Posts Tagged ‘fasting’

Intermittent fasting better than pharmaceutical drugs at managing diabetes

(NaturalNews) If you suffer from type 2 diabetes and hate taking antidiabetic pharmaceutical drugs, how about trying intermittent fasting instead?New research… Source

Intermittent Fasting Doubles Your Risk of Dying from a Heart Attack

mar 27 2024 Recent news reports have claimed that intermittent fasting can lead to cardiovascular death. What’s the truth? [embedded content] _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to […]

Intermittent fasting tied to a higher risk of cardiovascular death, research shows 

Intermittent fasting — a diet that cycles between voluntary fasting and non-fasting periods — could be linked to a higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, according to a new analysis. The analysis, first presented Monday at the American Heart Association’s scientific sessions in Chicago, found that people who limit eating food to less than eight… […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Fasting And Prayer For 2024

Kenneth Copeland’s Eagle Mountain International Church is launching a “call to fasting and prayer” for the 2024 election: “The 2024 elections are fast approaching. We know the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. But the Word says to catch him, rebuke him, resist him, bind him and cast him out. Through this fast, we […]

Vaccine Injury Treatment – Fasting for 48-72 hours creates autophagy – the body’s detox process that kills COVID-19 vaccine spike protein damaged cells and reboots the immune system

sept 16 2023 The benefits of fasting on COVID-19 vaccine injuries are now being looked at seriously in the scientific literature. By Influencers Originally Published on Dr. William Makis’ Substack What is the literature on fasting & COVID-19 vax injuries? The benefits of fasting on COVID-19 vaccine injuries, are now being looked at seriously in […]

Miss. Gov. Declares Sunday a Statewide ‘Day of Prayer, Humility and Fasting’

JACKSON, Miss. — Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves announced on Wednesday that he is declaring this Sunday, Dec. 20, a statewide “Day of Prayer, Humility and Fasting” to seek God before the beginning of a new year. “As we close out this year, I felt the need to go to God in prayer for our state,” […]

Okla. Gov. Declares Thursday a Statewide ‘Day of Prayer and Fasting’ Amid COVID Pandemic

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — The governor of Oklahoma has declared Thursday a statewide “Day of Prayer and Fasting,” calling upon all people to pray for the sick during the COVID pandemic, as well as wisdom for those who are handling it. “When we unite in prayer, were are reminded that there is no burden to […]

The science of Yom Kippur fasting

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Japanese Scientists Discover New Benefits of Fasting

September 11th, 2020 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World Fasting is a term that describes a variety of approaches to limiting food intake throughout a 24-hour period, or longer. One common approach is intermittent fasting, in which people limit the number of hours they eat during the day. There are a variety of […]

MIT Biologists Show That Fasting Can Boost Stem Cell Regeneration and Help Digestive Function

New research into fasting is making a case that age-related decline in stem cell regeneration can be reversed by a 24-hour fast. When intestinal stem cells work well, the body can recover from gastrointestinal infections or other conditions that affect digestive function. How Fasting Impacts Intestinal Stem Cells A group of biologists at the […]

‘Safety trumps religion’: RT guests debate call for fasting Muslims to take time off work (VIDEO)

The comment on Monday by Danish Immigration and Integration Minister Inger Stojberg has unsurprisingly prompted a response from many Muslims, including Mohammed Shafiq, chief executive of the Ramadhan Foundation. “This is a deliberate attempt to try to attack Islam and our practices,” he said during an RT segment. But Stephen Morris of the English Democrats […]

Beyond Fasting: What We Can All Learn From Ramadan

The Muslim holiday of Ramadan begins this week, and the first thing that many non-Muslims envision is a month of fasting under blazing desert suns. Ramadan isn’t as simple as that, even for Muslims who practice the holiday in the West. Muslims who observe Ramadan in majority non-Muslim countries face unique challenges. While many Muslims […]

Doctor Explain How Fasting Can Completely Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

Next Story “Everyone has a physician inside him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food. But to eat when you are sick is […]

Study Finds That Fasting For 72 Hours Can Regenerate The Entire Immune System

There has long been controversy surrounding the potential benefits or hazards of fasting. On one hand, supporters of fasting point to the many benefits that they claim fasting provides. This includes promoting weight loss, normalizing insulin sensitivity, lowering triglyceride levels in the body and slowing the signs of aging. There are a number of different ‘fasting plans’ […]

Fasting Reduces Your Cardiovascular Risk

April 3rd, 2018 By Natasha Longo Intermittent energy restriction diets such as the 5:2 diet clears fat from the blood quicker after eating meals compared with daily calorie restriction diets, reducing an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease, a new study in the British Journal of Nutrition reports. Intermittent fasting allows the body to use fat as it’s […]

Strict eating and fasting schedule cleans the blood: Study finds it could clear out proteins that cause Huntington’s disease

(Natural News) Huntington’s disease is a progressive genetic condition that affects the brain and causes involuntary jerking and twitching movements, emotional problems like depression and irritability, coordination problems, and trouble learning new things or making decisions. The condition is usually diagnosed when somebody is in their 30s or 40s – though in […]

Short term lemon honey juice fasting can be an effective way for healthy individuals to reduce BMI, fat levels in the blood

(Natural News) Lemon, honey, and fasting: For some people, these words will look anything but connected, but these three, when combined, have been touted to be effective for weight loss, alcoholic liver disorders, and many other health conditions. Their short-term effects on lipid profile and body composition, however, are less known. Researchers […]

A Neurologist Shows Why Fasting is So Good for Your Brain

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times Fasting creates an energy restriction and puts mild stress on the brain. As a result, it could slow down abnormal degeneration of neurons, common diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons, according to research out of the National Institute on Aging. Fasting Benefits the Brain by Creating Ketones Mark […]

Autophagy, Fasting & Exercize : Scientist Reveal Multiple Ways You Can Slow Down The Process of Aging

Next Story Disease has been on the rise for multiple decades. It seems quite clear that things aren’t really getting any better, and with a growing population, the rate of chronic illness seems to be getting worse. On top of that, we have a medical ‘industry’ full of good-hearted people who want to help people, […]

Reversing Type 2 Diabetes Through Fasting

November 27th, 2017 By Dr. Edward Group Guest writer for Wake Up World Type 2 diabetes, sometimes referred to as adult-onset diabetes, doesn’t have to be permanent. Fasting and calorie restriction can help you get control of your blood sugar, lower your blood pressure, and even help reverse type 2 diabetes. But, before we get into how fasting can undo […]

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