Posts Tagged ‘deepen’

Greece and China deepen ties with talks of reviving post-pandemic tourism

Greece’s Tourism Minister Vassilis Kikilias held a meeting on Saturday with China’s Culture and Tourism Minister HU Heping with the aim of deepening the cooperation between the two countries and exchanging views in light of the celebration of the year of friendship between Greece and China. More specifically, they discussed ways to revive travelling after… […]

China’s Top Diplomat Meets Putin, Vows to ‘Deepen’ Partnership With Russia

Communist China is pledging to deepen its cooperation with Russia, further cementing the ties between the authoritarian powers. China’s top diplomat Wang Yi met with Russian leader Vladimir Putin on Feb. 21, where the two expressed a desire to evolve the nations’ strategic partnership. Wang told Putin that the myriad crises of the current era […]

The Biden administration’s dangerous move to deepen military ties with Israel

The Biden administration has pressed forward with the military aspects of the Abraham Accords’ vision, letting it be known at the end of 2022 that Israel, as part of its new position in CENTCOM, had been elevated to “full military partner” in terms of strategizing and planning with the United States. The move sets a […]

Rights group: New Israeli government will deepen occupation, discrimination against Palestinian citizens

The Mossawa Center warns that Israel’s new extreme right-wing government will deepen racism against Palestinian citizens, and expand Jewish settlement on Palestinian lands in the Galilee, Negev, and West Bank. Source

The crisis in the West will steadily deepen

Western civilization is facing more and more problems. Over the past few decades, there have been many symptoms of a de facto decline of Western powers. Perhaps most clearly, these crises were reflected in the latest report of the so-called Club of Rome. Its authors believe that today’s “crisis is not cyclical, but intensifying. It […]

Attacks on Palestinian cultural spaces deepen internal social conflicts

Recent attacks on Palestinian cultural centers have targeted those seeking to re-imagine and redefine Palestinian identity. The Israeli media has been more than happy to exploit the conflict. Source

Tehran following strategy to deepen ties with Latin America: Raisi

TEHRAN- President Ebrahim Raisi on Tuesday reiterated the Islamic Republic’s objective to foster relations with nations in Latin America, particularly Venezuela. At a meeting with Ramon Velasquez, the Venezuelan president’s special representative and minister of transportation, Raisi stated that Tehran-Caracas relations are fast developing and that Iran has been a friend of Venezuela in its […]

Iranian tourism insiders, Russian fellows discuss ways to deepen ties

TEHRAN–– Several tourism insiders and officials from Iran and Russia have discussed ways to boost travel between the two nations, IRNA reported on Friday. Knowledge exchange, education, hotel management, holding joint exhibitions, and introducing tours and investments were among the issues they discussed, the report said. In addition, the experts exchanged views on prospects of […]

Under Imperialism, Multiple Crises Deepen In Haiti

Haitian authorities have arrested Colombian mercenaries and Haitian-Americans and charged them with participating in the July 7 assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse. But murky questions still remain: Who organized the attempted coup? Who paid the mercenaries? Who will benefit? Moïse was the only person killed in the attack, although his wife was shot and […]

US-Iran stalemate may deepen US difficulties with EU – expert

Joe Biden’s presidential campaign promise that the United States would return to the Iran nuclear deal was welcomed by leaders of the European Union. However, the subsequent continuing impasse in relations between Washington and Tehran may cause difficulties between the trans-Atlantic partners, a European expert says. For more stories from The Media Line go to […]

US-Iran Stalemate May Deepen American Difficulties With EU, Says Expert

(The Media Line) Joe Biden’s presidential campaign promise that the United States would return to the Iran nuclear deal was welcomed by leaders of the European Union. However, the subsequent continuing impasse in relations between Washington and Tehran may cause difficulties between the trans-Atlantic partners, a European expert says. The US, under former President Donald […]

France to deepen relations with Egypt despite human rights divergences

Disagreements over human rights issues will not prevent France from reaching economic and defense deals with Egypt, President Emmanuel Macron said on Monday. Macron’s comments were made after he received his Egyptian counterpart Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi in Paris. During their meeting, both heads of state also expressed opposing views about the role of religious values in […]

Tehran ready to deepen economic, business ties with Belarus President described Tehran-Minsk relations developing and stressed that all potentials and opportunities must be taken advantage of for deepening relations in all fields. Speaking with the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on Saturday in China, President Hassan Rouhani said: “Belarus has always been a friend country for Iran and Tehran is ready to deepen […]

Finland, Sweden and US Deepen Defence Cooperation in Washington

Minister of Defence Jussi Niinistö travelled to Washington DC on Monday to meet his Swedish counterpart Peter Hultqvist and US defence secretary James Mattis. Defence Ministers from Finland, Sweden and the United States are scheduled to meet in Washington to discuss military cooperation between the three countries and the overall security policy situation, according to […]

Iran determined to deepen ties with Islamic countries, including Oman President Rouhani met with the speaker of the parliament of Oman and stressed that the enemies do not want Islamic countries to be united and integrated, adding: “The Islamic Republic of Iran is firmly determined to deepen brotherly, inclusive ties with Islamic countries, including Oman”. Speaking on Wednesday in Tehran, President Hassan Rouhani described […]

Iran, Azerbaijan determined to deepen, cement ties, cooperation President of the Islamic Republic of Iran described relations between Tehran and Baku developing, especially in recent years, and emphasised the historical bonds and common religious interests of both countries, saying: “Attempting to develop ties and bonds between the two nations will never be enough when the level history of the interests of the […]

6 Spiritual Practices to Radically Deepen Your Experience in Nature

June 30th, 2017 By Lissa Rankin Guest writer for Wake Up World After five days on safari in South Africa with my mother on her “bucket list” trip, I felt inspired to write about my practice of interfacing with nature as an oracle, using my safari experience as an example. I shared my practice with […]

Any plan aimed at disintegrating Syria to deepen crisis: Iran’s Shamkhani

Tasnim – Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani said any peace plan devised with the aim of disintegrating Syria or strengthening the presence of armed forces in the Arab country will only deepen the ongoing crisis. “The full liberation of Syria (from terrorists) should take place within the framework of the […]

Iran and Turkey vow to boost bilateral trade and deepen cooperation

BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:17 P.M.) – The Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and the Turkish President Tayip Erdogan, agreed on a plan to deepen the bilateral cooperation and boost their trade volume. The two Presidents held a conversation via phone in which the ambitious goal of reaching a 30 billion USD annual trade volume was proposed by […]

Russia, Iran and Turkey deepen talks on full implementation of de-escalation zones in Syria

On Thursday the 18.05. Russian, Iranian und Turkish officials held further talks about concrete steps and details of their planned etsablishment of de-escalation zones in Syria. The three states serve as guarantors for the various factions of the Syrian conflict involved in this agreement. A first memorandum was signed on May 4 in Astana to […]

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