Posts Tagged ‘cement’

India Set To Cement Role As New GDP Growth Champion

The growth of most highly developed economies has tapered off since the turn of the century due to an already high level of economic performance. Yet, as Statista’s Florian Zandt reports, two countries that are now among the nations with the highest gross domestic product worldwide have continued their ascendancy through the ranks: India and China. While […]

Eco-mob terrorizes, destroys French cement plant for “polluting” country with carbon dioxide

(Natural News) As many as 200 far-left “eco-extremists” terrorized a cement plant in France this week in protest of its carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Lafarge in Bouc-Bel-Air, a small community located just north of the city of Marseille, says significant damage occurred to both its facilities and vehicles after the eco-mob swarmed the premises, smashing… […]

Group of vegans cement themselves in front of Starbucks… the reason they did it is hilarious

(Natural News) Outside of a Nashville Starbucks, a group of vegan protestors cemented themselves inside blocks of concrete in protest of the surcharge placed on non-dairy milk. (Article by Amber Crawford republished from The protestors – standing in cement to symbolize ‘not budging’ from their efforts to end the upcharge on non-dairy milk – […]

Thousands locked down as La Palma volcano destroys cement works

Aerials images from La Palma shows lava pouring down the slopes towards an industrial zone and destroying a cement works, raising fresh fears of toxic gases. La Cumbre Vieja volcano began erupting on September 19, forcing 6,000 people from their homes as the lava scorched its way across 600 hectares (1,400 acres) of land. A […]

“I Put a Spell on You”, “Cement Belgrade” share BITEF Grand Prix

“I Put a Spell on You”, “Cement Belgrade” share BITEF Grand Prix – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Iran-Belgium production “I Put a Spell on You” and Serbian play “Cement Belgrade” have shared the Mira Trailovic Grand Prix at the Belgrade International Theatre Festival (BITEF). The double edition of the 54th and 55th BITEF was organized from […]

IME to set up an separate hall for cement trades next week

IME to set up an separate hall for cement trades next week – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN- Iran Mercantile Exchange (IME) will set up a separate hall for the cement trades next week, the exchange’s director for market operation announced on Monday. As the IME reported, according to this notification, from Saturday (September 25) all cement trades […]

Michele Bachmann Says the Election Was ‘A Coup’ and H.R. 1 Will ‘Forever Cement’ Democratic Control

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Israel: How a Trifecta of Court Cases Could Cement King Bibi’s 12-Year Reign

By Miko Peled Source Three separate court cases have converged in Israel to provide Netanyahu the cover he needs to maintain power amid an endless stream of controversies. Three judicial matters have been in Israeli headlines recently, all of them very serious in nature and all likely to serve Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in […]

BLM Rioter Charged With Arson After Using Quick-Seal Cement To Lock Police Inside Building

Black Lives Matter rioter Desmond David-Pitts has been formally charged in connection with an incident in which protesters attempted to burn down the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct after using quick-seal cement to try and lock the police inside a burning building. Desmond David-Pitts, 19, from Alaska, was charged with arson during a hearing in […]

BLM Rioter Charged With Arson After Using Quick-Seal Cement To Lock Police Inside Building

Black Lives Matter rioter Desmond David-Pitts has been formally charged in connection with an incident in which protesters attempted to burn down the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct after using quick-seal cement to try and lock the police inside a burning building. Desmond David-Pitts, 19, from Alaska, was charged with arson during a hearing in […]

BLM Rioter Charged With Arson After Using Quick-Seal Cement To Lock Police Inside Building

Black Lives Matter rioter Desmond David-Pitts has been formally charged in connection with an incident in which protesters attempted to burn down the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct after using quick-seal cement to try and lock the police inside a burning building. Desmond David-Pitts, 19, from Alaska, was charged with arson during a hearing in […]

BLM Rioter Charged With Arson After Using Quick-Seal Cement To Lock Police Inside Building

Black Lives Matter rioter Desmond David-Pitts has been formally charged in connection with an incident in which protesters attempted to burn down the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct after using quick-seal cement to try and lock the police inside a burning building. Desmond David-Pitts, 19, from Alaska, was charged with arson during a hearing in […]

BLM Rioter Charged With Arson After Using Quick-Seal Cement To Lock Police Inside Building

Black Lives Matter rioter Desmond David-Pitts has been formally charged in connection with an incident in which protesters attempted to burn down the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct after using quick-seal cement to try and lock the police inside a burning building. Desmond David-Pitts, 19, from Alaska, was charged with arson during a hearing in […]

Iran determined to cement ties with Oman in all fields President had a meeting with Oman’s Foreign Minister Yusuf bin Alawi, and expressed the friendly, brotherly and growing relations and cooperation between the two countries and emphasised the need for efforts to develop and strengthen the relations between Tehran and Muscat. Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday: “The Islamic Republic of Iran is determined to […]

Iran, Azerbaijan determined to deepen, cement ties, cooperation President of the Islamic Republic of Iran described relations between Tehran and Baku developing, especially in recent years, and emphasised the historical bonds and common religious interests of both countries, saying: “Attempting to develop ties and bonds between the two nations will never be enough when the level history of the interests of the […]

Israeli Parliament Moves To Cement Israel’s Status As An Ethnostate

The Israeli West Bank “Barrier”, often called the ‘apartheid wall’, which surrounds much of the territory illegally occupied by Israel, as it passes through Bethlehem Aida refugee camp. (Photo: The Advocacy Project/Flickr) Israel’s parliament gave preliminary approval Wednesday to a bill defining the country as the “national home of the Jewish people” which downgrades Arabic […]

VW picks local partner in bid to cement foothold in Iran

Press TV- Germany’s Volkswagen says it has picked a local Iranian auto company to represent it in one of the biggest markets of the Middle East.    Volkswagen in a statement named the Iranian company as Khodro Sazi Sina (KSS) which it said had been chosen after “thorough and intense studies”.  The company emphasized that […]

Iranian Navy to unveil advanced homegrown vessels in coming months

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said the country plans to unveil new domestically-made surface and subsurface vessels by the end of the current Iranian year (March 20, 2016 – March 20, 2017). “Advanced surface and subsurface vessels manufactured by the Iranian Navy will be unveiled” in the current year, Rear […]

Advice to British leftwingers on kicking racism out of their anti-Israel rhetoric

Too often I see those in solidarity with Palestinians lose the plot and allow opponents to grab the agenda and deflect attention from where the suffering really exists. That’s exactly what’s been happening in Britain this week as a row over antisemitism in the Labour Party has dominated the news. My initial reaction to Naz […]

Israel encourages its army to kill Palestinian children

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Israeli human rights organisation B’Tselem accused on Monday Israeli officials of encouraging Israeli soldiers to murder Palestinian children. This immediately came after the Israeli military advocate had announced his discsion to close the investigation into the murder of a Palestinian boy by the Israeli soldier Yisrael Shomer last year. “The Israeli […]

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