Posts Tagged ‘ecohealth’

EcoHealth Funding Suspension is Pure Theater

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Peter Daszak is the President of EcoHealth Alliance, the organization most closely associated with the potential lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) that may have started the Covid crisis. The US House Committee on Oversight and Accountability has recently done a lot of “research” on Daszak and […]

HHS suspends funding for EcoHealth Alliance virus research group that funded gain of function research in Wuhan

(NaturalNews) The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is suspending all funds and grants allocated to the controversial firm EcoHealth Alliance with… Source

US House Select Subcommittee recommends Peter Daszak and EcoHealth be criminally investigated

by Rhoda Wilson Recently, EcoHealth’s Peter Daszak testified before a committee of the US House of Representatives on the origins of covid.  After the hearing, the committee recommended that EcoHealth Alliance and Daszak should be criminally investigated and formally debarred. Who is Peter Daszak? Peter Daszak is the president of EcoHealth Alliance, a US-based global non-profit that a […]

“A CIA Front Organization”: Revisiting EcoHealth COVID-19 Claims After Fauci ‘Influence’ Campaign Bombshell

Following Tuesday night’s bombshell report from Congressional investigators that Dr. Anthony Fauci was smuggled into CIA headquarters “without a record of entry” where he “participated in the analysis to “influence” the Agency’s” Covid-19 investigation,” it’s worth revisiting claims made by former EcoHealth Alliance scientist, Andrew Huff, about the CIA’s alleged connections to EcoHealth and Covid-19. A Brief Review Recall that EcoHealth […]

Revisiting Fort Detrick/Vaping Overlap, COVID Origins, As EcoHealth Restarts Coronavirus Work

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/10/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Your Annual Bivalent/mRNA COVID (And Everything Else) Jabs, EcoHealth’s New Funding & Pfizer Caught?

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (1/27/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

DoD just gave another $3 million to EcoHealth Alliance, the group tied to Wuhan and gain-of-function research

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Back in December while everyone was distracted with the holidays, the Department of Defense (DoD) awarded another $3 million to EcoHealth Alliance, the non-profit organization linked to the creation of covid in Wuhan, China.On December 12, the DoD handed over the cash under the guise of “reducing the threat of viral … […]

Thomas Renz sues EcoHealth Alliance for covid cover-up

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Attorney Thomas Renz has filed a lawsuit against Peter Daszak and his EcoHealth Alliance group for allegedly engaging in a massive Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic cover-up.Renz, who has been quite active in pursuing justice against those who perpetrated the multi-year abomination known as “covid,” says that Daszak … [Read More…] Source

Dr. Malone And EcoHealth Whistleblower Cover It All, CIA, Bioweapons, Wuhan Leak, Transhumanism And More [VIDEOS]

The deeper we dig, the worse it gets… BY ZACH HEILMANFEBRUARY 22, 2022 IMAGE CREDIT: ZACH HEILMAN While the Biden administration appears more concerned about enforcing mandates and pushing the COVID-19 jab on Americans, experts like Dr. Robert Malone, who helped invent the mRNA technology, have passionately been seeking the truth surrounding the pandemic and its mysterious […]

Explosive Military Documents: EcoHealth Alliance Asked DARPA to Fund Gain of Function Research of Bat Borne Coronaviruses in 2018 – DARPA Refused, But Fauci’s NIAID Moved the Research in Wuhan, China and at Several Sites Across the U.S. – Also, Ivermectin Cures COVID

Military documents state that EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018 seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses. The proposal, named “Project Defuse,” was rejected by DARPA over safety concerns and the notion that it violates the gain of function research moratorium. Project Veritas has obtained startling never-before-seen documents regarding […]

Secret Emails Reveal How NIH, EcoHealth Alliance Colluded to Skirt Restrictions on Risky Experiments

11/19/21 The walls are closing in on Dr. Anthony Fauci as emails reveal the National Institutes of Health colluded with EcoHealth Alliance to circumvent federal restrictions on gain-of-function research. By  Dr. Joseph Mercola Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender’s Top News of the Day. It’s free. Story at-a-glance: Emails reveal the […]

Fauci-Funded EcoHealth Refuses To Give Wuhan Documents To Congress

Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance The first $666,442 installment of EcoHealth’s $3.7 million NIH grant was paid in June 2014, with similar annual payments through May 2019 under the “Understanding The Risk Of Bat Coronavirus Emergence” project, as we noted in April. As we noted in April, the WIV “had openly participated in gain-of-function research in partnership with U.S. universities and […]

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