Posts Tagged ‘will’

Will Israel bomb Iran without notifying the US?

The danger is that Netanyahu may seek to break out of the current political isolation by mounting a spectacular attack Patrick SealeGulf News October 13, 2011 In recent weeks, intense discussions have taken place in Israeli military and intelligence circles about whether or not to launch a military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities. Apparently, the […]

Texas Commissioner Smitherman: EPA Will Turn Off Power to Air Conditioners

  David Bellow Conservative News October 13, 2011 Texas Railroad Commissioner Barry Smitherman spoke at the State Republican Executive Meeting in Austin, TX on October 1st, 2011. His message was clear. Obama’s New EPA Rules will cause Texas to shut down power plants, which will mean that homes could go without power (Lights and even Air […]

Offshore processing backdown will bring boats: Julia Gillard

Julia Gillard and Chris Bowen outline the government’s position on asylum-seekers in a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra. Picture: Kym Smith Source: The Australian JULIA Gillard has predicted an increase in boat arrivals after yesterday being forced to abandon offshore processing and softening the treatment of asylum-seekers who arrive by sea. Under Labor’s […]

Occupy L.A. Speaker: Violence will be Necessary to Achieve Our Goals

Pajamas Media Wednesday, October 12, 2011 Citizen journalist Ringo captured this speaker at the Occupy Los Angeles camp a few days ago letting the cat out of the bag: After dismissing nonviolence as a dead end, he admits that for the Occupiers to achieve their goals, violence and bloodshed will be necessary: Occupy L.A. Speaker: […]

Kurt Haskell Says He Will Sue Feds in Underwear Bomber Case

Kurt Nimmo October 12, 2011 Appearing on the Alex Jones Show today, Michigan attorney Kurt Haskell said he plans to file a civil lawsuit against the government in the underwear bomber case now that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab has suddenly reversed course and decided to plead guilty. “Abdulmutallab’s reversal now means that Detroit Attorney Kurt […]

Occupy Wall Street will topple capitalism, predicts Iranian leader

The American media dropped everything on Tuesday to reveal the disintegration of an alleged terrorist plot perpetrated by an Iranian and aimed at a Saudi ambassador. While American officials were quick to point the blame towards Tehran, leaders today overseas are firing back at the States — not for their allegations but for their lack […]

Will U.S. Exploit Dubious Terror Case and Attack Iran?

  Kurt Nimmo October 12, 2011 U.S. citizen Manssor Arbabsiar thought DEA agent worked for a Mexican drug cartel. The Obama administration plans to use an unproven accusation leveled against Iran to mount a new international sanctions campaign and possibly attack the country. On Tuesday, the Justice Department announced it had uncovered a plot […]

ROUBINI: The Recession Is Guaranteed, The Only Question Now Is How Bad It Will Be

Joe Weisenthal Business Insider October 11, 2011 BREAKING: Nouriel Roubini sees bad times ahead for the economy. The only question is: How bad? CNBC: “The question is not whether or if there is going to be a double dip, but whether it’s going to be mild or severe with another financial crisis,” Roubini told CNBC on the […]

Think Tank Says Bailout Fund Will Need $6 Trillion And France Will Lose AAA Rating

Daily Bail October 10, 2011 Pardon while we chuckle, because $1 trillion, let alone $6 trillion, is never going to happen in Europe.  Where do they plan to get the money, Euro Claus? Consisdering that the current proposal being voted on by all 17 Eurozone members calls for a fund of less than $500 billion, this […]

Rep. Issa says Fast and Furious subpoenas will be issued soon

CNN October 10, 2011 House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa said Sunday that he could issue subpoenas to the Justice Department this week in connection to a now-discredited federal gunrunning operation. Speaking on “Fox News Sunday,” Issa said that he wants a better understanding of who knew what, when about Operation Fast […]

Another 29 Airports Will Irradiate Passengers

  Becky AkersLRC Blog October 9, 2022 The TSA has long threatened to install its porno-scanners in those airports yet innocent of them; here’s a list of 29 more places where these deviant devices will strip you of your modesty and Constitutional rights. Yes, the TSA ballyhoos its new “automated target recognition software” and the […]

Video: The People Will Not Be Silenced, Occupy the Fed Houston October 9, 2011 From Two groups with similar goals but different points of view took up their protest signs Saturday in Houston. Occupy Houston volunteers continued to gather in Eleaonor Tinsley Park for a third day of “occupation” Saturday in support of the anti-corporate corruption movement Occupy Wall Street. At the same […]

Welcome to the #OWS 99% Movement “We Will NOT Be Co-Opted”

Washington’s Blog Sunday, October 9, 2011 Preface from Washington’s Blog: Both mainstream Democratic and Republican parties are working furiously behind the scenes to co-opt the Wall Street protests. But as the Associated Press notes, the protesters are fed up with both mainstream parties, as are most of the American people. A P.R. professional says that the mainstream media’s ridicule of the protests […]

Occupy Houston FED! The People Will Not be Silenced

Alex Jones Channel Saturday, October 8, 2011 Alex arrives to huge crowd of freedom lovers at Houston Fed. Keep up to date with developments as they happen at the Alex Jones Channel. Print this page. Comment Rules 9 Responses to “Occupy Houston FED! The People Will Not be Silenced” FLASH NEWS: FIXED NEWS UPDATE Dumb […]

Orrin Hatch: OWS Rallies Will Turn Into Riots

  Kurt Nimmo Infowars. com October 8, 2011 The political class in the district of criminals seems to have a wish – that the OWS protests turn to violence so the cops can be sent in and run them off. Establishment politicians hate the idea of citizens – described as motley by the corporate media […]

Finland: Children Will Require Lifetime Medical Care After Swine Flu Vaccine

  AFP October 7, 2011 HELSINKI — The Finnish government and major insurance companies announced Wednesday they will pay for lifetime medical care for children diagnosed with narcolepsy after receiving the swine flu vaccine. “The compensation will provide much-needed financial assistance for the families, although it cannot take away the emotional distress caused by this […]

Nato: Libya bombing will continue

London Independent October 6, 2011 Nato’s bombing campaign in Libya, now in its seventh month, will continue despite the collapse of Muammar Gaddafi’s regime, alliance officials said today. French Defence Minister Gerard Longuet said the air strikes will not stop until all remaining pockets of resistance are suppressed and the new government asks for them […]

The Deutsche Mark is coming, and Germany will still lead the European super-state

  Patrick Henningsen October 6, 2011 Ever since the dawn of the European Union, it was clear that there was a power of three- France, Belelux and West Germany. Within these three continental economies is where you did find Europe’s power houses in innovation, manufacturing, agriculture and finance. But a game-changer happened in 1990, what the […]

Sarah Palin will not run for president in 2012

  Ewen MacAskill Guardian October 6, 2011 Sarah Palin has ended her year-long tease of American conservatives by finally announcing she will not be joining the presidential race. In a letter to supporters, Palin said: “After much prayer and serious consideration, I have decided that I will not be seeking the 2012 GOP nomination for president […]

Napolitano: U.S. will set record for deportations

  Stephan DinanWashington Post October 5, 2011 Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Wednesday that the government is poised to set another record for deportations in just-ended fiscal 2011, citing the numbers as proof that the administration is not pursuing a backdoor amnesty for illegal immigrants that critics charge. “We cannot, on the one hand, […]

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