Posts Tagged ‘sought’

FOIA Documents Reveal How 2 FDA Vaccine Oversight Staffers Sought Employment With Moderna

Two former U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) staffers who oversaw the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines now work at Moderna. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times) By Marina Zhang, 4/4/2024 Documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reveal how two federal employees involved in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine approval sought employment with Moderna. Drs. Doran Fink and […]

Halt to Abuse of Blasphemy Laws Sought in Pakistan

Badshahi Mosque, Lahore, Pakistan. (Romero Maia, Creative Commons) LAHORE, Pakistan (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – With a soaring number of blasphemy allegations in Pakistan in 2023, rights activists are reiterating demands for legislation against blatant abuse of the country’s notorious blasphemy laws. At least 329 persons were accused of blasphemy under the law in 2023, […]

These Are The Most Sought-After Entry Level Jobs In 2023

These Are The Most Sought-After Entry Level Jobs In 2023 In the fast-paced realm of job hunting, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. And if you are an entry-level job applicant, the pressure is a notch higher. New entrants in any job market today compete with groundbreaking technology like ChatGPT in addition to their peers. In […]

Bombshell Report: Countries That Sought ‘Zero-COVID’ Lockdowns Have the Least Immunity

New research has revealed the countries that implemented lockdowns as part of ‘zero-COVID’ policies now have the least immunity from the virus. The research conducted by The Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at […] The post Bombshell Report: Countries That Sought ‘Zero-COVID’ Lockdowns Have the Least Immunity appeared first on News Punch. Source

Research: Countries That Sought ‘Zero-COVID’ Lockdowns Have The Least Immunity

New research has revealed the countries that implemented the harshest lockdowns as part of ‘zero-COVID’ policies now have the least immunity from the virus itself. The analysis by The Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington’s School of Medicine estimates that China, which still has multiple lockdowns in place, has […]

Prosecutor: DNA Test Proves Illegal Alien Raped, Impregnated 10-Year-Old Girl Who Sought Abortion

A DNA test proves that an illegal alien raped and impregnated a ten-year-old girl in Columbus, Ohio, according to prosecutors. The case was cited by President Joe Biden after the girl sought an abortion in Indianapolis, Indiana. Source

German Riders: The Most Sought-After Mercenaries in Europe

Black Riders – also known as German Reiters – were some of the most sought-after mercenaries in early modern Europe. Source

Multiple House Republicans on defensive over Jan. 6 panel testimony that they sought post-riot pardons

A handful of House Republicans who strategized with Donald Trump about overturning the 2020 election hotly denied seeking pardons after the Jan. 6 select committee released testimony Thursday stating they’d pursued clemency from the former president after the Capitol attack. Several top Trump aides during the post-Jan. 6 period, including special assistant Cassidy Hutchinson and […]

Iraqi National, Accused of Plotting Bush Assassination, Sought Asylum from Biden’s DHS While Overstaying Visitor Visa

An Iraqi national, accused of plotting to assassinate former President George W. Bush, sought asylum from President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) while overstaying and violating the terms of his visitor visa, the Department of Justice (DOJ) confirms.

Mexican President Wins 90 Percent Backing in Leadership Vote He Sought

MEXICO CITY—Nine out of ten Mexicans voting on Sunday in an unprecedented recall election engineered by President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador backed him to stay in office, underlining his domination of a polarized political agenda. Both critics and supporters alike had viewed his victory as a foregone conclusion in a ballot that had fed speculation […]

Kiev Regime Sought to Scrub Evidence of Pentagon-backed Biowarfare Programme, Russian MoD Reveals

15:41 GMT 06.03.2022  Ilya Tsukanov The US Defence Threat Reduction Agency has been working in Ukraine since 2005, and been involved in the construction, modernization and operation of over a dozen biolabs suitable for storing or working with pathogens, including those used in bioweapons. Moscow has expressed deep concerns about these facilities in recent years. […]

Prosecutor Sought Enbridge Funding To Prosecute Water Protectors

Above Photo: Water Protectors lock down to construction equipment at a Line 3 pipeline pumping station near the Itasca State Park in Minnesota as police in riot gear line up on June 7, 2021. Kerem Yucel / AFP / Getty Images. The Center for Protest Law & Litigation has obtained documents through our ongoing investigation […]

Long-Sought Digital ID Pushed Under COVID Guise Despite COVID Jabs Never Having Stopped Transmission

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/28/21). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Greek Immigrants’ Stories Sought for Maine Historical Society Archives

Members of the Greek Community of Bangor visiting the village of Vamvakou in Greece in 1947. These immigrants to the US returned to visit their ancestral village in 1949. The group included Nikos Niarchos, a member of the Niarchos shipping family, on the left. Credit: Public Domain Courtesy St. George Greek Orthodox Church, Bangor, Maine. With […]

McConnell sought to disinvite Trump from Biden’s inaugural

McConnell’s letter and his attempt to stop Trump from coming to the inauguration never came to fruition. Karl writes that’s because after a top adviser to the Kentucky Republican informed Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows that McConnell wanted to disinvite Trump and McCarthy separately told the White House of McConnell’s plan, Trump preemptively put […]

Coup Regime Sought To Assassinate Luis Arce

Bolivia’s Interior Ministry has revealed that Colombian mercenaries, who participated in the assassination of President Jovenel Moise in Haiti, entered Bolivia days before the 2020 election. Fernando Lopez, Defense Minister under Jeanine Añez, was in contact with mercenary groups, with whom he intended to carry out a second coup. In a press conference, Interior Minister […]

Bactria – The Bountiful, Sought-after Region of Ancient History

Bactria was one of the more important historic regions of the ancient and classical world. A central point of more than one defining political event, Bactria experienced thousands of years of important classical history. Empires and kingdoms came and went, but many key cultures were forced to reckon with Bactria. It had a defining impact […]

US Marine Who Sought Accountability From Military Leaders Over Afghanistan Withdrawal Is Jailed: Report

Scheller first published a video on his personal Facebook account on Aug. 26 criticizing the Afghanistan withdrawal, which drew backlash. Defending that video, he published a further clip saying he was calling for “accountability of my senior leaders” over “obvious mistakes that were made.” “I’m not saying we can take back what has been done. […]

Philadelphia Victim’s Family Sought Ambulance, Not Police

Philadelphia Victim’s Family Sought Ambulance, Not Police Above photo: Ada Gray/Twitter. NOTE: This is a corporate media report of the police murder of a black man in Philadelphia. Keep that in mind as you read it because it shows many of the typical biases found in reports of police murders. It is also notable that […]

New FBI messages reveal agents sought way to evade federal record requirements

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