Posts Tagged ‘silenced’

Iranian-Turkish film “Silenced Tree” wins 25 awards at global festivals

TEHRAN – “Silenced Tree”, a co-production between Iran and Turkey, has garnered 25 prestigious awards at 60 international film festivals. Source

Australia, the ‘free speech’ colony – Canberra silenced posts on COVID

According to some US Human Rights report, Australia is a constitutional democracy. Well, what they don’t tell you in this report is that Australia, according to the constitution is a colony, albeit a self governing one. One would expect ‘free speech’ to be part of this thing called democracy, no? No, not in the colony […]

‘Let her speak’: Protests erupt as transgender lawmaker is silenced

‘Let her speak’: Protests erupt as transgender lawmaker is silenced lead image Source

Silenced NZ Medical Professionals speak out

An MD and a midwife speaking out. READ/LISTEN AT THE LINK (INCLUDES AUDIO) Image by Source

Here’s what silenced healthcare workers from all over the world want you to know and why they aren’t able to speak out directly.

No one, ANYWHERE in the world, NO government, NO “heath” organization can produce a scientifically Identified, Isolated, Stand Alone, Reproducible Verified sample of the Mythical “SARS-COV-02” “virus”. Without such a sample it is IMPOSSIBLE to concoct a “vaccine” against the unproven scientifically to exit Mythical “virus”, or to test for the Mythical “virus” NO ONE […]

Here’s what silenced healthcare workers from all over the world want you to know and why they aren’t able to speak out directly.

No one, ANYWHERE in the world, NO government, NO “heath” organization can produce a scientifically Identified, Isolated, Stand Alone, Reproducible Verified sample of the Mythical “SARS-COV-02” “virus”. Without such a sample it is IMPOSSIBLE to concoct a “vaccine” against the unproven scientifically to exit Mythical “virus”, or to test for the Mythical “virus” NO ONE […]

Silenced healthcare workers speak out publicly for the first time

Silenced healthcare workers speak out publicly for the first time Here’s what silenced healthcare workers from all over the world want you to know and why they aren’t able to speak out directly. Steve Kirsch I created a form to ask healthcare workers to speak anonymously about what they are seeing.Here’s what they said in […]

*SILENCED* A MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH… — JUST IN: Jeffrey Epstein Associate – One-time New York Post Owner Steven Hoffenberg

*SILENCED* A MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH… — JUST IN: Jeffrey Epstein Associate And One-time New York Post Owner Steven Hoffenberg Is Found Dead In His Connecticut Apartment Police were called to Hoffenberg’s home in Derby, Connecticut, yesterday by a concerned friend.They found him lying on the floor of his bedroom.The cause of his death […]

Maxwell Case: Surveilled And Silenced – Twitter censors trial coverage as FBI connections broached

Even this threadbare reckoning was too much information for Twitter, which banned a popular account reporting daily from Manhattan Federal Court. The new Twitter CEO has previously said the company is not bound by the First Amendment, and blocked posts that were drawing 500,000 views.The trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, former partner of Jeffrey Epstein, looks […]

“They’re Selling Drugs ILLEGALLY’!! Pfizer Whistleblower SILENCED

6 dec 2021, Pfizer and other Big Pharma corporations are lobbying to block whistleblowers reporting their corporate fraud. [embedded content] _______________________________ If you are looking for solutions (lawyer, form, gathering, action, antidote, maybe this could help you:HERE If you like our work please consider to donate : Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

Nicole Kidman’s Father Silenced by Ninth Circle Satanic Cult

Nicole Kidman’s Father Silenced by Ninth Circle Satanic Cult May 14, 2017 35 by G.I. Joe (Editor’s note: With the explosive claims in the week-end papers of child sex abuse levelled against Cardinal George Pell, we reflect back to 2014. This article was originally posted September 15, 2014) Dr. Antony Kidman died Friday (September 12, […]


» The Song of My People xox I know You’re Out ThereYesterday at 11:26 am by PurpleSkyz » DHS footage shows UFO buzzes A10 warthog nearby Davis Monthan AFB Yesterday at 10:47 am by PurpleSkyz » VICTIMS OF COVID VACCINE INJURY WHO ARE BEING SILENCED BY MEDIA WANT TO BE HEARD!!Yesterday at 10:29 am by PurpleSkyz » TESS Discovers Planetary Systems around […]

Stigmatized But Not Silenced: Growing up Palestinian in Germany

I was six years old when I first experienced the meaning of being a Palestinian descendant growing up in Germany. It was the day when my primary school teacher asked me where my mother was from. Innocently I replied, “from Palestine.” I immediately saw a rapid change in her behavior.  Enraged and appalled, she raised […]

Digital Apartheid: Palestinians Being Silenced On Social Media

Social media companies, from Zoom to Facebook and Twitter, are reinforcing Israel’s erasure of Palestinians. “Big Tech’s censors material related to the Palestinian struggle on Israel’s demand.” In 1984, Palestinian American intellectual and Columbia University Professor Edward Said famously argued that Palestinians are denied “permission to narrate”. More than 30 years later, in 2020, Maha […]

‘Will not be silenced’: AP, Al Jazeera condemn Israel for bombing Gaza media offices & nearly killing their journalists

The Associated Press and Al Jazeera have both issued statements condemning the bombing of Gaza media offices by the Israeli military, claiming that the “disturbing” attack almost killed several reporters. Following the targeted bombing on Saturday, which destroyed the building containing international media offices in Gaza, AP President and CEO Gary Pruitt said the company […]

Jordanian prince accused of sedition says he won’t stay silenced in new leaked recording

An audio statement attributed to Jordan’s Prince Hamzah, who was put under house arrest for allegedly conspiring against the royal family, says he will not stay silent – despite orders from the country’s security forces. Prince Hamzah, a former crown prince and half-brother to King Abdullah II, was detained on Saturday and reportedly placed incommunicado, […]

Nicole Kidman’s Father: Satanist, Silenced by His Own Ninth Circle Satanic Cult

Posted on September 15, 2014 by G.I. Joe Dr. Antony Kidman died Friday after fleeing Australia when accused of the sexual abuse and murder of children in an elite Sydney pedophile ring. A month prior Fiona Barnett had filed a complaint with the Australian NSW police and Child Abuse Royal Commission alleging Kidman’s sexual and physical assaults on […]

The Silenced #MeToo: War, Rape, & Racism

The Silenced #MeToo: War, Rape, & Racism Note: The Women’s March on the Pentagon being organized by Cindy Sheehan is an example of women who are organizing to show women oppose war.  KZ “Me Too was about reaching the places that other people wouldn’t go, bringing messages and words and encouragement to survivors of sexual […]

Twitter just silenced PJ Media’s terrorism editor in latest censorship scheme to eliminate non-liberal points of view

(Natural News) A veteran journalist from the popular independent media website has had her personal Twitter account removed from the social media platform indefinitely, and there doesn’t appear to be any legitimate reason for this besides Twitter’s continued assault on conservative free speech. Bridget Johnson, who specializes in covering issues related to terrorism, was […]

Child Star Reveals How Naming His Abuser Got Him Silenced as His CONVICTED Rapist Hired at Disney

Pedophilia in Hollywood, according to victims and those who expose it, is rampant and exists throughout the industry. Those who expose it are often tarred and feathered in the mainstream and the predators in Hollywood remain protected. However, the recent revelations about the alleged sexual abuse doled out by Hollywood mogul, Harvey Weinstein, is proving […]

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