Posts Tagged ‘trumps’

Support for Israel trumps everything: GOP election deniers and their Dem critics both find support from AIPAC

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) new super PAC committee has released a list of over 100 candidates that it’s backing in this year’s midterm elections. 37 of them voted to overturn the 2020 presidential election in which Joe Biden beat Donald Trump. AIPAC also endorsed dozens of Democrats and some of those lawmakers […]

Football: Where Money Trumps “The Virus” by Jon Rappoport

Football: Where Money Trumps “The Virus”by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake NewsNovember 26, 2021 I wouldn’t ordinarily write about football; but the sport illustrates how vaunted Public Health Officials look the other way, when they’re supposed to. They have as much integrity as thieves in the night. Only idiots would pay attention to anything they say […]

Banksters LOVE Wars & Biden; Close Trumps Accounts!

[embedded content] Comment: Placed into position by Banksters Khazarian/ZIONIST Mafia! The Liberals/Demoncrats Have Become the WAR Party! 085January 22, 2021 (National File) In what can only be seen as private sector political persecution, a Florida bank has become the latest financial institution to dissolve its relationship with former-President Donald Trump over incendiary narratives floated by […]

Trumps Speaks Raw Truth About Pelosi, Kamala, AOC & DEMs

Kassidy VavraTHE SUN PRESIDENT Trump unloaded on “stone cold crazy” Nancy Pelosi, “mad woman” Kamala Harris, “poor student” AOC and Democrats who he claims “don’t love the country.” Trump’s slam at the female Democrats and the party as a whole came on Thursday morning in a phone interview with Fox Business‘ Mornings with Maria. ⚠️ Follow our US election 2020 live […]

Trumps Says Russia Should Be In G7, Whether World Powers You ‘Like It Or Not’

Russia should be at the negotiating table in the G7 meeting whether world powers “like it or not” Donald Trump said as he was preparing to fly to Canada for the summit. The US president told reporters: “It used to be [the] G8 because Russia was in it, now Russia isn’t in it… But Russia […]

Watching The Hawks – Trumps Nuclear Weapons are Totally Bigger

Watching The Hawks – Trumps Nuclear Weapons are Totally Bigger Watching The In a childishly-worded letter, Trump has canceled what would have been a historic nuclear peace summit with North Korea. Elon Musk is mad at the media for being mad at him, so hes gonna teach them a lesson. The NFL has unveiled […]

‘Safety trumps religion’: RT guests debate call for fasting Muslims to take time off work (VIDEO)

The comment on Monday by Danish Immigration and Integration Minister Inger Stojberg has unsurprisingly prompted a response from many Muslims, including Mohammed Shafiq, chief executive of the Ramadhan Foundation. “This is a deliberate attempt to try to attack Islam and our practices,” he said during an RT segment. But Stephen Morris of the English Democrats […]

Netanyahu ‘Appreciates’ Trumps ‘Brave’ Decision To Quit Iran Nuclear Deal

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed U.S. President Donald Trump’s “brave and correct” decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, vowing that Israel would respond to any subsequent aggression. In a televised address just moments after Trump announced his decision, Netanyahu said: “The Iranian deal was “a recipe for disaster, a disaster for our region, […]

Watching The Hawks – World War 3 w/ Jesse V. & Psychology Trumps Politics

Watching The Hawks – World War 3 w/ Jesse V. & Psychology Trumps Politics Watching The [703] Former governor Jesse Ventura joins the show to talk World War 3, Syria, North Korea, and the DNCs lawsuit against Donald Trump and the Russian government. RTs Sara Montes de Oca reports on the parasocial relationships that […]

CrossTalking – Trumps War Cabinet

CrossTalking – Trumps War Cabinet By There is an issue probably the only issue that unites many of the most powerful individuals surrounding Donald Trump. And the issue is hostility towards Iran. There is every reason to believe these same people will translate their hostility into action even military action. The War Cabinet is […]

Putin Trumps Trump

In December, 2002, President George W. Bush proclaimed that the US would unilaterally pull out of the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty that had curtailed the development of nuclear missiles and anti-missile systems to defeat them. The arrogant, dim-witted Bush believed that US space technology was advancing so rapidly that it would neutralize Russia’s force of […]

Watching The Hawks – Trumps Show and Tell & Journey for a Cure

Watching The Hawks – Trumps Show and Tell & Journey for a Cure Watching The Trumps plans for a military parade spark controversy, and conservative commentator Steve Malzberg weighs in. RTs Anya Parampil reports on rising tension in Israel. Author Dick Russell discusses his book My Mysterious Son and the search for an alternative […]

Going Underground – Is Trumps Decision the Kiss of Death for the two-state solution? Americas Rabbi

Going Underground – Is Trumps Decision the Kiss of Death for the two-state solution? Americas Rabbi Going Underground with Afshin We speak to Americas Rabbi Rabbi Shmuley about the future of Israel and Jerusalem. LIKE Going Underground Going Underground Afshin Rattansi on Instagram… View the original video for Going Underground […]

The Big Picture – Trumps temperament: Crazy or Crazy like a fox?

The Big Picture – Trumps temperament: Crazy or Crazy like a fox? By The Big The Big Picture Host, Holland Cooke, talks with U.S. presidential historian Doug Wead, and media analyst Lionel of Lionel Media about President Donald Trumps unprecedented way of communicating with the American people. Then Holland talks to Emmy Award winning […]

Did An Author From The 1800’s Predict The Trumps, Russia And America’s Downfall?

Ingersoll Lockwood, an American political writer, lawyer and novelist, combined a unique mixture of science fiction and fantasy into his novels from the late 1800s. Two of his most popular works of literature were illustrated children’s stories, focusing on a peculiar fictional character whose name rings a bell in 2017: Baron Trump. Trump, an aristocratically […]

Truth Trumps Falsehood

Truth Trumps Falsehood dissidentvoice.orgBy Othello “Truth has come and falsehood has vanished away. Surely! Falsehood is ever bound to vanish.” As we witness President Trump declaring that Iran is the main source of terrorism in the world while standing in the very Kingdom of Terror right next to Terrors biggest architects and financiers; the above […]

Cops Gone Wild: Why Black Lives Still Don’t Matter

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Group   The Black Lives Matter (BLM) mantra, “Hands up don’t shoot” was brought to life after a North Miami police officer shot an unarmed black man who had his hands in the air. The officer made headlines after he claimed he thought […]

Final frontier: Hubble captures spectacular space-warped images of mega-distant galaxies (VIDEO)

     The latest images from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope show the spectacular space-warping of hundreds of distant galaxies – something first outlined by Albert Einstein in his General Theory of Relativity. The vivid galaxy cluster Abell S1063, located some 4 billion light-years away, holds the key to this staggering phenomenon. Its immense mass causes a […]

Brazil arrests 10 suspected ISIS members ‘planning Olympic terrorist attacks’

The police operation, codenamed ‘Hashtag,’ took place across nine states, with suspects arrested in Sao Paulo and Parana. Justice Minister Alexandre Moraes told a news conference on Thursday that all the detainees were Brazilian nationals. The police operation took place across nine states. Judicial authorities in the state of Parana claimed that intercepted data and […]

7 Weird Real-Life Glitches in the Matrix

We delve into ideas that stimulate the imagination and open up new possibilities. Share your thoughts with us on these sometimes controversial topics in the comments section below. by Tara MacIsaac / bonus by Alexander Light Some of the strange moments in our lives may make us question “Are we living in ‘The Matrix’? Was […]

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