Posts Tagged ‘bachmann’

Michele Bachmann Spreads False Christian Nationalist History

The Christian nationalist program “FlashPoint” has, since its inception, served as a platform for spreading wild conspiracy theories and Christian nationalist disinformation.That pattern continued when “FlashPoint” hosted an event in Oklahoma last week at which former Rep. Michele Bachmann delivered a speech overflowing with falsehoods about the supposedly Christian nature of the Constitution and Declaration […]

Michele Bachmann Claims 15-Minute Cities Are Unconstitutional ‘Totalitarianism’

The so-called “15-minute city” is a concept in urban planning that seeks to create urban areas in which the daily necessities of life—education, work, shopping, health care, leisure—are accessible via a 15-minute walk or bike ride from any point within the city. The 15-minute city concept is also a target for conspiracy theorists, so naturally […]

Michele Bachmann Calls Christian Nationalism a ‘National Smear Campaign’ Against Christians

While some religious-right politicians, preachers, and pundits are embracing the term “Christian nationalism,” former Rep. Michele Bachmann told a group of pro-Trump prayer warriors earlier this month that they should reject the term. On Nov. 4, Bachmann appeared on a monthly prayer call hosted by Intercessors for America, a group that was closely aligned with […]

Michele Bachmann Claims a ‘Fog of Delusion’ Is Preventing Americans From Realizing the 2022 Elections Were Rigged

On election night in 2020, former congresswoman Michele Bachmann boldly declared that conservative Christians had no reason to worry about the outcome because God had “sealed this election in the heavenlies,” ensuring that former President Donald Trump would be easily reelected. When Trump lost, Bachmann, like so many others in the MAGA movement, refused to […]

Michelle Bachmann Still Says Jan. 6 Was Leftist Plot to Brand Trump and MAGA Movement as Terrorists

On the eve of Thursday’s hearing at which a congressional committee revealed even more damning evidence of former President Donald Trump’s central role in the Capitol insurrection and the broader plot to keep him in power after losing the 2020 election, former Rep. Michele Bachmann told religious-right activists that the insurrection was planned by Trump […]

Michele Bachmann Says We Are Living in ‘The Absolute Worst Times’ in American History

Former Rep. Michele Bachmann was among those who spoke during the first session of the Family Research Council’s “Pray Vote Stand” conference Wednesday night. Following her remarks, Bachmann was interviewed backstage on Facebook Live by FRC’s Marjorie Jackson, who asked Bachmann what sort of battles she foresees for the nation in the years ahead. Bachmann, […]

Michele Bachmann Says Conservatives Must Build ‘Parallel Institutions’ to Protect Them From the ‘Monstrous’ Biden Administration

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Michele Bachmann Says God Told Her to Keep Critical Race Theory From Making Americans Forget 9/11

To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Pat Robertson’s Regent University is hosting an event today featuring a variety of right-wing and religious-right activists and conspiracy theorists. Former Rep. Michele Bachmann, who now serves as the dean of Regent’s Robertson School of Government, will lead the event, which will feature the likes […]

Michele Bachmann Insists Trump Supporters Had Nothing to do With the Jan. 6 Capitol Insurrection

Former congresswoman Michele Bachmann responded to the hearing held on Tuesday by the U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol by releasing a video in which she claimed that the insurrection at the Capitol was actually a false flag “coup” carried out by Biden supporters. The video […]

Michele Bachmann Says the Election Was ‘A Coup’ and H.R. 1 Will ‘Forever Cement’ Democratic Control

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Michele Bachmann’s ‘Election Integrity’ Conference Features Notorious Source of Conspiracy Theories The Gateway Pundit

Former Rep. Michelle Bachmann, who was named dean of Regent University’s Robertson School of Government in December, is hosting an “election integrity” conference Tuesday, March 23, featuring a mix of longtime voter suppression advocates and right-wing pundits who have promoted former President Donald Trump’s bogus “stolen election” claims. The conference is further evidence that the […]

‘This Is A Coup’: Michele Bachmann Baselessly Blames the Left for Storming the U.S. Capitol, Stealing the Georgia Election

Former congresswoman Michele Bachmann participated in a “Global Prayer For US Election Integrity” livestream event Wednesday night, where she delivered an unhinged rant in which she asserted that the results in Tuesday’s Georgia Senate runoff election and the storming of the U.S. Capitol by supporters of President Donald Trump Wednesday were really part of a […]

‘My Vote Was Stolen!’: Michele Bachmann Will Never Be a ‘Chump’ Who Accepts Biden’s Win

David Barton, Tim Barton, and Rick Green of the religious-right organization WallBuilders held a series of “Barnstorm Georgia” rallies over the weekend that were aimed at mobilizing conservative Christian voters in the state to vote for Republican Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue in the upcoming runoff election that will determine which party will control […]

Michele Bachmann says Cuba has terrorist missiles

Immigrants and gays and missiles, oh my! Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann spoke in Iowa this week, and she added a new item to her list of American enemies: Cuban terrorist missiles? At a campaign stop in Cedar Rapids, Iowa yesterday, the Republican hopeful warned that the US should stray from a deal that would normalize […]

Bachmann campaign manager resigns

CNN Sept 6, 2011 Michele Bachmann campaign manager Ed Rollins is stepping into an advisory role and deputy manager David Polyansky is leaving the campaign, Rollins said Monday. Rollins, who’s 68 and had a stroke a year and a half ago, cited health reasons for his decision. “I just don’t have the endurance to go […]

Poll: Ron Paul trailing Romney, Bachmann by 4 percent in Iowa

The State Column Sept 6, 2011 The latest Rasmussen poll shows Texas congressman Ron Paul in fourth place, trailing Texas governor Rick Perry and Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann. Mr. Perry is the first choice for 29 percent in the August 31 Rasmussen telephone survey of 862 voters likely to participate in the Iowa GOP Caucus. […]

Inconsistent Dictator Bachmann

  Laurence Vance August 28, 2011 Michele Bachmann pledges to repeal the tax code, dramatically cut spending, eliminate the Dept. of Education, and eliminate the EPA. On the EPA she said she intends “to turn out the lights and lock the doors.” As much as I despise the tax code, government spending, the Dept. […]

Bachmann claims she worked for the IRS to ‘know’ her ‘enemy’

Raw Story Aug 19, 2011 “I went to work in that system because the first rule of war is ‘know your enemy,’” she said Thursday in South Carolina. “So I went to the inside to learn how they work because I wanted to beat them.” Full article here Print this page. Comment Rules 8 Responses […]

Michele Bachmann says the Soviet Union is a threat to America

Even with Osama bin Laden out of the picture, America still has some big problems to worry about abroad. For one, there is still that looming threat of the Soviet Union. That’s what Michele Bachmann thinks, at least. In an interview conducted today by Christian radio host Jay Sekulow, Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann offered up […]

Hightower: Rick Perry is Bachmann with Better Hair

You Tube August 17, 2011 Jim Hightower gives a less than glowing report on Rick Perry. Print this page. Comment Rules One Response to “Hightower: Rick Perry is Bachmann with Better Hair” Hightower: Rick Perry is Bachmann with Better Hair —————————————————– Bullshit! They are both equally worthless. Bravo2………..out Leave a Reply You must be logged […]

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