Posts Tagged ‘longevity’

Aubrey de Grey: Fake Longevity Guru Exposed as a Pedophile

The jews are notorious for playing all sides simultaneously. Even non-political movements that one wouldn’t normally suspect of being thoroughly infiltrated with jewish agents – are teeming with them beyond measure! As a matter of fact, kosher psyops are far more common than most dare to fathom, and are increasing at a truly alarming rate. […]

An Opportunity for ‘Radical Longevity’

In my bestselling books “The Fat Flush Plan” and “Radical Metabolism,” I discuss the neglected and overlooked weight-gain factors, beyond just diet and exercise, which are major contributors to our current obesity epidemic. I target liver and gallbladder congestion, sluggish thyroid, excess inflammation, yeast overgrowth, and hormonal imbalance as potent factors “weighing us down” and […]

‘Half a glass of wine’: Runner, 94, on the secrets of her longevity

This runner from Romania is gearing to compete at an athletics championship… at the age of 94. Elena Pagu, who only began jogging in her late 50s, wants to take part in the European Master Athletics Indoor Championships in Portugal. It was postponed earlier this year due to the coronavirus outbreak and is set to […]

Awaken Your Evolutionary Potential for Self-Healing, Longevity and Super-Perception – FREE Online Workshop

How would your life change if you knew you had the innate ability to prevent illness, increase longevity, and thrive – especially in this time of extremes? What if you could tap into your own intuition — on demand — in the times you need it most? Recent scientific research is revealing that many things […]

Secret to Longevity May Lie in the Microbiome and the Gut

Secret to Longevity May Lie in the Microbiome and the Gut June 4th, 2018 Via: Nature: You are what you eat. Or so the saying goes. Science now tells us that we are what the bacteria living in our intestinal tract eat and this […]

Oldest Living Person At 128 Reveals Secret To Longevity Is ‘Fermented Milk’

A Russian woman, who is the oldest living person ever at 128, says the secret to a long life is drinking fermented milk every single day. Koku Istambulova was already 27 when the last tsar, Nicholas II, was forced to abdicate in March 2017. She was 55 when the Second World War ended in 1945, […]

New Study Shows Intermittent Fasting May Be Powerful Tool To Increasing Longevity

Next Story Manipulating the mitochondrial network that resides inside our cells, either by dietary restriction or genetic manipulation, may promote health and even increase lifespan, according to new research from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Recently published in Cell Metabolism, the study highlights the biology involved in cells’ declining ability to process energy over time, a […]

VR Porn Event Forced To Shut Down After Too Many Came Early

It has emerged that the country’s first-ever event of its kind, Adult VR Fest 01, was turned off early last month because of overcrowding at the Akihabara district venue. Source Article from

Bill Gates’ Polio Vaccine Program Caused 47,500 Cases of Paralysis Death

In India, Monsanto hired Bollywood actors to promote genetically engineered cotton seed to illiterate farmers. Nana Petakar became a brand ambassador for Monsanto. The advertising has been called “aggressive, unscrupulous and false.” by nsnbc Bill Gates, heavily invested in Monsanto’s GMOs as well as in vaccines, hired the most beloved of Indian actors, Amitabh Bachchan, […]

ALERT! Everyone who lives in these states needs to contact their governor and representatives to encourage this action to stop Obama’s invasion…

Teen addiction can be reduced through service to others

     Teenagers with serious alcohol and other drug problems have a low regard for others. At least, if you are going by the high rates of driving under the influence and having unprotected sex with a history of sexually transmitted disease, research shows. The findings also showed that these adolescents are less apt to volunteer […]

Japan’s brutal whaling industry slaughters 200 pregnant minke whales, threatening an entire generation

(NaturalNews) Despite mounting pressure from many activist groups, Japan continues to slaughter hundreds of whales every year – some of which are endangered – in the name of “science.” The nation hides behind the claim that the slaughter is legal according to the 1946 whaling convention, which allows whales to be killed for […]

Misdiagnoses rampant among psych drug users; children with digestive problems being labeled schizophrenic, drugged with deadly SSRIs

(NaturalNews) As if it’s not bad enough that Big Pharma engages in price gouging – who can forget Turing Pharmaceuticals’ Martin Shkreli, who raised the price of a life-improving medication from $13.50 to $750 a pill – another sad reality is that lots of people aren’t even being prescribed the appropriate drug for […]

Medical Marijuana Legalized on Entire Continent of Australia

Home > Medical Marijuana Legalized on Entire Continent of Australia Christina Sarich, Natural SocietyWaking Times …will the US be next? Australia’s population is roughly 23 million – while the US has approximately 318 million potential medical marijuana patients. All the same – lawmakers in […]

Medical Marijuana Legalized on Entire Continent of Australia

Home > Medical Marijuana Legalized on Entire Continent of Australia Christina Sarich, Natural SocietyWaking Times …will the US be next? Australia’s population is roughly 23 million – while the US has approximately 318 million potential medical marijuana patients. All the same – lawmakers in […]

Medical Marijuana Legalized on Entire Continent of Australia

Home > Medical Marijuana Legalized on Entire Continent of Australia Christina Sarich, Natural SocietyWaking Times …will the US be next? Australia’s population is roughly 23 million – while the US has approximately 318 million potential medical marijuana patients. All the same – lawmakers in […]

Medical Marijuana Legalized on Entire Continent of Australia

Home > Medical Marijuana Legalized on Entire Continent of Australia Christina Sarich, Natural SocietyWaking Times …will the US be next? Australia’s population is roughly 23 million – while the US has approximately 318 million potential medical marijuana patients. All the same – lawmakers in […]

Toxic algae from the island of Guam may hint to a treatment for dementia

     Scientists say they now have good evidence in animals that exposure to a toxin from algae can trigger dementia-like changes in the brain. If the US team is right, they may have found a new route towards treating and preventing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s . Their work, in the Proceedings B journal, lends […]

National Review Shills Endorsed Paul Ryan

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer January 23, 2016 Back in October, The National Review, which is presently in a state of total collapse after launching an evil conspiracy against Donald Trump, endorsed anti-American terrorist Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House. Ryan replaced the hated shill John Boehner, and went on to be even worse. Ryan has […]

Resistance Round Table Jan 12, 2016

  Show Title:   Reviewing – “The Life Of Adam” Guest Panel Members: Peter Klein, Steve Shine, MrStosh, Sammy Caine, QK Ultra & Odinrok Tonights show will cover the documentary and will follow by screening the video on MaxResistance and FPRNRadio We are so excited to have the creators of the newly released documentary “The Life Of Adam” coming on […]

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