Posts Tagged ‘resilience’

In Aida refugee camp, Palestinian resilience overcomes Israeli oppression

On December 10, Israeli forces broke into the Lajee Center in Bethlehem’s Aida refugee camp to remove its Palestinian flag. Camp residents tell me the raid shows that despite its military might Israel is weak in the face of Palestinian steadfastness. Source

Gaza’s 58th Day: Resilience in the Face of Aggression, Hamas Firm on Prisoners’ Stance

December 3, 2023 In response to the continuous Israeli aggression on the besieged Gaza Strip, the Palestinian resistance persists in confronting the Zionist forces.On the 58th day of relentless attacks, the resistance remains resolute, inflicting more significant losses on the enemy than any military or security gains achieved by them. Undeterred by the enemy’s attempts, […]

Queen Rania Pays Tribute To Queen Elizabeth’s ‘Sense Of Duty’ And ‘Resilience’

NEW YORK ― New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Queen Rania of Jordan paid tribute to Queen Elizabeth II at Prince William’s Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit on Wednesday, two days after they attended the late monarch’s state funeral at Westminster Abbey. The queen was “someone who was focused, committed and demonstrated what could be […]

Outcomes in Ukraine and Russian Resilience Can be Served Up as the Perfect Scapegoat

There is always a conflict between high principle and pragmatism. Embracing both is probably a wise strategy. But whether you can actually have anything both ways, or whether the outcome would mean anything if you did, remains to be seen. American policymakers, during their many attempts to isolate and antagonise Russia, should have been asking, […]

China’s economy showing resilience and potentials amid headwinds

Since the beginning of this year, the increasingly complicated international environment and weakened global economic recovery, as well as sporadic but multiple local outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic caused harsh impacts on China’s economic development. Source

Michael Hudson: The End of Western Civilization – Why It Lacks Resilience, and What Will Take Its Place

Let me recommend to everyone the speech Michael Hudson has held on Monday for China’s Global University. It digs to the core of the illness that has taken over ‘western’ societies. Source

Resident-Owned Resilience

Residents of manufactured housing communities (MHCs) are disproportionately vulnerable to both hazards and displacement. The cooperative ownership model of resident-owned communities (ROCs) pioneered by ROC USA helps MHC residents resist displacement, but little research assesses how cooperative tenure impacts hazard vulnerability. To fill this gap, we conduct a spatial analysis of 234 ROC USA sites; […]

Loss, resilience, and rootedness

Being Palestinian is not enough of a reason to have our dreams killed, rights denied, and our presence erased. It is not enough of a reason to keep us separated from the lands we were dispossessed from and the homes whose keys we still hold onto. I sat upright. My face was pale and my […]

Roman Concrete In Ancient Tomb Reveals Secrets To Its Resilience

Among their many talents, the ancient Romans were pioneers in the art of concrete making and construction. The quality of Roman concrete used to build their aqueducts, tombs, bath houses, piers, amphitheaters, and homes was so good that many of these structures still stand today, defying the expected ravages of time. Scientists seeking to unlock […]

Firefighters Grapple With Arson as Resilience Centers Ramp Up in Southern Israel

A part of a wheat field goes in flames after Palestinians in Gaza sent incendiary balloons over the border near Nir Am, southern Israel May 9, 2021. Picture taken with a drone. REUTERS/Amir Cohen – Rapid Action Fire Vehicles, fire wagons and local resilience centers kicked into action on Monday evening after 70 rockets […]

Why the Nation—and Yes Even the Government—Should Take Pride in the Resilience and Unity of the Farmers’ Movement

What has happened in the context of the farmers’ movement in India in recent days has brought joy and pride to its increasing number of supporters. A movement that can spring back to a position of such great and increasing support and strength within just a few days—less than a week—of terrible victimization tactics surely […]

Professional golfer Amy Boulden on building resilience

For this edition of Interview, Euronews spoke to professional golfer Amy Boulden at the Omega Dubai Moonlight Classic – and she talked to us about where her career all began, how she has built resilience, and how her industry is changing. The transition to professional golf Firstly, Amy shared with us how she got into […]

LISTEN: How Israelis mastered the art of resilience to thrive against all odds

Well prior to the current coronavirus crisis, many Israelis were living each day under existential threats. At the same time, Israelis are a notoriously happy nation who, even after facing extreme odds, rebuild, adapt to a new reality, and continue to live full lives. The authors of “Isresilience: What Israelis Can Teach the World” explore […]

It ‘shows a great resilience’: Despite COVID-19, synagogues across Europe will still open for non-Jews for Days of Jewish Culture series

(JTA) — Every September since 2000, synagogues and other Jewish heritage sites in hundreds of cities across Europe — a continent where Jewish institutions normally stay firmly locked down for security — open to the public for a one-day event aimed at fostering ties between Jewish communities and non-Jewish Europeans. This year, the European Days […]

6 months into pandemic, Jews prepare for a High Holiday season of rupture and resilience

(JTA) — For many Jews, a high point of services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is the Unetaneh Tokef prayer, which wonders who will live and who will die in the year ahead. This year, that question will take on added resonance, as the High Holidays fall six months into a global pandemic that has […]

The Rise of Resistance and Resilience to Tear Gas

This text is adapted from “Tear Gas: From the Battlefields of World War I to the Streets of Today” All around the world people invent, adapt and share techniques for resilience and resistance to tear gas. In doing so, they care for each other. They transform this weapon into a collectivizing tool. There is a […]

May Day Repression Reveals Savagery of U.S. Colonialism, Resilience of Puerto Rico’s People

SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO — Puerto Rico’s capital was the site of massive scenes of brutal repression as police clamped down on an International Workers Day march using overwhelming violent force, scattering thousands of protesters who gathered to resist austerity measures and anti-worker attacks on the people of U.S colonial territory. Despite the colonial administration’s […]

Oxford Circus, Media Terror Drills and ‘Resilience’ Marketing Goes Global

SUNDAY WIRE host Patrick Henningsen is joined by in-studio guest host Mike Robinson from UK Column for another week of news roundup. Major moves in the Middle East, Washington, London, Moscow, Beijing and Brussels are changing the face of world geopolitics. Meanwhile, the media runs their own ‘drill,’ pushing a fake terror threat in London […]

Stories Of Resistance And Resilience From The Pacific Islands To Canada

Above Photo: Raising Our Paddles This May, a delegation of Pacific Islanders who are fighting climate change from the front lines of impact, are headed to one of the dirtiest fossil fuel extraction sites on the planet: the Canadian tar sands. These Pacific Climate Warriors are disappointed that Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has deliberately […]

How the occupied mentality syndrome works

Previously I argued whether Saudi Arabia’s repeated involvements in U.S. interventions and wars stem from free national will or in response to a specific condition. For starters, in Saudi Arabia there is no national will. In Saudi Arabia, the national will is the will of the Al Saud clan. Still, when a major Arab state […]

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