Posts Tagged ‘intermittent’

Intermittent fasting better than pharmaceutical drugs at managing diabetes

(NaturalNews) If you suffer from type 2 diabetes and hate taking antidiabetic pharmaceutical drugs, how about trying intermittent fasting instead?New research… Source

Intermittent Fasting Doubles Your Risk of Dying from a Heart Attack

mar 27 2024 Recent news reports have claimed that intermittent fasting can lead to cardiovascular death. What’s the truth? [embedded content] _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to […]

Intermittent fasting tied to a higher risk of cardiovascular death, research shows 

Intermittent fasting — a diet that cycles between voluntary fasting and non-fasting periods — could be linked to a higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, according to a new analysis. The analysis, first presented Monday at the American Heart Association’s scientific sessions in Chicago, found that people who limit eating food to less than eight… […]

Twitter Experiences Intermittent Outages Following Death of Queen Elizabeth II

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New Study Shows Intermittent Fasting May Be Powerful Tool To Increasing Longevity

Next Story Manipulating the mitochondrial network that resides inside our cells, either by dietary restriction or genetic manipulation, may promote health and even increase lifespan, according to new research from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Recently published in Cell Metabolism, the study highlights the biology involved in cells’ declining ability to process energy over time, a […]

Intermittent Fasting For Women, What You Need To Know To Avoid Hormonal Imbalance

By now, you may have heard of some of the incredible benefits of intermittent fasting. Things like a higher metabolism, weight loss, and increased energy, among many other benefits, can all be experienced, and I’ll explore them further below. As soon as I heard about this amazing practice, I thought it would be something that I […]

Gulf War veteran with PTSD has children taken away by CPS for using medical marijuana

     The family of a Gulf War veteran suffering PTSD lost custody of their youngest kids after moving from Colorado, where treatment with medical marijuana is legal, to Kansas, where pot is illegal. They have seen their children three times since last April. Veteran Raymond Schwab and his wife Amelia are fighting to get back […]

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