Posts Tagged ‘types’

Just four types of cancer made up half of the 1.96 million cancer cases in the U.S. in 2023

(NaturalNews) Half of the 1.96 million cancer cases diagnosed in the United States in 2023 were just four different types of cancer – breast cancer, prostate… Source

These Are the Types Promoted Into Top Positions in Our Society By the Cabal b/c They Are Easily Controlled By Pandering To Their Perversions

“severe damage in the Prefrontal-Thalamo-Limbic Pathways that lead the person to become mentally and psychologically unable to form healthy relationships coupled with increase in perverted excessive sexual desires that lead in many cases to rape, sexual assault , inordinate desire for same sex relationships and severe violence in the sexual relationships.”   Great book Judith Reisman […]

10 Types of Misinformation in Paper Decrying Misinformation

sept 5 2023 Recently, one of America’s leading medical journals, the Journal of the American Medical Association, published a peer-reviewed paper studying the propagation of “COVID-19 misinformation on social media by physicians in the US.” The article is riddled with major errors, labels true information as misinformation, and “exemplifies how relying on the government to […]

6 Primary types of tea and their science-backed health benefits

(Natural News) All “true” teas come from the Camellia sinensis plant. And while there are over 3,000 varieties of teas, each with its own specific characteristics, they have been classified into six main types. Tea experts explain that the differences between the types of teas are primarily due to where the tea is grown, the… […]

10 Types of Food Recommended by Nutritionist for Clearing Blood Vessels and Heart Protection

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, the WHO estimates about 17.9 million people die from it each year. However, it is found that eating the right foods within the daily diet can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. We consolidate here the 10 types of food that are recommended by nutritionists […]

As much as many alt finance types hate to admit it, the FED may be about to break up the Central Banking Cartel!

Tom LuongoGold Goats ‘n Guns For more than a year I’ve been arguing that the Fed was tightening US dollar supply. When I first put the idea out there it was met with intense skepticism and, for the most part, it still is. The Fed has long been the punching bag of hard money and […]

Cognitive Biases: Three Common Types Illustrated

In a world of information overload, we can fall victim to all sorts of cognitive biases. Since they can lead us to generate false conclusions, Visual Capitalist’s Jamie Robinson notes that it’s particularly important to understand what these biases are and how they work, as the consequences can become quite drastic.

Olympic Hanbok Scandal, or Two Types of Nationalism

In his previous material about the tricky relations between China and South Korea this author already mentioned how a demonstration of the traditional Korean clothes was viewed in South Korea. However, this is worth telling in greater detail as this story illustrates the conceptual difference between the two countries’ national policies. So, South Koreans took offence […]

7 Types of “Poverty Consciousness” and How to Unravel It

March 23rd, 2021 By Open Contributing Writer for Wake Up World We’re moving into times of great uncertainty as the old reality construct we’re living in is progressively unwinding. This is already making plenty of people anxious and to varying degrees, worried about their future. This in itself begins to close down the field around you, creating […]

72 Types of Americans That Are Considered Terrorists In Official Government Documents

Are you a conservative, a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner?  Are you opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the United Nations or the New World Order?  Do you believe in conspiracy theories, do you believe that we are living in the “end times” or do you ever visit alternative news websites (such […]

The Four Types of Spirit Guides, According to a Psychic Medium

June 5th, 2018 By Dr. Kelly Neff Guest writer for Wake Up World I spent the majority of my life as a woman of science, trained that I must “see to believe”, as in, observe some kind of empirical evidence of all phenomena I choose to have faith in. Naturally, I had no faith in the afterlife […]

The 4 Types of Healthy Anger

Gary Z McGee, Staff Writer Waking Times “A man who is intimate with his anger and who can express it skillfully is a man in whom forcefulness coexists with vulnerability and compassion, a man worthy of our trust, a man capable of deep intimacy.” ~Robert Augustus Masters Anger is not the problem. Anger is […]

The Essential Difference Between Liberty-Lovers and Big-Government Types Is Political Tolerance

By Daniel J. Mitchell As long as it’s voluntary, free-market supporters are happy to let others experiment with socialism. The opposite does not hold true. Why are there so few liberty-oriented societies compared to the number of places with statist governments? And why does it seem like the size and scope of government keeps expanding […]

New Study Shows How Specific Types Of Meditation Affect Different Areas Of The Brain

Next Story If you look at most ‘masters’ in the field of meditation, a common theme that currently exists is a big misconception about meditation, that it has to be done a certain way, that you have to sit a specific way or do something in particular in order to reap the benefits. These masters […]

Diabetes is really five different diseases, not just Types 1 & 2 – study

A study, published in the journal The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, has revealed five new subgroups of diabetes, each genetically distinct from one another. According to the research, these differences play a role in the stage of life the disease might develop at, as well as the severity of complications, such as kidney disease, among […]

Is Israel testing new types of tear gas in Bethlehem?

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“Vegans Are Too Weak & Low Energy To Train With Me” – This Should End The Debate Between Diet Types

Next Story “Vegans are too weak and are too low energy to train with me.” The man who said these words is Ido Portal, an amazingly talented individual who has mastered the art of movement. But why would he say such a thing? This is what I want to address today. The reason why I say “end […]

Scandinavian Sex Shaman Explains The 9 Types of Vaginas and Why They Matter

Athena Lund grew up in Norway along the coast of the nude beaches. She reveled in the sexual liberation of an upbringing in Europe, where nudity and sexuality were — and still are — far less taboo than in America. There, the naked bodies she encountered along the shores ingrained in her an appreciation for […]

Brain Waves Reflect Different Types of Learning

These distinct neural signatures could guide scientists as they study the underlying neurobiology of how we both learn motor skills and work through complex cognitive tasks, says Earl K. Miller, the Picower Professor of Neuroscience at the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory and the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, and senior author of […]

However you "identify," there are only two types of brains: male and female

(Natural News) By natural design, gender is binary, indicated by XX and XY chromosomes and reinforced by the brain’s own wiring. Scientists at the NYU School of Medicine confirm that there are two types of brains, male and female, and they are wired distinctively different in regards to aggression and mating. By nature, male and female […]

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