Posts Tagged ‘represent’

CK – Satanists Represent an Alien Force

A painting full of symbolism of the Mystery Schools. “Allegory of Geometry”, 1649, Laurent de La Hyre displayed at the Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco. The snake covers the Earth, geometry and pyramids play key roles. What is seen depends on the viewer’s level of initiation and wisdom. The secret of the Occult Arts […]

Does Any Member of the US Government Represent Americans?

by Paul Craig Roberts | Nov 6, 2023 | 0 comments Paul Craig Roberts – Nov 5, 2023 US Representative Matt Gaetz  has courage and principles, for the most part good ones. It was Gaetz who had the courage and leadership ability to get rid of Rino McCarthy as Speaker of the House. It […]

Sept 11 – “US Gov Does Not Represent American Citizens” – MacGregor

Please send inks and comments to [email protected] Col. Douglas McGregor–“The people that control your financial markets, institutions and the people that control your main stream media, they now control your governments.” Although MacGregor cannot mention the Rothschilds by name, he does say they want to plunder Russia and destroy its Christian character.  See the video […]

Street Protests In France Do Not Represent “An Invasion”, It Is The Other Way Around

The riots and widespread street protests across France, following the murder of an unarmed 17-year-old, Nahel Merzouk, at a traffic stop, has sent shockwaves throughout a nation that has already been struck by instability. However, the way that the unrest is being reported in many media outlets is misleading and refuses to give proper context […]

J.D. Vance: GOP Must Represent People of East Palestine Against Corporate Special Interests, Big Government

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) is calling on House and Senate Republicans to represent the residents of East Palestine, Ohio against corporate special interests in the rail industry that enjoy lucrative taxpayer-funded federal subsidies. Source

AI-powered “robot” lawyer will be first of its kind to represent defendant in court

A “robot” lawyer powered by artificial intelligence will be the first of its kind to help a defendant fight a traffic ticket in court next month.  Source

Fauci: ‘Conspiracy Theorists Represent a Threat to Democracy’

President Biden’s disgraced chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci has warned that “misinformation” about the Covid jabs represents a “direct threat to democracy.” In an interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, Fauci dismissed criticism from Twitter CEO […] The post Fauci: ‘Conspiracy Theorists Represent a Threat to Democracy’ appeared first on News Punch. Source

Blood Red Biden: Trump Supporters “Represent An Extremism That Threatens The Very Foundations Of Our Republic”

During a speech on gun control in Pennsylvania Tuesday, Joe Biden once again declared that the Second Amendment is “not unlimited” and told “brave right wing Americans” that if they engaged in a fight against their government they would need more than a gun. Biden told the crowd “I have two shotguns at home. I […]

Blood Red Biden: Trump Supporters “Represent An Extremism That Threatens The Very Foundations Of Our Republic”

During a speech on gun control in Pennsylvania Tuesday, Joe Biden once again declared that the Second Amendment is “not unlimited” and told “brave right wing Americans” that if they engaged in a fight against their government they would need more than a gun. Biden told the crowd “I have two shotguns at home. I […]

Qatar Will Represent US Interests in Afghanistan

Turkey-Qatar Posture for Joint Afghan Role Despite Human Rights Concerns 11/16/2021 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on November 12, 2021, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken announced that Qatar will act as the US diplomatic representative in Afghanistan. This announcement came one day after Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar met […]

Japan Drops Vax Rollout to Represent Her People, Goes to Ivermectin and ENDS Covid Crap Overnight

Japan drops vax rollout, goes to Ivermectin, ENDS COVID almost overnight WORLDNEWSDESK 27 OCTOBER 2021  HITS: 388919 The ongoing COVID-19 nonsense here in the United States exists solely and exclusively because our governments have failed to use the correct treatment.  They used so-called “vaccines” when Japan has just proven, in less than ONE MONTH, that Ivermectin can […]

UK: People Who Have Been Vaccinated Represent Half of Recent COVID Deaths

It’s working great. It’s fine. Everything is fine. Northern hemisphere winter is going to be interesting. Via: Wall Street Journal: As the Delta variant of the coronavirus surges through the U.K., almost half of the country’s recent Covid-19 deaths are of people who have been vaccinated. But doctors and scientists aren’t sounding the alarm about the […]

The End Goal: Nefarious Hive Mind (For NSA, CIA, Pentagon, DARPA Who Represent ZIONIST British Empire) GANG STALKING BY CIA & NSA, Military Intelligence.

[embedded content] Shad Productions15.7K subscribersSUBSCRIBETargeted Individual Gang Stalking MKULTRA Monarch Mind Control Dr. John Hall Microchip Artificial Intelligence Transhumanism CIA RCMP CSIS Disinformation Fake News Propaganda Mind Reading Direct Neural Interface Brain Implant ***NOTE*** This is the full version of the documentary. You can watch the short version here:… If you watched the short […]

Corrupt Criminals in Congress Defend Voter Fraud as THEY Represent a Crime Syndicate (ZIONIST Crime Syndicate-Pictured + British Monarchy)

CEOs for Voter FraudAPRIL 14, 2021 NY Times:Defying Republicans, Big Companies Keep the Focus on Voting RightsREBUTTAL BY An extra-governmental branch of the American power structure — let’s call it, the US CEOngress — has in recent years surpassed the power of the state itself in some ways. What the Globalists cannot, because of political realities, achieve […]

Young Communist Unsettled To Find Hammer, Sickle Represent Physical Labor

BOULDER, CO—According to sources, local high-school senior and avowed radical communist Kazden McChitterly is “a bit unsettled” after discovering the hammer and sickle from the insignia he proudly wears on his t-shirts and knit hats represents hard physical labor.  “Wait– that’s an actual hammer? Like the kind you swing?” said McChitterly nervously. “Like– you have to […]

ONLY PSYCHOPATHS Make it to the Top of the United States Gov’t & Hollywood and They Don’t Represent YOU!

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders[edit] Main article: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-I and DSM-II[edit] In American psychiatry, prior to the publication of the DSM-I, paraphilias were classified as cases of “psychopathic personality with pathologic sexuality”. The DSM-I (1952) included sexual deviation as a personality disorder of sociopathic subtype. The only diagnostic guidance was that sexual deviation […]

Legal firm offers to represent Zionist organizations across US campuses

The Zachor Legal Institute announced that it will be teaming up with Zionist organizations on campuses across the United States to combat anti-Israel rhetoric at universities countrywide. The legal firm notes that since anti-Israel groups are allowed to hold apartheid weeks and hold Zionist organizations on campus complicit to blood libels, it would like to […]

Gov’ts That Don’t Represent Their People Allow Them To Starve: USSA

By infostormer -October 21, 20200 Was shutting down the economy because of the flu worth it? You tell me when you read this news blurb. FOX 5: The lines are long and the need is enormous. More than 1 million New Yorkers can’t afford food, and standing on long lines at food banks is now too common […]

Nick Sandmann Attorney Offers to Represent Kyle Rittenhouse

A lawyer who successfully represented Covington Catholic school student Nick Sandmann is helping obtain legal counsel for Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old charged with murder after defending himself from violent attackers in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Attorney Lin Wood on Thursday set out to seek a competent defense counsel for Rittenhouse, announcing the formation of a legal team […]

Nick Sandmann Attorney Offers to Represent Kyle Rittenhouse

A lawyer who successfully represented Covington Catholic school student Nick Sandmann is helping obtain legal counsel for Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old charged with murder after defending himself from violent attackers in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Attorney Lin Wood on Thursday set out to seek a competent defense counsel for Rittenhouse, announcing the formation of a legal team […]

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