Posts Tagged ‘activism’

The Shift: Misleading U.S. headlines on Palestine activism

Studies have shown that most Americans just read the headlines and don’t bother clicking on the story. This is concerning on its own terms, but it’s especially frightening as it relates to the U.S. media’s coverage of anti-Zionism and antisemitism. WWE star’s ‘likes’ of antisemitic posts cause firestorm—but no sanctions, declared a recent one from […]

South Carolina Treasurer Removes Disney From Portfolio Due To “Far-Left Activism” 

Conservative lawmakers on the state level have been a wrecking ball this year to the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing movement, as well as other ‘woke’ trends, including DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) and CRT (critical race theory). South Carolina State Treasurer Curtis Loftis is taking a stand against radically left-leaning mega-corporations by removing Disney from […]

Week of Chicago activism for Palestine culminates in demonstrators shutting down Lake Shore Drive

Since October 7, Chicago has witnessed a wave of protests, rallies, and demonstrations in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Illinois holds the highest percentage of Palestinian population of any state in the United States, with cities like Chicago, Orland Park, and Bridgeview serving as dynamic epicenters for the community. Bridgeview, in particular, has earned the […]

Unveiling the thin line: How US media reports impact the ‘war on activism’

For media institutions, the challenge lies in navigating the treacherous waters of state discourse without becoming its unwitting conduit. Source

U.S. Senate passes resolution condemning pro-Palestinian campus activism amidst escalating speech suppression

Amidst rising tensions and a national debate, voices on U.S. campuses and workplaces face severe backlash for speaking out on the Israel-Gaza conflict, raising pivotal questions about free speech and the price of political expression in America. Source

“Fossil Fuel Treaty” activism is funded by a small group of global foundations

BY RHODA WILSON ON SEPTEMBER 28, 2023 • ( 19 COMMENTS ) A network of activists is calling for a “Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.” They want a treaty to complement the Paris Climate Agreement to accelerate a global shift from using fossil fuels. In 2021, ahead of COP26 in Glasgow, the World Economic Forum promoted the initiative as: “A new wave of activists is […]

How Activism Tore My Life Apart

Note: The site has been down due to abuse reports to the company we used for our CDN. Source

ADL says anti-Zionist activism has nearly doubled across U.S. campuses

A new ADL report seeks to smear anti-Zionist activism on college campuses in an attempt to stifle Palestine advocacy. Source

Activism With Kevin Annett

  The West Coast Common Law Court of Justice Established under the authority of Natural Law and the Law of Nations and the auspices of the traditional Squamish, Musqueam, and Sto:lo Nations The Court will convene on Monday, September 11, 2023 in the City of Vancouver. Its mandate will be to investigate and prosecute […]

Anti-Vaccine ‘Activism’ Is Deadlier Than Global Terrorism Says WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO) seem to think that anti-vaccine ‘activism’ is deadlier than global terrorism, nuclear proliferation, and gun violence. They even shared a video on Twitter promoting the idea. The video quoted Baylor […] The post Anti-Vaccine ‘Activism’ Is Deadlier Than Global Terrorism Says WHO appeared first on News Punch. Source

WHO shares video stating online “anti-vaccine activism” is deadlier than “global terrorism”

The video states that “political solutions” are needed to address what it says is misinformation. Source

Universities Need to Stop Being the Enablers of Social Activism

Commentary In his inaugural address, John F. Kennedy said, “civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof.” Words clearly not understood by students at the University of Sydney given their outrageous, but not unprecedented, behaviour earlier this month. Requiring police to escort former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull away […]

Punjab’s Growing Environment Activism is Welcome, Should Have Wider Horizon

In recent months there have been growing signs of increasing assertiveness of environmental movements in Punjab. This should be widely welcomed and is much needed, given the rapid degradation of environment here at several levels in recent decades. There was an impressive and successful mobilization recently to save the Mattewara forest in Ludhiana from the […]

Denouncing The GDL For Their “Activism”

This Chad Chaddington character should have listened to us years ago, since we have been exposing HT and the GDL from the very beginning. Source

Trans Craziness Has Ruined the Credibility of Gay Activism, Says Stonewall Founder

One of the co-founders of the far-left LGBTQ charity Stonewall has accused the group of discrediting equal rights activism by embracing far-left ideology on transgenderism, such as claiming there is no difference between the bodies of men and women.

Activism …State By State.

Last month, President Joe Biden announced the most draconian vaccine mandates in U.S. history and signed multiple executive orders implementing them. Among the plethora of edicts, he ordered all federal employees and contractors to get vaccinated, with no alternative option for regular testing. He also ordered all private employers with over 100 employees to force […]

Fake Activism: Sell Out Stars Supporting Globalists High Jinks

Ryan Muir for Global Citizen Billie Eilish Teams Up With Climate Scientists to Call for ‘Urgent Action’ Ahead of COP26 Billie Eilish, Rainn Wilson, and more sent an urgent call for climate action to world leaders. READ MORE Comment: She supports decreased manufacturing which will throw us all into STARVATION, unisex, etc. Her parents are […]

Genesis of Right Wing Islamic Activism

The US believed that Muslims between Greece and China, The Arc of Islam would function as fire wall against the USSR, and might even incite the restive Muslims inside the USSR to open rebellion. The U.S. and other Western countries and Israel have in turn befriended, manipulated, double crossed and cynically used the Mujahideen as […]

Arts And Activism In Pandemic Times; Eleanor Goldfield On Her New EP

This week, Clearing the FOG speaks with artist and activist Eleanor Goldfield about her new EP, “No Solo.” This is her first solo production and it is her most personal and political piece. Goldfield talks about the struggles of artists during the pandemic as they have been left out of the rescue plans. She discusses […]

BLM Founder Cites the “Ugly Truth” and Resigns (Zionist Activism)

written by Dean Smith      Rate This Rashard Turner, who founded the local chapter of Black Lives Matter (BLM) in St. Paul, Minnesota, recently posted a video of why he is left the organization. It seems that once he was inside BLM, he learned its “ugly truth.” The Daily Wire provided a excerpt form Turner’s resignation speech: I was born […]

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