Posts Tagged ‘book’

Revelation: Secret government warehouses stockpiling $7 billion worth of medical supplies in preparation for deadly pandemic, biological attack

(NaturalNews) Is it “crazy” and “paranoid” to stockpile supplies against the possibility of widespread social collapse? Not according to the federal government. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) maintains six warehouses stockpiled billions of dollars worth of medical supplies to be used to respond to any national medical emergency, including a […]

Disintegrating? Naked man takes over Times Square; demands a meeting with Trump

     A naked man screaming “Donald Trump where are you!” turned Times Square into an open-air peep show Thursday morning, ambling to the top of the red staircase in Duffy Square where he put on a bizarre one-hour spectacle, and then jumped off. The man was later identified as 21-year-old Krit McClean, who was listed […]

Corbyn Admits There is No “Upper Limit” on EU Migration

Andrew AnglinDaily Stomrer June 20, 2016 This may be the last nail in the coffin of Remain. You remember I was pretty negative about the possibility of a Leave vote. I just didn’t see it happening, given the level of cuckoldry in the UK. But now, with the events over the last six weeks, it’s […]

‘Terrorist gateway’: Suspected jihadist seeks asylum in Sweden

The 46-year-old arrived at Malmö Airport on Monday with his four children, on a recently issued passport in his own name. “He seemed nervous as he stood in the queue at the border control so we took him out and checked his documents,” border police spokesman Leif Fransson told AP. The man’s arrival came despite […]

Poland in trouble with EU over tree-clearing at UNESCO-protected forest

“The commission has launched an infringement procedure against Poland [on Thursday]… the commission is in contact with the Polish authorities to make sure that any measures are in line with EU law,” a spokesman told The Guardian. Polish authorities reportedly have one month to respond to the request. “The commission will carefully assess this to […]

Jews Set “Road Map” for FPÖ

Israel and Jews in Austria have—hypocritically—set out a “road map” for Heinz Christian-Strache’s Freedom Party (FPÖ) to follow if they want “normal” relations with the “Jewish community.” The Jews are demanding that Strache “cleanse” his party—something which the FPÖ leader has agreed to do, even though his policies are nowhere near as racially-based as Israel’s […]

Mysterious ‘blood rain’ tints water a gruesome hue

     Residents of several villages in Northwest Spain received an unpleasant surprise last fall, when they noticed that the water in their fountains had turned a gory shade of red. The tint wasn’t left behind by a guilty murderer’s bloody hands, but rather by microscopic algae that arrived in a recent rainfall. But at the […]

Sony Just Patened Contact Lenses That Can Secretly Record What You See

Our memories are fallible things. We remember something one way; but the reality can be quite different. DELIBERATE MOTIONS ACTIVATE THE MECHANISMS OF THE CAMERA But imagine contact lenses that are also tiny cameras, recording and storing whatever you see, and even playing it back before your very eyes. What was really said at last […]

Physicists speculate that dark energy is the reason time moves forward

     For years, physicists have attempted to explain dark energy – a mysterious influence that pushes space apart faster than gravity can pull the things in it together. But physics isn’t always about figuring out what things are. A lot of it is figuring out what things cause. And in a recent paper, a group […]

Iran ends US monopoly over wellhead equipment

For the first time in history, the Islamic Republic of Iran has put an end to US companies’ monopoly of the technical knowledge to design and manufacture wellhead equipment used in oil and gas fields. Accordingly, given the indigenous construction of the complex oil and gas industry equipment and in line with the oil minister’s […]

Iran would down US warship upon any flaw

Commander of the IRGC (the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps) Navy Ali Fadavi, who was speaking in a program of IRIB on Monday evening, said the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz are the most strategic spots in the world adding “the whole region is surrounded by Muslim countries with Iran enjoying the largest share […]

Professor Suspected of Being a Terrorist Because of a Math Equation

Professor Suspected of Being a Terrorist Because of a Math Equation May 8th, 2016 Via: USA Today: A math equation landed an Ivy League professor on an American Airlines flight in questioning Thursday under suspicion of being a terrorist. Guido Menzio, an economist at […]

Iran launches new polyethylene plant in Lorestan

  TEHRAN, May 03 (Shana) –- Iran has launched a new petrochemical plant for production of polyethylene in the western province of Lorestan. Iranian Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri, Iranian Minister of Petroleum Bijan Zangeneh and Lorestan governor attended the inauguration ceremony of the plant on Tuesday. Build on 130 hectares of land, the plant will produce […]

As Americans Argue Over Which Bathroom to Use, 3 Nuclear Disasters are Unfolding Inside the US

As the debate over which bathroom an individual should use based on their sexual identity heats up, we are witnessing the ignorant and brash nature of state enforcement of these edicts come to a head. by Matt Agorist It is not only a distraction and a means for the state to get involved in your […]

“Nestlé is Trying to Break Us” Town Fights to Stop Bottled Water Megacorp from Stealing Their Water

A small town in Pennsylvania is the latest to be targeted by Nestlé Waters North America, which, in typical fashion, is seeking to extract millions of gallons of freshwater to bottle and sell for an obscene profit — whether or not local residents approve. Nestlé sneakily began testing waters in the Kunkeltown […]

Hubble Telescope Spots New Moon Orbiting Dwarf Planet Makemake

NASA’s Hubble Space telescope has found a previously unseen moon around the dwarf planet Makemake. The very bright dwarf planet lies beyond the planets of the Solar System in the Kuiper Belt, catching the last rays of the sun, after which lies the vast void of outer space that contains 99.9999… % of the universe.  Science Focus […]

Iran might still outwit the Saudis on oil

Iran’s oil exports are growing much more quickly than analysts predicted back in January when sanctions were eased. If the recovery continues at its recent pace, it could raise an interesting dilemma at OPEC’s next meeting in June. Iran’s Recovery Oil production is closer to government plans than analysts’ more pessimistic expectations As Bloomberg reported earlier […]

500 Migrants Feared Dead In Mediterranean Shipwreck

The United Nations High Commission for Refugees have said that up to 500 people may have drowned following a shipwreck in the Mediterranean Sea at the weekend. The Globe and Mail reports: The disaster happened in waters between Italy and Libya, based on accounts from 41 survivors who were rescued on April 16 by a merchant ship, […]

Modern US Regime Change Operations Demonstrated In Latin America

Print Friendly Above Photo: A woman walks by a sign of the United Socialist Party in Venezuela that reads: “Gringo Respect!”. | Photo: Reuters Removing Governments in Conflict with the United States is Led by USAID and the National Endowment for Democracy; CIA Now an Appendage The preconditions for “regime change” take, in some cases, […]

VAXXED documentary: Official announcement from the producers unveils mass media cover-up of the ‘suppression of medical data’ by the CDC

(NaturalNews) Cinema Libre Studio will be distributing Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, the explosive documentary directed by Andrew Wakefield which was “de-selected” from the Tribeca Film Festival this past weekend. The film investigates the claims of a Senior Scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Dr. William Thompson, who […]

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