Posts Tagged ‘says’

Allan Asher set perilous example, says Bishop

THE Coalition has slammed Commonwealth Ombudsman Allan Asher for falling short of the standards expected of his office, joining the growing list of critics of his collusion with the Greens over his testimony to a Senate committee. Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop said yesterday she found it “deeply concerning” the Greens had worked with a […]

Police response in shooting an utter failure, says coroner

THE NSW Police Force is under mounting pressure to take disciplinary action against one of its most senior homicide detectives, and to reassess how officers are trained to deal with mentally disturbed people, after the coroner slammed the police response to the shooting death of Adam Salter. Nearly two years after police claimed Mr Salter, […]

Kurt Haskell Says He Will Sue Feds in Underwear Bomber Case

Kurt Nimmo October 12, 2011 Appearing on the Alex Jones Show today, Michigan attorney Kurt Haskell said he plans to file a civil lawsuit against the government in the underwear bomber case now that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab has suddenly reversed course and decided to plead guilty. “Abdulmutallab’s reversal now means that Detroit Attorney Kurt […]

Australia’s record on refugees under a cloud, says Amnesty chief Salil Shetty

THE head of Amnesty International has warned Australia’s status as a champion of human rights will be under a cloud when it attends global meetings in coming weeks. On the last leg of his Australian tour Salil Shetty said he was appalled with the Government’s continued determination to resurrect its scuttled Malaysia people swap deal. […]

EU says eurozone needs ‘permanent’ austerity

AFP October 11, 2011 The EU warned Tuesday that the eurozone requires permanent tough austerity measures if it is to cope with public debt set to crash through the 100-percent-of-GDP barrier and keep rising for many years. With an ageing population piling up social security and pension costs, the European Commission says a radical long-term […]

Journalist says evidence shows Hillary mastermind behind Gunwalker

  Anthony Martin Canada Free Press October 11, 2011 Last week it was reported that the State Department and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were deeply involved in the scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious, or Project Gunwalker. Today, however, new evidence has surfaced indicating that not only was Hillary deeply involved in the […]

Cousin of Queen Elizabeth II Says Abortion a Form of Eugenics

  Steven October 11, 2011 Lord Nicholas Windsor, the first cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, is creating a stir in England today with a new opinion piece in the London Telegraph newspaper calling abortion a form of eugenics. Windsor said his commitment to opposing abortion originated in his realization that an abortion means the […]

Not a Single Christian Church Left in Afghanistan, Says State Department

Edwin Mora CNS News October 11, 2011 There is not a single, public Christian church left in Afghanistan, according to the U.S. State Department. This reflects the state of religious freedom in that country ten years after the United States first invaded it and overthrew its Islamist Taliban regime. In the intervening decade, U.S. taxpayers have spent $440 billion to […]


Occupy Wall Streeters Keep Up the Pressure It’s Time to Get Money Out of Politics   Bailouts. War. Unemployment. Our government is bought, and we’re angry.   by Johnny Punish   The 99 percenters, those who are at Occupy Wall Street whom I call the 99 Percent Party are screaming “Get Money Out of Politics” […]

Think Tank Says Bailout Fund Will Need $6 Trillion And France Will Lose AAA Rating

Daily Bail October 10, 2011 Pardon while we chuckle, because $1 trillion, let alone $6 trillion, is never going to happen in Europe.  Where do they plan to get the money, Euro Claus? Consisdering that the current proposal being voted on by all 17 Eurozone members calls for a fund of less than $500 billion, this […]

Afghanistan officials ‘systematically tortured’ detainees, says UN report

Jeremy KellyLondon Guardian October 10, 2011 Prisoners have been systematically tortured while in the custody of Afghan security officials, according to a UN report which described abuse including ripping detainees’ toenails out and twisting their genitals. Nearly half of prisoners interviewed by Afghanistan’s intelligence agency said they had been tortured while a third of those […]

Malaysia a better option for asylum seekers, says UN

Opposing offshore processing … Greens MP Adam Bandt, left, and Independent MP Andrew Wilkie. Photo: Andrew Meares ASYLUM seekers would receive better protections in Malaysia under the Gillard government’s proposed transfer deal than being held in indefinite mandatory detention in Australia, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees office has said. Australia ”would fall well […]

Rep. Issa says Fast and Furious subpoenas will be issued soon

CNN October 10, 2011 House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa said Sunday that he could issue subpoenas to the Justice Department this week in connection to a now-discredited federal gunrunning operation. Speaking on “Fox News Sunday,” Issa said that he wants a better understanding of who knew what, when about Operation Fast […]

‘Time short’ for eurozone, says Cameron

  George Parker and Lionel Barber October 9, 2011 David Cameron has urged European leaders to take a “big bazooka” approach to resolving the eurozone crisis, warning they have just a matter of weeks to avert economic disaster. The UK prime minister wants France and Germany to bury their differences and to adopt before […]

Obama Says Jobs Plan Can Grow GDP as ‘Much as 2%’–But WH Estimates It Will Cost 3%

Fred Friday, October 7, 2011 At a White House press conference on Thursday, President Barack Obama said the legislation he has proposed to create jobs could “grow the economy as much as 2 percent.” However, the White House estimates that the plan itself will cost $447 billion — or 2.97 percent of the 2011 […]

Top Republican Says OWS a “Growing Mob”

Kurt Nimmo Prison October 7, 2011 House GOP Leader and the second-ranking House Republican Eric Cantor has come down heavy on the OWS movement encamped outside of Wall Street and around the country. Cantor said in a speech at the Values Voters Summit in Washington that he is “increasingly concerned” about the “growing mobs” […]

Ventura Attends ‘Occupy’ Protest, Says Movement Cannot be Dictated by Democrats or Republicans

Prison Friday, October 7, 2011 Former Gov. Jesse Ventura dropped by Minneapolis to support ‘Occupy’ protesters. Ventura pointed out that the face of the movement cannot be dictated by Democrats or Republicans because both parties were “bought and paid for” – and that he never took a dime in corporate money to get elected. […]

CBS News Reporter Says White House Screamed, Swore at Her Over Fast and Furious

  MARK HEMINGWAYWeekly Standard October 5, 2011 […] CBS News investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson — who’s been covering the scandal from the beginning — says in an interview on the Laura Ingraham Show today that the White House and Justice Department have taken to screaming at her for reporting on the [Fast Furious ATF scandal] […]

Bernanke says economy is close to faltering

In a testimony before Congress today, Federal Reserve Chairman gave his latest opinion on the American economy, and to the head of the Fed, things still aren’t looking too good. Speaking to the Joint Economic Committee of Congress on Capitol Hill this morning, Chairman Bernanke said that the US economy is “close to faltering,” and […]

Video: Bernanke Says He Understands OWS Protests October 4, 2011 Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Tweet about it Email   Print this page. Comment Rules 14 Responses to “Video: Bernanke Says He Understands OWS Protests” Somebody get this guy a rabies shot, spittle is foaming from his lips! There he is!! Get his ass!!! Why are […]

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