Posts Tagged ‘option’

US Longtime Strategic Option of Using Proxies for Nonconventional Warfare – Michel Chossudovsky   While a conventional war on Iran is currently on hold, the US has indelibly opted for nonconventional warfare including destabilization, economic sanctions, infiltration, cooptation and regime change. The Pentagon, nonetheless retains its longtime strategic option of inducing its closest allies including Saudi Arabia and Israel to “wage war on its behalf”. We are […]

Pro-Choice Democrats Fight To Make Abortion The Only Option

Authored by Marrjorie Dannenfelser via RealClear Wire, At the State of the Union address this week, President Biden and the Democrats intend to leverage a tragic situation involving a woman who suffered a medical emergency during her pregnancy in order to advance their own abortion agenda. My heart goes out to this mother and any […]

‘Inaction is not an option’: ASA scholars speak out for Palestine

Rabab Abdulhadi on receiving the ASA’s Angela Y. Davis Award for Outstanding Public Scholarship: “Inaction is not an option. We must place the voices and liberation of Palestine and all oppressed at the center of our scholarship, pedagogy and advocacy.” Source

Doing Nothing Is Not an Option

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Two years ago, Brownstone Institute was not yet public but we were working like crazy in the background to prepare. The driving motivation was the “change in the matrix” from March 2020 onward. The silence about the lockdowns – a form of totalitarian control – from academia, media, and other […]


Posted by Mothman 777 Remember the ‘Samson Option’?  Israel says they have nuclear missiles aimed at cities all over Europe, which they curiously and insanely regard as ‘hostile’, this being the preferred choice of target of the Israeli Air Force. Israel routinely calls the USA ‘anti-semitic’ too. Does anything strike you a being a little […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Violence Is Always an Option

Steve Benen @ The Maddow Blog: After earning a third term, Ron Johnson can’t even win gracefully. Joe Jervis: Alex Jones Ordered To Pay Additional $473 Million In Punitive Damages, State Court Freezes All His Assets. Kathryn Joyce @ Salon: Did Christian nationalism lose in the midterms? Sort of — but it’s not going away. […]

ACH (1932) Michael Walsh – A Seismic Shift And The Nuclear Option

In today’s show originally broadcast on October 7 2022, Andy is joined by Michael Walsh for a show entitled, “A Seismic Shift And The Nuclear Option.” We discussed: why Washington D.C. reserves the right to use nuclear weapons without warning throughout the world; how the nuclear submarines of Russia could decimate the United States within […]

Iran and the Persian Gulf monarchies: Diplomacy remains their only option

Reconciliation between Iran and the GCC will reap vast mutual benefits, while conflict only serves those outside the Persian Gulf September 07 2022 Photo Credit: The Cradle By Mohammad Salami In mid-August, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states the UAE and Kuwait announced the return of their respective ambassadors to Iran after a six year hiatus. The move represents the latest […]

US Hints At Preparing Military Option Against Iran To Israeli Officials

An Israeli official said that the US hinted it was preparing a military option against Iran during a meeting between Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz and US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Friday

Putin: Russia Had No Other Option but to Launch Ukraine Invasion, West Deceived us about NATO Expansion

    Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a lengthy speech on Thursday explaining his justification for invading Ukraine, claiming Russia was left with “no other option” to ensure its national security after decades of deception by the “US instrument” known as NATO. Regardless of one’s sentiments about Putin or his actions, this is history being […]

Gas Stations Introduce Convenient New Option To Pay With Arms, Legs

U.S.—Move over, Apple Pay! Gas stations across the country have introduced an even more convenient way to pay to fill up your car: a handy slot where you can insert an arm or leg in order to trade it for a gallon of gas. Arms or legs can be inserted into the receptacle, which will […]

Israel warns military option on table to block Iran nuclear quest

Israel, on Tuesday, threatened to use the military option to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, Anadolu News Agency reports. “It is clear that the military option is on the table,” Israeli Minister of Internal Security, Omer Bar-Lev, told a local radio station in Tel Aviv. Following a five-month break, Iran and world powers […]

Judge Blocks Opt-Out Option on School Masks in Tennessee County

A federal judge on Sept. 17 temporarily blocked the implementation of Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee’s executive order, which allowed parents to opt children out of wearing masks in schools. The judge blocked Lee, a Republican, from enforcing his order in Shelby County and directed Shelby officials to enforce the county’s health orders without exception to […]

NZ MD “We feel we have no option but to speak out” Dr Matt Shelton Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

Greater Sydney Lockdown: The Least-Worst Option?

Commentary Loss of liberty is the price now being paid by the people of New South Wales (NSW) for the State Premier Gladys Berejikian’s decision to eradicate the Delta variant of COVID-19 currently raging through the community. Freedoms we took for granted until very recently have suddenly been snatched away, in a situation in which […]

“NO” Was Never An Option For COVID Injections, Vaccinated Spread Is Being Hidden & Coerced Approval

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/6/21). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

US Congress Resolution 413: Option for Sri Lanka to choose either Confrontation or Conciliation

The recently tabled US 413 Resolution in the US Congress led by Ms. Ross breathes fresh air, confidence and hopes for the Tamils, particularly the victimized Tamils whose grievances which commenced in 1948 reached the climax with the genocidal war crimes committed during the war [2006-2009] However, structural genocide has now taken a strong hold […]

(Any conflict in or out of Israel could mean=Sampson Option)Dangerous discourse | Will Israel’s growing incitement lead to more violence?

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Cambridge University Graduate Who Said ‘Extermination is Best Option’ for Jews Appears in UK Court

Oliver Bel appeared at Manchester Crown Court in the UK after posting racist and antisemitic material online. Photo: LinkedIn. A Cambridge University graduate is on trial in the UK after downloading a bomb making manual from the internet and posting violently antisemitic and racist comments online. Dressed in a tweed jacket and dark jeans, 24-year-old […]

Where to? as your option of procrastination narrows

I imagine with what is going on right now in the world… this must be how Noah felt as the doors on the ark closed & the deluge began … for years he’d warned the people of what was coming but his warnings fell on deaf ears. His father heart only wished their good but […]

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