘Worse Threat to Democracy’ Than Trump

Independent presidential hopeful Robert Kennedy Jr. went on CNN Monday night and delivered a two-minute response that shocked the corporate media world. When asked which candidate posed a worse threat to democracy, former President Trump or Joe Biden, Kennedy answered that you could make a clear and convincing argument for Joe Biden. Here’s why: #1 […]

CNN Credits Trump, Admits Biden “Made The Problem Worse” At The Border

Authored by Steve Watson via, In a rare collectors moment, CNN took time Tuesday to give Donald Trump credit regarding illegal immigration, admitting that the US does “have a problem,” at the border and that Biden has “made the problem worse.” While the comments came from Republican strategist Brad Todd, it’s the kind of admission […]

Musk: “The Groundwork Is Being Laid for Something Far Worse Than 9/11”

From, Chinese Migrants Are Fastest Growing Group Crossing Into U.S. from Mexico, “We Can ‘Soft Control’ Users… To Drive Them Where We Want Them”: This is a military operation against the United States, no doubt about it. The part that will be difficult for most people to comprehend is that the the U.S. Government is facilitating […]

As Ukraine defeat in Donetsk grows worse by the day, the EU tries to seal the Polish/Ukrainian border

There is no word about the Slovak border or the Hungarian border.  Slovakia elected Robert Fico who refuses to enter the war against Russia, and Hungary is very much in the same boat. The first part of the video describes the situation in Transdniestria and Moldova where Russia is clearly intending some military intervention which […]

The White House Says the Economy is Booming, Then Why Are You Worse Off? Here’s Why…

The White House Says the Economy is Booming, Then Why Are You Worse Off? Here’s Why… Source

MUTINY ON THE UAS! This Kiev clusterf*ck just keeps getting worse, especially for genocidal maniac Zelensky’s warmongering Nazi regime!!!

Was Zelensky’s Top General Just Whisked Off To Become Ambassador To UK? The near future fate of Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Valery Zaluzhny continues to be subject of rampant speculation, after President Zelensky belatedly confirmed that he’s about to embark in a major shake-up of military leadership. Already it’s been widely reported that Gen. Zaluzhny is resisting Zelensky’s […]

GOP senator says border deal would make matters worse

Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) came out against the bipartisan Senate border security bill on Monday, warning that it could actually make border security worse. “My top priority last year was to secure the border. They did not give me a bill that secures the border, it actually makes the border worse,” Marshall said on NewsNation’s… […]

However Bad You Think Israel Is, It’s Worse!

Caitlin Johnstone NOTES FROM THE EDGE OF THE NARRATIVE MATRIX Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): So it turns out the IDF has been running a Telegram channel featuring homemade snuff films in which Gazans are brutally murdered by Israeli forces, captioned with celebrations of the gore and pain therein […]

Over 100k Gazans Dead, Injured, Or Presumed Dead & US Allies Get Away With Murder (And Much Worse)

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/3/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Drinking Tap Water Could Kill You (or Worse)

  By Rhoda Wilson on January 23, 2024 The Expose There has been a flurry of articles on the internet, and in the mainstream press, sneering at people who drink bottled spring water, rather than tap water. These critics claim that bottled water is a waste of money. Well, they’re all wrong. The truth is […]

Trump warns of ECONOMIC COLLAPSE worse than the 1929 Great Depression if he loses 2024 election

(NaturalNews) Former President Donald Trump has warned that the U.S. will suffer an economic collapse worse than the Great Depression of 1929 if he does not win… Source

The Old Internet Is Dying, and Something Worse Is Being Born

Hacking. Disinformation. Surveillance. CYBER is Motherboard’s podcast and reporting on the dark underbelly of the internet. As we slide into the winter holidays, Cyber is taking some time to relax with old friends and discuss the things that truly matter: the decline of the internet, creator culture, and the transcendent power of movies.  This week […]

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