Posts Tagged ‘Feds’

Gold & Forex Reserves of Belarus Rose by $42.6 million in June

nsnbc : The Information and PR Department of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus reported that in June, the country’s gold and foreign exchange reserves rose by $42.6 million. Photo courtesy of BelTa If calculated in accordance with methods of the International Monetary Fund. According to preliminary data, the reserves totaled $4,314.2 million […]

Voluspa: The Sibyl’s Prophecy

The Voluspa gives a vivid description of Ragnarok. This has been translated as the “age of fire and smoke”, probably because rok in Swedish means smoke, and students of mythology have regarded this as characteristic of the Norsemen’s supposedly doleful temperment, given to doom and gloom. But there is a better interpretation of the word: […]

Infowars Negro Celebrates Sentencing of Innocent Nazi

Daily Stormer June 18, 2016 Shame, shame, shame. Source Article from

Gun Shop Owner: We Called FBI After Mateen Tried to Buy Body Armor, Bulk Ammunition

Robbie Abell, co-owner of Lotus Gunworks in Jensen Beach, Florida, told reporters that Omar Mateen, the gunman who killed 49 people at the gay nightclub Pulse, came into his store about five weeks ago. Abell said that Mateen asked for level 3 body armor, but the store doesn’t sell it. He also […]

Child born in China with 15 fingers and 16 toes… This is the place where a lot of your ‘organic’ food gets smothered in chemicals, then imported into the USA

(NaturalNews) A 2-month-old boy in China suffers from a rare condition called “extreme polydactylism” which caused him to be born with 15 fingers and 16 toes, raising the question: Could this bizarre birth defect have been caused by environmental toxins? The child, whose name is Hong Hong, lives with his family in Pingjiang […]

Hitler WAS a Zionist

The numbers from Edwin Black’s The Transfer Agreement tell the story. In 1927, about 15,000 of Germany’s 550,000 Jews considered themselves Zionists. That’s less than 2%. The vast majority of German Jews “vehemently rejected Zionism as an enemy from within.” They were Germans. Eighty thousand had fought in the trenches and 12,000 had died. “Nowhere was the […]

DHS to create a new ‘threat index chart’ to keep Americans in fear

It seems like DHS will go to any lengths to keep Americans in fear, even if that means reviving a useless color-coded threat chart. A recent AP story revealed, DHS spent $90K in taxpayer money to review whether they should bring back their color coded threat chart. The Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) hired by DHS, found their color-coded threat […]

Campus Battle Heats Up Over BDS

Print Friendly Above Photo: BDS launch at McGill University in January 2016 from McGill Daily via Flickr. On April 14, the Doctoral Students Council (DSC) at the City University of New York Graduate Center passed a resolution endorsing the boycott of Israeli academic institutions. Citing Israeli-imposed barriers to Palestinians’ right to education, the complicity of Israeli academic […]

"White Privilege" or "Jewish Privilege"?

  April 19, 2016 Source Article from

Charter School Violence Doubles While Advocate Sues NYC Schools

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Brands   A complaint and proposed class action lawsuit has been filed asserting that the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) failed to protect students from violence. The complaint also claims that “black and Hispanic students as well as LGBT […]

Paul Le Roux, International Criminal… Creator of TrueCrypt

Paul Le Roux, International Criminal… Creator of TrueCrypt March 29th, 2016 TrueCrypt is actually just a tiny pimple on the larger story of Paul Le Roux. But if you thought the situation surrounding the genesis of such a program would be weird, you have […]

Japan Welcomes 27 Muslim Refugees, You’ll Want To See What Happened Next…

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– Japan has begun to welcome Muslim refugees into the country and just like every other country, they are paying the price. Two of these refugees have already been arrested for GANG RAPE. How wonderful… According to The Tokyo Reporter, Tokyo Metropolitan Police arrested two Turkish nationals currently applying for refugee status for allegedly raping a woman in Kita […]

Charlie Daniels Just Issued BRUTAL Threat To Muslim TERRORISTS, “You Better Pray You NEVER…” [VID]

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– The great Charlie Daniels and the NRA have a message for Muslim terrorists that is going viral!  You will love this! The NRA has been releasing a series of videos called “Freedom’s Safest Place,” where well known advocates for gun rights praise gun ownership and our 2nd Amendment rights! Country music legend […]

From baby talk to walruses, how six iconic sounds for Star Wars were conceived

From baby talk to walruses, how sound legend Ben Burtt made some of the most recognizable cinematic sound effects in the world ​      When George Lucas began work on Star Wars in the mid-1970s, he tapped a USC classmate to craft all the strange sounds for this risky sci-fi movie about a sheltered kid […]

This is big govt: NYC workers taking fruit from fruit vendors and throwing it away, it was displayed more than 4 feet from the front of the store (VIDEO)

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Man Questions Clinton on Wall Street: "Please Just Release Those Transcripts So We Know Where You Stand"

At the MSNBC moderated Democratic presidential town hall in Las Vegas, Nevada, Hillary Clinton was asked by a Sanders supporter why she will not release video or transcript of her private speeches to Wall Street banks. “As a realtor here in Nevada I know how important the economy is to our great nation. […]

Satanic Pedophilia Network Exposed in Australia

The New World Order cult that rules the world administers a Satanic Pedophilia Network, including top-level politicians like Australian Prime Ministers and US Presidents. The Satanic Pedophilia Network which underlies the New World Order was again exposed in the last few months by another brave whistleblower. Australian woman Fiona Barrett showed a ton of courage […]

Ukraine’s interior minister could destroy foreign support for Kiev with media bombshell

     Ukraine’s interior minister said he could drop a media bombshell that would force foreign sponsors to stop all support for Kiev. The claim comes as the cabinet hangs in peril over the resignation of a reformist economy minister, who quit citing covert corruption. Aivaras Abromavicius announced his resignation as economy minister last week, saying […]

Ukraine’s interior minister could destroy foreign support for Kiev with media bombshell

     Ukraine’s interior minister said he could drop a media bombshell that would force foreign sponsors to stop all support for Kiev. The claim comes as the cabinet hangs in peril over the resignation of a reformist economy minister, who quit citing covert corruption. Aivaras Abromavicius announced his resignation as economy minister last week, saying […]

There Is no Palestine As There Is No ‘P’ In Arabic Says Israeli MP

An Israeli Knesset member has given a ‘reason’ why a two-state solution is not feasible…. apparently, as the Arabic language doesn’t have the consonant ‘P’ the idea of Palestinian statehood is questionable. Not The Onion: Israeli lawmaker says the Palestinian people don’t exist because Arabic has no letter “P.” — Gregg Carlstrom (@glcarlstrom) February 11, […]

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