Posts Tagged ‘patriots’

Hungary’s Orbán Announces New ‘Patriots For Europe’ Alliance With Austrian & Czech Nationalists

Hungary’s Orbán Announces New ‘Patriots For Europe’ Alliance With Austrian & Czech Nationalists Authored by Dénes Albert via, Austria’s Freedom Party (FPÖ), Czechia’s ANO, and Hungary’s Fidesz have formed a new right-wing coalition, the parties’ respective leaders announced at a joint press conference in Vienna on Sunday. Herbert Kickl (FPÖ), Andrej Babis (ANO) and Viktor […]

Is This Infowars’ Last Broadcast? Patriots Rally Behind Alex Jones and Crew

In what may be one of his final InfoWars broadcasts, Alex Jones breaks down the ongoing attacks on Infowars which have culminated in current CRO trying to shutdown the company. Fellow lawfare survivors, like Steve Bannon, General Flynn, Roger Stone and many others are rallying to Infowars’ defense. Source

White House Says It Has No Patriots To Spare For Ukraine Right Now

The Pentagon has pledged additional Patriot munitions as part of a “historic” $6 billion assistance package to Ukraine, but the interceptors could take months or even years to arrive. “In the meantime, what we’re going […] The post White House Says It Has No Patriots To Spare For Ukraine Right Now appeared first on The […]

Patriots, you have to see who the judge just permitted on Trump’ jury!


Why Is Amazing Polly Attacking True Patriots in the Alt Media?

I probably didn’t do myself a favor today with my Twitter/X activity. But I think what I said needed to be said. There are many people in the truth movement who are going after others without enough depth or knowledge behind it. While it is important to weed out the bad guys from the good […]

Biden Again Threatens To Use F-16s on Patriots Who Oppose Gov’t Overreach

Joe Biden has again used his platform to threaten “patriots” who oppose government corruption and overreach with extreme violence. According to Biden, patriots who exercise their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms with a view to keeping the tyrannical government in check will be defeated with F-16s. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get […]

It’s not just WHITE REPLACEMENT … it’s also a highly organized GENOCIDE of Christian Patriots across the USA.

SOURCE PUBLISHED ON 12/19/23: SOTN Editor’s Note: Take heed, Patriots!  Not only are the millions of illegal aliens being deliberately ferried into the USA by the NWO globalist cabal coming to replace white Christians, the vast majority are fighting age men who are all future mercenaries who will eventually be under orders to wipe […]

Indigenous Semitic Palestinian Patriots Attack Non Semitic red Russian Khazarian Invasive Terrorist

Palestinian Freedom Fighters attacked Red Russian Khazarian Invasive species Terrorist which have been Terrorizing and Holocausting Palestinians in their own Homeland since 1946. A mass shooting in Tel Aviv Thursday evening left at least two Occupier Terrorist dead and at least eight more Khazarian Non semitic Invasive species Khazarian Terrorist wounded, sending a central district […]

The Blizzard of 1780 Was Ruthless-Real American Patriots

I like my cousin WW 2 General George S. Patton who was murdered by the USA for standing up for America against the whores of Washington DC who were busy selling America out to red Russian communism, understand both reincarnation and who I have been many of my past lives.I can also identify and track […]

Purging Patriots From the Military-The Criminal Secret Societies Members Controlled By Illuminati Criminals Control the Pentagon & Our Gov’t

by Admin · January 14, 2022 Source

NC Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson Declares That ‘Christian Patriots’ Will ‘Own This Nation and Rule This Nation’

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Scott Lively Warns of ‘Armed Rebellion’ if ‘Genuine Patriots’ Don’t Win the 2022 Elections

Radical right-wing activist Scott Lively used last Sunday’s episode of his weekly “Prophecy & Politics” livestream program to warn that if “genuine patriots” don’t gain control over the country in the 2022 midterm elections, it will likely result in the eruption of “some kind of violent insurrection” and “armed rebellion.” In the event that Republicans […]

Wisconsin Gubernatorial Candidate Jonathan Wichmann Says ‘Good Christians Patriots’ Must ‘Take Over’

Jonathan Wichmann, a small business owner who is seeking the Republican nomination for governor in Wisconsin, spoke at a “Faith and Freedom Rally” in the state last month, where he explained that he decided to run for office because “we need good Christian patriots to take over.” “I’m not a politician. I’m a patriot. I […]

Costas: ‘MAGA Cultist’ Are Not Patriots — They Tried to Overthrow the Election

Sportscaster Bob Costas said Friday on CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time” that supporters of former President Donald Trump were not the patriots they claim to be because they tried to overthrow an election. When asked about a previous Matt Schlapp interview, Costas said, “He is personable and civil and just as full of it, as any MAGA […]

History of Hopium (False Hope for Patriots)

From the  From Euripides to Trump. A history of Hopium. A History of NESARA.  More hopium (scams for patriots). Snared by a cybercult queen ( If it weren’t for scams, EFR wouldn’t have any news to report!!!  (hehe) Share this: Source

Julian Edelman, star Jewish wide receiver for Patriots to retire

Julian Edelman, the New England Patriots wide receiver who has shown his Jewish pride on a number of occasions, will retire following a stellar 11-year career in which he won Most Valuable Player in Super Bowl LIII, ESPN has reported. Edelman, who played in only six games last year due to a chronic knee injury, […]

The Greek-American Patriots Who Made US History

Nick and Mary Mathews Nick and Mary Mathews, natives of Greece who emigrated to the United States and found prosperity there after years of hard work, are symbols of the bond between Greece and the U.S. over the years. They were both Greek and American patriots who donated their hard-earned wealth to the Yorktown Victory […]

American Patriots Dump Harry And Meghan Into Boston Harbor

BOSTON, MA—A group of rebellious American patriots did their duty for God and country today by dumping Meghan Markle and Prince Harry into Boston Harbor. The protest, dubbed “Boston Tea Party Part 2: Rebel Even Harder,” saw American protesters seize the royal couple and dump them right into the sea. “The British are coming? Not […]

Beijing signals Hong Kong electoral reforms to ensure ‘patriots’ govern

“Loopholes” in Hong Kong‘s laws must be closed to ensure the city is governed by “patriots”, a top Beijing official said on Monday, signalling changes to the Chinese-ruled city’s electoral system, potentially as early as next month. Any changes could further limit who could run in a postponed legislative election and may lead to the […]

Top Chinese official announces reforms that will allow only ‘patriots’ to govern Hong Kong

The head of China’s Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office, Xia Baolong, has unveiled reforms for the city, stating that, henceforth, the central government will ensure only pro-China figures hold political positions. Speaking at a webinar, Xia blamed the ability of dissidents to “whip up waves” of protests in 2019 on the failure of the […]

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