Posts Tagged ‘17’

In First, U.S. Judge Throws Out Cell Phone ‘stingray’ Evidence

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Manufactured Conflict: The Banker’s Hegelian Grip

  July 10, 2016 humanity to enslavement. Source Article from

CITI: Italian Referendum Bigger Risk to Europe Than Brexit

Analysts at Citi have called a probable Italian referendum on constitutional reform next fall “the single biggest risk on the European political landscape this year,” bigger even than Brexit. In the midst of much hand-wringing over the possible consequences of the recent UK decision to detach itself from the European Union, Citi […]

CIA Finally Come Clean About Chemtrails On Their Website

The CIA have released an astonishing report on their website that confirms the existence of a U.S. weather modification program that produces chemtrails in the skies.  A speech given by CIA director Director John O. Brennan to the Council on Foreign Relations was transcribed and uploaded to the CIA’s official website on 29th June, 2016. In […]

Radio Aryan Roundtable: Traitors to Democracy

Radio Aryan June 27, 2016 Sven Longshanks, Azzmador and Grandpa Lampshade present this week’s Roundtable, starting with a look at current events in Britain following the momentous vote to leave the EU. The Labour Party is self-destructing before our very eyes, with half of Jeremy Corbyn’s cabinet resigning and one getting the sack. The Brexit […]

Former Israeli defense minister Moshe Yaalon says he will run for prime minister: Zio-Watch, June 18-19, 2016

An Iron Dome Missile Defense battery firing near the Southern israeli town of Ashdod, July 16, 2014. (Miriam Alster/Flash90) WASHINGTON (JTA) — Despite President Barack Obama’s veto threat, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a $576 billion defense appropriations bill, including an allocation of $635 million for Israel’s missile defense program. Thursday’s vote on the […]

Fallujah full liberation

     Iraq’s Police Chief on Friday declared full liberation of Fallujah after the two-year-long ISIL control over the strategic city. Commander of Iraq’s Federal Police Major General Raed Shaker Judat appeared on the country’s national TV in an interview carried out at the center of Falluja minutes ago, declaring that the city has been completely […]

The Pause Update: May 2016

The complete UAH v6.0 data for May were released on today.  I present all the graphs for various regions, and as well summaries for easier comparison.  The Pause still refuses to go away, despite all expectations. These graphs show the furthest back one can go to show a zero or negative trend (less than 0.1 +/-0.1C per […]

Iran-EU economic coop. center opens in Germany

Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh, Iranian Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade, said Tuesday during the opening ceremony for Iran-EU center for economic cooperation in Berlin that the nuclear deal has presented the opportunity for a fresh round of cooperation between Iran and western countries, particularly Germany. He added the center, the idea of which was proposed […]

Synergistic effects of walnuts shown to lower LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol, curb hunger and boost gut health without promoting weight gain

(NaturalNews) Walnuts are championed as an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids but disdained as a high-calorie food. Fortunately for walnut lovers, these nuts are a snack that won’t necessarily make you fat. The preliminary results of a two-year study suggest that walnuts can curb age-related health problems without promoting weight gain. Spanish […]

‘Specter of break-up haunting Europe’: EU chief Tusk blasts ‘illusions’ of bloc’s unity

“The specter of a break-up is haunting Europe. A vision of a federation doesn’t seem to me like the best answer to it,” Tusk said at a meeting of the European People’s Party, the biggest bloc in the European Parliament, Reuter reported. EU ‘shouldn’t try to be a superstate’ says Polish FM Addressing fellow EU […]

100 meter high sandstorm sweeps across Kashgar in northwest China

     This is not computer-generated scenes for Hollywood big-money thrillers. It is a real sandstorm sweeping across the Kashgar Prefecture in China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region late Monday. With walls of packed sands falling over and on people and buildings from as high as 100 meters, visibility was reduced to arm’s length at best. Local […]

Over 40 million people internally displaced in 2015: Aid group

The total number of people internally displaced by wars and conflicts around the world reached 40.8 million by the end of 2015, says an international aid group.    According to a report published by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center (IDMC) on Wednesday, 8.6 million of them were uprooted from their homes within their own countries […]

Iran poised to boost petchem exports

TEHRAN, May 02,(Shana) – Iran aims to revive its share of chemical products imported in to the Europe by using Austria as a hub, Managing Director of Petrochemical Commercial Company Mehdi Sharifi Niknafs said on Monday. Speaking to Shana, he said that the Petrochemical Commercial Company has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with an Austrian […]

‘Audit the Fed’ Bill Failure Exposes List of Senators In Bed With the Federal Reserve

Washington, D.C. – On Tuesday, Senate Democrats were able to block a vote on Sen. Rand Paul’s ‘Audit the Fed’ bill, that would have forced the Federal Reserve into greater transparency and required an audit of the secretive central bank. The bill received almost unanimous support among Republicans, with votes from Sen. […]

US says seizure of Iran’s assets no breach of int’l law

“To the extent that this letter was prompted by the recent Supreme Court decision in the Bank Markazi (Central Bank of Iran) v. Peterson case, we believe the US laws and the application of those laws by the courts … comport with international law,” Toner said during a press briefing on Friday, the official website […] – World War 3 in Agario, 600+ Army! // Heяø ⚡ Clan #LIVE

World War Livestream battle with a 600+ Army, what a battle! Thank you for being a part of the daily livestreams. Do you like WW3? Post you ideas for the … source Add To The Conversation Using Facebook Comments Tags: …,, Army, Battle, Brasil, cell, clanwars, clonewars, Fight, Germany, Hong Kong, Iraq, Netherlands, Nigeria, […]

Can US limit Iran’s missile program?

What kind of legal and normative tools does the US government possess in order to rally international support against Iran’s missile program? And what opportunities does the Islamic Republic have at its disposal to safeguard its defense capabilities? Resorting to international norms: The reality is that choosing to mount pressure on Iran over its missile […]

Modern US Regime Change Operations Demonstrated In Latin America

Print Friendly Above Photo: A woman walks by a sign of the United Socialist Party in Venezuela that reads: “Gringo Respect!”. | Photo: Reuters Removing Governments in Conflict with the United States is Led by USAID and the National Endowment for Democracy; CIA Now an Appendage The preconditions for “regime change” take, in some cases, […]

Is the United States of America a Satanist Country?

“Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values. Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation.” Most people in the West did not take him seriously. Also […]

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