Posts Tagged ‘darpa’

Jeff Bezos, Facebook LINKED to DARPA’s data gathering and privacy invasion program

(NaturalNews) Amazon founder and Executive Chairman Jeff Bezos was linked by a report to the United States Department of Defense’s Defense Advanced Research… Source

PITAC/IARPA: Vitaliano’s Private/Civilian NSA/CIA/DARPA

First rule of Vitaliano, nobody speaks about Vitaliano. The President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC) was authorized by Congress under the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 (P. L. 102-194) and the Next Generation Internet Act of 1998 (P. L. 105-305) as a Federal Advisory Committee. Executive Order 13385 amending Executive Order 13226 to extend the […]

DARPA/ARPA-H REACT Program Seeking To Make Your Body A Bio-Factory & Most Dangerous Nobel Prize

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/3/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

DARPA & Moderna teamed up to create mRNA Gene Therapy Injections which led to a Deadly COVID “Vaccine”

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON SEPTEMBER 21, 2023 • ( 10 COMMENTS ) DARPA has openly bragged on Twitter that Moderna’s mRNA vaccine technology, and by extension Moderna’s Covid vaccine, was a product of their ADEPT program. Below, Spartacus takes a look at the paper trail that shows Moderna is just another front in the Biodefence Mafia. The introduction of foreign nucleic acids […]

Dr. Len Ber, Ozone Therapy Proponent, has worked with DARPA and the CIA on Mind Control.

I think it’s time to start looking at the Front Line Protocol proponents a little closer. They are clearly a tight knit bunch, and very few deviate from the narratives. If we look really close, we can see the anatomy of controlled opposition. Recently I was asked about Oxone Therapy promoted by Dr. Len Ber. […]

DARPA & Moderna Teamed Up To Create mRNA Gene Therapy Injections Which Led To ‘Covid’ Jabs

Moderna is just another front in the Biodefence Mafia. DARPA has openly boasted that Moderna’s mRNA vaccine technology, and by extension Moderna’s so called Covid Vaccine, was a product of their ADEPT program. ADEPT is […] The post DARPA & Moderna Teamed Up To Create mRNA Gene Therapy Injections Which Led To ‘Covid’ Jabs appeared […]

DARPA Biochip Being Rolled Out Under COVID Can Control Human DNA

While half of the American voting public is no doubt waiting in earnest for the announcement of a release of the COVID vaccine and as totalitarian states and governments the world over attempt to require proof of negative tests before travel, a new tool in the shed of government surveillance and control is revealing itself. […]

DARPA Email Confirms, Franco Vitaliano Also Helped Invent the Internet!

In this DARPA email, dated September 15, 1987, Major Doug Hardie is praising Franco Vitaliano’s work with Software Robot Fixes while designing the internet. On-line Robotic Repair of Software“Maj. Doug Hardie” [email protected], 15 Sep 87 12:27 EDTThe following is taken from Business Week, Sep 7, 87 page 113.THIS SOFTWARE ROBOT FIXES SYSTEMS – WHILE THEY’RE […]

Pfizer is clearly a Bio-weapons division of DARPA.

READ HERE: Pfizer Responds After Director Says Company Is Developing Ways To Mutate COVID-19   Source

The Myocarditis Weapon & The DARPA/NIH COVID Experiment

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (1/22/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

DARPA Intent on Creating Psychopathic Soldiers “With No Empathy” Their OWN WORDS!

DARPA’s Cocktail Menu of Brave New World Human Control August 11, 2022 Russ Winter Articles by Russ Winter, Business, US News, Winter Watch Articles 14 Alaska’s controversial HAARP facility closed down. Will it come back online? PHOTO: Anchorage Daily News The “natural person” — as opposed to some contrived invention called a “trans-human” — has a right to be left unmolested […]

DARPA, Insects, Mad Science, and Us: Nowhere to Hide

Analysis by Tessa Lena STORY AT-A-GLANCE Irresponsible use of new and very advanced technologies by the military is life-threatening Engineered viruses can be used to edit genes in a target species, including in a heritable manner “Insect Allies” is a DARPA program designed to genetically modify mature plants in a live environment by releasing insects […]

What Is DARPA Planning With The WEF?

In 2013, President Obama awarded $100 million in grant money to launch the BRAIN (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) Initiative. This program conducts neurotechnological research in the name of treating various neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, and brain injuries. 

INFLATION hits shocking 40 Yr high while DARPA funds creation of 3D printed food from “mixed waste”

As inflation continues to skyrocket with no apparent end in sight but DARPA already seeing the future in its 3D printed food. Harrowing news broke this week as economic reports start to come in from the month of December. Under the first year of the Biden regime, inflation hit a 40 year high. From the […]

Explosive Military Documents: EcoHealth Alliance Asked DARPA to Fund Gain of Function Research of Bat Borne Coronaviruses in 2018 – DARPA Refused, But Fauci’s NIAID Moved the Research in Wuhan, China and at Several Sites Across the U.S. – Also, Ivermectin Cures COVID

Military documents state that EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018 seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses. The proposal, named “Project Defuse,” was rejected by DARPA over safety concerns and the notion that it violates the gain of function research moratorium. Project Veritas has obtained startling never-before-seen documents regarding […]

Nano BioChips From DARPA in Covid “Vaxx’s” Which Are Tracking Devices, DNA Barcoding and Branding of Humans, Etc. Creating New Artificial Molecules & Creating a New Species From Humans: GMO Patentable Humans Comment: Directed Energy Weapons are used by the MILITARY. Quantum dot uses CRISPR based technology. For more on this gene editing I have a research paper link. 🙂 Page 6…………………………… Genome Editing: CRISPR-Cas9Relatedly, genome editing technology improved. CRISPR technologymakes genome editing cheaper, faster and more efficient. CRISPRs are specialized stretches of DNA.18 The CRISPR-associated […]

Darpa Creating Super Humans: Former Gov’t Employee Predicts Cataclysmic Extinction Level Event

The debate over whether Covid-19 is a natural virus or an engineered one has brought a lot of new attention to all the research that the U.S. government is quietly spending money on. Some of it might be related to engineered viruses or bioweapons. Some of it could conceivably be a great deal stranger. Celeste […]

IVERMECTIN can neutralize DARPA’s Deadly Hydrogel 5G Interface of Nano Antennas. Also Nano particles found inside swabs – Dr Peter Moloney Foundation

The Nightingale Files No wonder Ivermectin is banned from being mentioned on FACEBOOK as a cure for CV19. “The germs thus penetrate into the airways without any immune filter. Particularly problematic in this context: the warm breath moisture under the masks is the ideal breeding ground for germs of all kinds” — Jason Fivaz […]

Germany’s Pfizer-BioNTech and DARPA funded Moderna COVID-19 vaccines part of UN/WHO’s vaccine induced sterility/genocide program

Messenger RNA (mRNA) is genetic material, so in that sense, the vaccines are genetically based therapy. But the FDA classifies them as vaccines, not gene therapy. Here’s why? Since 1972 “the WHO Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation has been supporting basic and clinical research on the development of birth control vaccines directed against […]

Patent Shows that DARPA Built Covid with the Help of Bill Gates & WHO

A patent has emerged to show that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) was hatched nearly two years prior to its public release, proving that it did not randomly appear in bats at a wet market. Great Britain’s Serco Group approved the patent filing for the Chinese Virus a full 17 months before it first appeared, and […]

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