Posts Tagged ‘Palmyra’

ISIS Kills At Least 14 Syrian Soldiers In Palmyra Bus Attack

Via The Cradle, ISIS militants attacked a military bus in the Syrian desert on Tuesday, killing at least 14 Syrian army soldiers, the anti-Assad Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported. “At least 14 members of the regime forces were killed” and several others wounded “in a bloody [ISIS] attack on a military bus” in the […]

Aramaic Inscriptions in Palmyra, Syria, Solve Mystery of the ‘Anonymous God’

The analysis of over 2,500 Aramaic inscriptions in Palmyra in south-central Syria has helped solve a 100-year-old mystery. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Asia Read Later  Source

Khaled Al Asaad Remains Found near Palmyra: Kidnapped, Tortured, Beheaded by ISIS

 MIRI WOOD FEBRUARY 8, 2021 Syrian authorities have discovered the remains of three persons near Palmyra, 7 February. One is believed to be the body of famed archaeologist and Director of Antiquities, Dr. Khaled al Asaad, who was kidnapped by ISIS, tortured, decapitated, and his body mutilated and tied in a public place. The butchery of the professor […]

Video: ISIS Attacks Syrian Government Forces, Goes All In to Cut Off Palmyra-Deir Ezzor Highway

Map Update: Syrian Government Forces Advancing Along Palmyra-Deir Ezzor Road

24.06.2017 On June 23, Syrian government forces liberated the Arak gas station northeast of the Arak gas field in the province of Homs. The area had been controlled by ISIS terrorists. Click the Map With this advance, pro-government fighters further advanced along the strategic road linking up the cities of Palmyra and Deir Ezzor. On […]

ISIS reeling before Syrian army advances in Aleppo and Palmyra regions

     Lightning advances by Syrian troops in recent weeks send ISIS reeling and put Syrian army in stronger position as it races US backed forces to regain control of more and more areas of Syria. With the situation in western Syria relatively stabilized following the ceasefire and the declaration of the ‘de-escalation areas’ there, the […]

Syrian government forces retake an important crossroads from ISIS east of Palmyra

Ivan Yakovlev 12/05/2017   DAMASCUS, SYRIA (6:50 P.M.) – On Friday, Syrian Arab Army (SAA) backed by Russian Air Force continued offensive against the so-called “Islamic State” (IS, or also ISIL/ISIS) in eastern Palmyra countryside. Led by 5th Army Corps units, government forces captured Talilah crossroads and its surroundings east of Palmyra after violent clashes […]

Complete control established over Palmyra, terrorists suffered serious damage

     Complete control has been established over Syria’s Palmyra, the Russian General Staff said on Wednesday, adding that terrorists are suffering serious damage. “In a month and a half, the [Syrian] government forces <…> completely destroyed a Daesh terror group, advanced more than 60 kilometers and established complete control over Palmyra. The terrorists suffered serious […]

‘Demographic war’: Spike in Arab homes demolition in east Jerusalem slammed in new report

“During the first six months of this year, 72 homes were demolished in east Jerusalem, while 113 nonresidential structures were torn down by the government,” Suhail Khalilieh, head of the Settlement Monitoring Department at the Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem (ARIJ), who contributed to the report, told the Jerusalem Post. The group says it aims […]

Is your heart being cooked by microwave radiation?

     The Power of the Heart Your heart produces an electromagnetic field 5000 times as powerful as that produced by your brain.[1] This field projects from your physical body to contribute to the circumvent field or aura. 60 – 65 % of heart cells are neural cells connected to the central nervous system and brain […]

Smoke billows as fire breaks out near railway station in Japan (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

The blaze reportedly started in an Oreon café in the city of Utsunomiya, in the northern Kanto region of Japan. The café is near Utsunomiya railway station. According to social media, a part of the road was blocked due to the blaze. Fire and ambulances have reportedly arrived at the scene. Utsunomiya is the most […]

Why the British Said No to Europe

  by JOHN PILGER The majority vote by Britons to leave the European Union was an act of raw democracy. Millions of ordinary people refused to be bullied, intimidated and dismissed with open contempt by their presumed betters in the major parties, the leaders of the business and banking oligarchy and the media. […]

Iraqi forces have entered ISIS-held Fallujah – AFP citing commanders

“The operation to enter Fallujah began on [Monday] morning,” an Iraqi official told AFP. An Iraqi military officer told Reuters the government’s military unit is currently trying to advance in Falluja, with explosions and heavy gunfire reportedly heard in Falluja’s southern Naimiya district. Iraqi forces slice through ISIS fortifications on all fronts around Fallujah (VIDEO) […]

Iran’s Pasargad Group Weighs $330 million IPO of energy unit

Pasargad Financial Group, owner of Iran’s second-largest bank, is weighing the sale of shares in its energy unit as the removal of sanctions boosts confidence in the economy. “We’ll likely IPO some of our companies this year, like PEDC,” Majid Ghassemi, chairman of Pasargad Energy Development Co. and CEO of Pasargad Bank, said in an interview […]

HUD Forces Cheaper Rent for Non-Whites to have “Access’ to White Neighborhoods

United States Department of Housing and Urban Development used Dallas as a test for forced diversity and the city is now experiencing much more violence. Hillary’s rumored running mate, Housing Secretary Julian Castro, is cooking up a scheme to reallocate funding for Section 8 housing to punish suburbs for being too white and too wealthy. The […]

The Obama’s administration threatens Damascus, again, demanding the capitulation of Syrian president, for leaving green light to their mercenary-cutthroats

  America’s Outrageous Ultimatum: Syria as the Libya of the Levant By Tony Cartalucci ~ Journal-Neo How the United States presumes to possess the authority to determine the fate of a sovereign nation thousands of miles from its own shores in the Middle East is never explained by US Secretary of State John Kerry when he recently […]

Bizarre video shows unexplained desert blowhole shooting sand hundreds of feet in the air in Saudi Arabia

     This is the bizarre moment a huge blow hole opened in the middle of the desert – firing sand hundreds of feet into the air. Workers tried to fill the hole using a digger to push sand into the gap, but to no avail. But each time they pushed sand into the hole, it […]

The Labour of Judea Strikes Again

May 05, 2016  /  Gilad Atzmon The Labour Party may not have an issue with anti Semitism but they certainly have a serious issue with Black people and their history Leading Black activist Jacqueline Walker of Thanet Momentum, is now suspended from the Labour party for comments about the primacy of Black suffering. Ms Walker […]

Kim Yo Sister: NK ‘Supreme Leader’ gives millennial sibling major job promotion

Kim Yo Jong will move up from her current role as deputy director of WPK’s Propaganda and Agitation Department, in which she oversees the personality cult of the “Supreme Leader” and leads “idolization projects related to Kim Jong Un,” according to Daily NK. The WPK’s seventh congress is due to convene on Friday and last […]

‘Inconsistency & cowardice’: German activists decry Merkel’s collaboration with ‘despot Erdogan’

Gathered outside the seat of the Chancellor, demonstrators wielding Kurdish flags and banners were addressed by Bruno Kramm, the head of the Berlin branch of Germany’s Pirate Party. “Human rights, Mrs Merkel, are not up for negotiation. We are angry because you appoint a dictator as an accomplice due to your own lack of ideas, […]

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