Posts Tagged ‘rollout’

Interview 1887 – James Corbett Predicts the CBDC Rollout on Reality Check Radio

via “Independent journalist James Corbett from The Corbett Report joins us to discuss CBDCs, Digital IDs, and more. You won’t want to miss this one!” Source

New York Becomes First State to Rollout Bill Gates’ Digital ID System

New York has become the first U.S. state to rollout Bill Gates’ digital ID system, as the slow march towards a Chinese-style social credit score system looks set to become reality for New Yorkers. Gov. […] The post New York Becomes First State to Rollout Bill Gates’ Digital ID System appeared first on The People's […]

‘Turbo-AIDS’ Set To Kill BILLIONS After ‘Disease X’ Rollout, Gates Insider Warns

The global elite are using the World Economic Forum in Davos to boast about a range of new vaccines that they claim will allow them to change the world. The timing could not be more […] The post ‘Turbo-AIDS’ Set To Kill BILLIONS After ‘Disease X’ Rollout, Gates Insider Warns appeared first on The People's […]

Killer Jab rollout spurred a 55% increase in disabilities among American working women

The current estimate I have been seeing is 17 million dead humans Holocausted by the Killer Jabs. The number is probably much higher. With millions and millions the walking dead just waiting for that heart attack, stroke or turbo cancer to take them out. Folks I personally know, friends and extended family who took the […]

Govt’s Sign WEF Treaty To Ration Food and Rollout CBDCs Next Year

Multiple Western government’s have recently signed a WEF treaty that compels them to begin rationing food supplies and replace traditional currency with CBDCs starting next year. According to journalist Brandon Smith, the rise in inflation […] The post Govt’s Sign WEF Treaty To Ration Food and Rollout CBDCs Next Year appeared first on The People's […]

2,000 Athletes Had Fatal Heart Attacks Since Jab Rollout

    Since the jab rollout the number of athletes dropping dead from heart problems has soared to unprecedented levels. These professional athletes are supposed to be among the fittest people on the planet. So why have thousands of them in the past two and a half years suddenly collapsed with inexplicable heart conditions? Since […]

U.S. Invests $1.5 Billion to Spur 5G Rollout Despite New Evidence of ‘Devastating’ Health Issues

U.S. Invests $1.5 Billion to Spur 5G Rollout Despite New Evidence of ‘Devastating’ Health Issues A new study from Sweden showed that a previously healthy woman developed symptoms of “microwave syndrome” shortly after a 5G cell tower was installed nearly 200 feet from her apartment. By    Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.   Miss a day, miss […]

WHO Bombshell: 1 in 6 Americans Are Now Infertile Following Jab Rollout

1 in 6 Americans of childbearing age are completely infertile since the jab rollout, according to a disturbing World Health Organization report. The report also confirms that most of the Western World struggles with plummeting […] The post WHO Bombshell: 1 in 6 Americans Are Now Infertile Following Jab Rollout appeared first on News Punch. […]

Stroke Consultations Shoot Up by 25% Since Vaccine Rollout

Stroke Consultations Shoot Up by 25% Since Vaccine Rollout Date: February 28, 2023Author: Nwo Report   Posted BY: Daily Sceptic Last month the U.S. CDC and FDA released a joint statement stating that they had identified a statistical signal of increased strokes after vaccination with Pfizer’s bivalent Covid booster vaccine in those aged 65 and over. This […]

Emirates Premium Economy is now on every Sydney flight as the rollout continues

Sydney is the first city in the world to have Premium Economy on every Emirates flight. The Sydney-Dubai route stakes its claim as the first – and currently, only – city pair in Emirates’ global network with Premium Economy now available on every flight. In fact, Emirates is the only Middle Eastern carrier serving Australia with […]

Australia’s covid “vaccine” rollout was secretly headed up by the U.S. MILITARY: report

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) All that tyranny we told you about that took place in Australia throughout the covid “pandemic” was headed up, secretly, by none other than the United States military, we now know.From the initial lockdowns to the mask and “vaccine” mandates, all of it was spearheaded by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), […]

TSA Plans Nationwide Rollout Of Biometric Machines For Airport Travelers

Traversing Transportation Security Administration (TSA) lines is already stressful enough at airports. All travelers are screened during the security process by technology or an invasive pat-down. One such machine currently being tested in more than a dozen airports with a possible nationwide rollout next year is one where travelers look straight into a camera, according to The […]

FAA warns against 5G rollout as airlines upgrade radio altimeters to avoid interference

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has warned against any distribution of 5G technology due to concerns regarding interference with aircraft equipment. Its warning comes amid airports upgrading their equipment to avoid untoward incidents involving the frequency.Back in January, the FAA issued notices to airmen … [Read More…] Source

SKIP THE SCIENCE: FDA allows rollout of UNTESTED Big Pharma COVID shots

(Natural News) The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) adopted back in June a “Future Framework” scheme that allows Pfizer and Moderna to reformulate and release updated Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) shots without conducting any additional clinical trials. Pharmaceutical companies will be able to update their current COVID-19 jabs to include “an omicron BA.4/5 spike protein component to the […]

‘The Least Safe Day’: Rollout of Gun Detecting AI Scanners in Schools Has Been a ‘Cluster,’ Emails Show

On March 22, Jennifer Dean, the principal of Mallard Creek High School in Charlotte, NC emailed members of her staff to tell them about a new security system being installed. Made by a Massachusetts-based company called Evolv Technology, the system claims to use artificial intelligence to detect guns and other concealed weapons by scanning people […]

Government Database Reveals 10,000% Increase in Cancer Following Jab Rollout

There has been a massive 10,661.4% increase in cancer reports following the rollout of the experimental COVID-19 jabs, according to recent data in the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Brian Shilhavy, editor of Health […] The post Government Database Reveals 10,000% Increase in Cancer Following Jab Rollout appeared first on News Punch. Source

Senator Dr. Rand Paul to Put Firing Fauci to a Vote, US Post-Vax Rollout, All-Cause Deaths Up 40%

Above image: Pro soccer player Adama Traore goes down clutching chest in unprecedented spate of heart attacks, strokes and deaths among young pro athletes. Via New York Post, March 14, 2022, by Mark Moore ​Sen.​ Rand ​​Paul ​said he will introduce ​an ​amendment to ​remove ​Dr. Anthony Fauci as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious […]

Finally, Police Open Criminal Probe into U.K. Vaccine Rollout

Finally, Police Open Criminal Probe into U.K. Vaccine RolloutPublished on December 28, 2021Written by English medical dissenter Sam White and his legal team on Monday presented what they claim is “significant and irrefutable evidence” of COVID-19 vaccine safety issues to London’s Metropolitan Police — and a criminal investigation has now been launched. Lawyers acting […]

Israel Halts Rollout of 4th COVID Shot, Opts for Hospital Trial to Check Efficacy and Safety

JERUSALEM—Israel’s Health Ministry has halted the national rollout of a fourth vaccine dose for those over 60 or at risk of severe disease that was set to begin on Sunday, opting instead for a hospital trial to address the debate over whether there is sufficient scientific information available to justify another booster drive. A major Israeli hospital will […]

Updated: FDA Releases Month One of 55 Year Rollout For Pfizer COVID-19 Jab Data And It’s Already a Disaster

Updated: FDA Releases Month One of 55 Year Rollout For Pfizer COVID-19 Jab Data And It’s Already a Disaster Date: November 20, 2021Author: Nwo Report   Source: daniel_gRemember when the FDA requested a federal judge allow them until 2076 to publicly release the data and information for the Pfizer COVID-19 injection?Here’s a refresher from the FOIA […]

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