Posts Tagged ‘worldcoin’

The Beast: Worldcoin digital ID ecosystem buildout continues with next wave of grants

Worldcoin — a new financial system connected to sensitive biometric information, mostly harvested from poor people — sure sounds like a terrible idea. “Terrible” doesn’t do it justice. Source

Eyeball-Scanning Company Worldcoin Capitalizes on Argentina’s Inflation Crisis

Worldcoin leverages Argentina’s economic crisis Source

OpenAI CEO’s Eyeball-Scanning Digital ID Project, Worldcoin, Hopes To Partner With OpenAI and Has Had Conversations With PayPal

Worldcoin eyes partnerships with OpenAI and PayPal amid regulatory challenges and privacy concerns, signaling a potential expansion in digital ID networks. Source

Worldcoin is Now in Singapore as its Iris Biometrics Project Grows Globally

Following the launch of the World ID 2.0 digital identity passport in December 2023, which added face biometrics for verification, Worldcoin has established operations in Singapore, continuing global expansion of its biometric proof-of-personhood project. Source

Eye-Ball Scanning Digital ID Company Worldcoin Integrates With Reddit, Telegram, and More

The controversial technology is hitting more apps. Source

ChatGPT founder Sam Altman Worldcoin crypto project to scan ‘every human’ eyeball through ‘orbs’ raising security concerns

NEW YORK (AP) — Weeks after its international launch, Worldcoin is drawing the attention of privacy regulators around the world, with the Kenya’s government going so far as to shut down the service indefinitely. The international ID startup, backed by big names in Silicon Valley, is now having to defend itself in investigations over whether the […]

Kenya Won’t Let Citizens Become ‘Data Harvesting Guinea Pigs’ For Eye-Scanning Worldcoin

Last week the Kenyan Ministry of the Interior suspended the controversial tech firm WorldCoin and similar entities from operating in the country. WorldCoin, which is co-founded by OpenAI’s Sam Altman, is offering free crypto tokens worth roughly […] The post Kenya Won’t Let Citizens Become ‘Data Harvesting Guinea Pigs’ For Eye-Scanning Worldcoin appeared first on The People's […]

Kenya Bans Worldcoin and World ID as Other Nations Push Back on Privacy Concerns

Kenya Bans Worldcoin and World ID as Other Nations Push Back on Privacy Concerns Scanning eyes to create a World ID. Image source. Comments by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News It’s good to see countries push back against Sam Altman’s Worldcoin and World ID universal basic income plans due to privacy concerns. But don’t […]

Worldcoin Isn’t as Bad as it Sounds: It’s Worse


OpenAI’s Sam Altman Launches ‘WorldCoin’ Token To Distinguish Humans From Bots

Last week we presciently discussed the somewhat dystopian outlook for an iris-scanning ‘World ID’ project to identify every human online Source

Worldcoin CEO Admits “Global ID Will Be Rolled Out – Whether You Like It or Not”

Worldcoin CEO Sam Altman has admitted that the global elite will soon rollout a mandatory global ID for all citizens – whether they like it or not. According to Altman, everyone who wants to use […] The post Worldcoin CEO Admits “Global ID Will Be Rolled Out – Whether You Like It or Not” appeared […]

CEO of Worldcoin Says “Something Like World ID Will Eventually Exist…Whether You Like It Or Not”

Right now, it’s about those who voluntarily surrender their biometric data and receive “small sums” in Worldcoin in return for signing up to the World ID scheme. But if Open AI CEO Sam Altman has anything to say about how Worldcoin, a project within his company, develops – everyone who wants to use the internet will eventually […]

Worldcoin Offers Free Crypto To Scan Your Eyeballs

Worldcoin, founded by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, Alex Blania, and Max Novendstern, have already convinced 100,000 people and growing that their irises, a ring-shaped membrane located behind the cornea of the eye, which no two are alike, are worth a Worldcoin coin.  “Cryptocurrency is a very powerful thing,” Blania, Worldcoin’s CEO, told CNBC. And it […]

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