Posts Tagged ‘rolled’

Palm payment systems linked to IDs are being rolled out in retail outlets in USA and UAE

New deployments, technologies and markets are driving the implementation of biometric payments systems for in-store and online purchases. Formula 1 racing’s Miami Grand Prix is expanding biometric payments for fans. Qualcomm is launching a new palm payment terminal with Telpo. And a patented palm biometrics system developed in the UAE by Astra Tech conjures images of sorcery […]

DARPA Biochip Being Rolled Out Under COVID Can Control Human DNA

While half of the American voting public is no doubt waiting in earnest for the announcement of a release of the COVID vaccine and as totalitarian states and governments the world over attempt to require proof of negative tests before travel, a new tool in the shed of government surveillance and control is revealing itself. […]

Worldcoin CEO Admits “Global ID Will Be Rolled Out – Whether You Like It or Not”

Worldcoin CEO Sam Altman has admitted that the global elite will soon rollout a mandatory global ID for all citizens – whether they like it or not. According to Altman, everyone who wants to use […] The post Worldcoin CEO Admits “Global ID Will Be Rolled Out – Whether You Like It or Not” appeared […]

‘We got rolled’: How the conservative grassroots lost the fight with Biden because it was focused on Trump

In years past, it would have been a political Waterloo moment for Republicans: President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats racing frantically to finalize sweeping legislation to hike taxes on corporations and spend trillions on climate change and health care subsidies. But instead of mounting a massive grassroots opposition to tank or tar the Inflation Reduction […]

Over a 60X increase in pro sports adverse events since the vaccines rolled out

Nobody can explain that. Some poo-poo these events saying that they happen all the time. True, they do. But not at this rate. Something happened in 2021 that changed things a lot. Can you guess? By Steve Kirsch First, take a look at this video posted by my friend Robert Malone: Safe and effective? Are […]

The Data Suggest We Achieved Herd Immunity Before the Vaccines Were Rolled Out

16 May 2021 We’re publishing an original piece of data analysis today by a leading British scientist – a full professor at a major university – who wishes to remain anonymous. He believes the data show that the population of Britain had surpassed the herd immunity threshold in December, before the vaccines were rolled out. He’s not […]

Report: UK Vaccine Passports To Be Rolled Out WITHIN DAYS

The UK government is to officially roll out vaccine passports within a matter of days according to a report in The London Telegraph that cites sources who have revealed that the Department for Transport has spoken to travel industry officials about the plans. According to the report, an official on a phone call with members […]

UK Health Secretary Confirms Covid ‘Booster’ Vaccines Will Be Rolled Out This Autumn

The Health Secretary Matt Hancock has confirmed that the UK will roll out booster vaccines later this year as he announced that ten million people have now had their second doses. According to Hancock the uptake of the vaccines had so far has been ‘astonishingly high’ and that the country remains on track to offer […]

CDC Director Robert Redfield Expects Vaccine to Be Rolled Out Second Week in December

Appearing Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s The Daily Briefing, Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said that he expects the coronavirus vaccine will be rolled out in the second week of December. WATCH: @CDCDirector Robert Redfield joins @DanaPerino LIVE on the @dailybriefing. — The Daily Briefing (@dailybriefing) November […]

Is COVID-19 a colossal diversion while 5G is rolled out? (Video)

Pay close attention: this is important! Posted by Our Greater Destiny [embedded content] What is the real 5G agenda and why the frantic hurry to deploy it? If the public knew the existential threat posed by adopting a military weapon as a communications technology, they would not consent. The name 5G deceptively implies a […]

Serbia has rolled out the red carpet to China – but at what cost?

When the COVID-19 pandemic started early in 2020, Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic angrily declared that Serbs could no longer rely on the European Union for support. Serbia could count on just one ally, Vucic said, the People’s Republic of China. Since the beginning of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, under which Beijing has invested in […]

Rapid COVID-19 tests that give results ‘in minutes’ to be rolled out in poorer countries

The World Health Organization (WHO) said Monday that it has agreed to a plan to roll out 120 million rapid-diagnostic tests for the coronavirus. Along with its leading partners, WHO aims to help lower- and middle-income countries make up ground in a testing gap with richer countries. The antigen-based rapid diagnostic tests, for which WHO […]

New flu forecasting system being rolled out; will aggressively push toxic vaccines with "science" propaganda

(Natural News) Researchers from the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in New York City have come up with a new tracking system that they claim will be able to predict the geographic spread of seasonal influenza before it starts to run its course. Published in the journal PNAS, a paper […]


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Israeli Security Model Being Rolled Out in Europe, US

By Thomas Müller of The New Nationalist After the slew of so-called “terrorists attacks” over the last several years, it didn’t take long to see what the real agenda is. Israeli policing tactics are being rolled out. An interview with Breitbart Jerusalem proposed the Mossad model for “combating terrorism” and boogeymen. These measures include deploying armed guards to protect […]

5G Being Rolled Out Fast, Here’s What You NEED To Know!

5G, which comes from the term 5th Generation, is designed to work in conjunction with what former CIA head David Petraeus called the Internet of Things or IoT. The Agenda is to hook every single material thing on the Planet, as well as Humans themselves, onto a Vast Planet-Wide Web where everything and everyone become […]

Scotland Just Rolled Out Finland’s Tradition Of Gifting New Parents A Baby Box

The financial burden of having a newborn baby weighs heavily on many families. The average Canadian family spends at least $8,000 within the first year of having a child, and this average is even higher in other countries. In some countries, there are some programs that supplement these costs, but at the end of the […]

How China Rolled Up a CIA Network

Israeli troops liquidate Palestinian lady

Days of Palestine, occupied Palestine –Israeli occupation liquidated on Friday Palestinian lady with premeditation in a bus station in occupied Palestine. A number of Israeli occupation troops armed with M16 targeted their rifles at the Palestinian lady Israa Abed, 22, and opened fire at her. In the video below, which went viral on social media, […]

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