Posts Tagged ‘corrupted’

As Long as Iran Is a Problem For Israel, the Corrupted US Will Protect ISRAEL & PROVOKE Iran


Needed: Ethics Standards for the Corrupted Supreme Court

by Admin · Published July 12, 2023 · Updated July 12, 2023 maisie, The Supreme Court is the highest court of law in the United States. By design, Supreme Court justices serve long terms in order to allow them to apply the law with only justice in mind, and not electoral or political concerns. However, […]

Will SBF get away with it? International hurdles and corrupted elites may block justice for the crypto fraudster

There are likely over one million victims worldwide and untold billions of dollars forever lost through the collapse of Sam Bankman-Fried’s digital asset empire, propped up by his once enormously popular FTX cryptocurrency exchange, which last week filed for bankruptcy in the United States. Source

US Physician Societies are completely CORRUPTED: Why I refuse to join any of them

Dr. Suneel Dhand 280K subscribers 44,354 views Oct 18, 2022I will not be joining any of these again or attending their conferences. Join my Red-Pilled Community and Follow me on Locals, the uncensored platform, for more open and real discussions: Subscribe to my Newsletter here: Source

Courts corrupted by ‘stakeholders’ eg. financial services corporation, Challenger Group

The courts are not acting independently but rather under dictation, from their “stakeholders”. The stakeholders (internal and external) require the courts to be influenced by them in order to produce outcomes critical to the “success” of the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria including staff and the judiciary, Court Services Victoria (ABN: 63 392 984 660) and other […]

Courts corrupted by ‘stakeholders’ eg. financial services corporation, Challenger Group

The courts are not acting independently but rather under dictation, from their “stakeholders”. The stakeholders (internal and external) require the courts to be influenced by them in order to produce outcomes critical to the “success” of the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria including staff and the judiciary, Court Services Victoria (ABN: 63 392 984 660) and other […]

$350 MILLION Paid Out to Fauci, NIH, etc. The FIX Is IN! The Scientists ALL CORRUPTED By Payouts!

Illuminati Satanic Crime Syndicate Has Corrupted ALL of Politics and This Book Tells You How They Did It.

Comment: They finance perverts into the top positions of our gov’t whom they control as these Satanists also control the Child Trafficking to these perverts. They assassinate foreign leaders who will not kowtow to them. They bribe, blackmail and murder and now control pretty much every country in the world. They use the American military […]

AZ Corrupted Election Inlcudes

BY VOLUBRJOTR Mark Finchem, a GOP candidate for secretary of state in Arizona, is calling on state lawmakers to “decertify” the 2020 election results due to the discovery of a massive number of “ghost,” or phony, votes. Finchem’s demand stems from an interview Liz Harris, a volunteer taking part in Maricopa County’s ballot audit, did with […]

VOCI – How the Edomites Have Corrupted the World

EURO FOLK RADIO VOCI – How the Edomites Have Corrupted the World Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share

Evidently Putin is Corrupted Too; After All He Is Saying No Criminality Insofar as Hunter Biden’s Activities in Ukraine. Give Me a Break!

26 Oct, 2020 02:40 / Updated 5 hours agoGet short URL FILE PHOTO: Russian President Vladimir Putin ©  Sputnik / Aleksey Druzhinin Follow RT onBusiness that Joe Biden’s son Hunter “had or might have” in Ukraine has nothing to do with Moscow, President Vladimir Putin said, adding that although Hunter made “good money” there, Russia sees “nothing criminal” […]

The Repulsive Jewish Race Has Poisoned Europe & Corrupted the White Race

Europe – Then and Now (by frosthate) [embedded content]

Satanists Have Corrupted Western Justice System

Bigger Text | Default Text | Smaller Text |   July 24, 2020 Source Article from

How Jews Corrupted Europe’s Legal System

German lawyer Sylvia Stolz, currently imprisoned for the second time, presents some history of the Nuremberg trials and how jews continue the judicial fraud to this day. Source Article from

The CIA’s 60-Year History of Fake News: How the Deep State Corrupted Many American Writers

Joel Whitney’s new book, “Finks: How the C.I.A. Tricked the World’s Best Writers,” explores how the CIA influenced acclaimed writers and publications during the Cold War to produce subtly anti-communist material. During the interview, Scheer and Whitney discuss these manipulations and how the CIA controlled major news agencies and respected literary publications (such as the […]

From WWII to present day – How food and medicine got totally corrupted by Big Government, Big Ag and Big Pharma

(Natural News) Most Americans have no clue about the deep-seeded levels of corruption inside our regulatory agencies, including the AMA, FDA, CDC, and the EPA. Insidious racketeering and scheming began before World War II, and powerful U.S. industrialists carefully planned and plotted health Ponzi schemes utilizing dangerous chemicals, from spraying our crops to canning our […]

Military Coup in Turkey Fails: At Least 90 Dead, 1,050 Wounded, 750 Soldiers Detained

nsnbc : At least 90 lost their lives and 1,050 were injured during a failed military coup in Turkey last night. Turkey’s military chief was rescued. Some 750 soldiers were arrested. Who exactly was behind the coup is still uncertain. President R. Tayyip Erdogan accuses networks around the U.S.-based Turkish cleric Fetullah Gülen. Both Istanbul […]

The Host & the Parasite: Largest military aid package ever offered, but israel still isn’t happy

Largest Military Aid Package Ever Offered to a Foreign Country in US History Just Got Bigger (ANTIWAR) Already set to be the “largest military aid package” the US has ever offered to a single country in history, the Obama Administration has written a lengthy letter to US Senators today, informing them of intentions to “substantially sweeten” […]

Zarif visit to UK a step forward to normalization of relationship

London, Feb 6, IRNA – British Chargé d’Affaires to Iran Nicholas Hopto highlights foreign minister Zarif’s visit to the UK as a step towards normalization of relationship. Speaking with IRNA on the sidelines of foreign minister Zarif’s visit to the UK, the British Chargé d’Affaires said that the potential of future relationship between Iran and […]

PACK ‘EM IN: Liberal-run Austin, Texas experimenting with tiny apartments designed by professor who lived in a dumpster

(NaturalNews) Agenda 21 is heating up in Austin, Texas, as “Professor Dumpster” rolls out his plans for ultra-compact living, which comes in the form of stackable apartments that can be relocated to other cities where similar models exist. By “ultra-compact,” we mean a maximum of 200 square feet of living space, with just […]

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