Posts Tagged ‘institutions’

DHS Gives Faith-Based Institutions And Nonprofits $160M

Today, the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that it will distribute $160 million in Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) funds as a first tranche of additional funding that the Biden-Harris Administration secured to protect faith-based institutions and nonprofit organizations against targeted attacks. The announcement accompanies DHS’s release of an amended Notice of […]

Mike Stone – Our Institutions are Boondoggles

Our institutions — government, education, military, science and medicine  are all boondoggles designed to enrich their stakeholders rather than  serve the tax paying public. The MSM applies lipstick to this pig.  This is why they have no trouble betraying us. “Our enemies proudly and publicly subvert the country and nobody cares.  While the enemy is rewarded […]

The Silent Shame of Health Institutions

For how much longer will health policy ignore multimorbidity, that looming, giant elephant in the room, that propagates and amplifies suffering? For how much longer will the ‘trend’ of increasing diagnoses of multiple health conditions, at younger and younger ages be rendered down by government agencies to better and more efficient services, screening modalities, and […]

The Hypocrisy Oath: The double standards of American health institutions on Gaza

American health institutions were quick to condemn the October 7 attacks, but those same institutions remain silent over Israel’s genocide in Gaza after 105 days. Source

Israel’s war on Gaza and our Jewish communal institutions

We call on all Jews to reject the politics of Jewish exceptionalism and to hold our communities accountable for supporting and enabling Israel’s genocidal and wholly unjustifiable war. Source

Confidence in Institutions has crashed

First published January 6, 2024 Gallup has been running this poll since 1973, though today is the first time I saw it. It shows the precipitous decline in public trust since I was a kid 50 years ago. It is so shocking I had to be sure you saw it. I will gloss it for […]

Even Leftist Institutions Now Condemn ChatGPT for Being Too Biased towards the Left

OpenAI’s ChatGPT is promoting leftist political leanings, according to a report by the Brookings Institute (BI) think tank. The Harvard Business Review initially lauded the artificial intelligence (AI)-powered chatbot in late 2022, calling it a “tipping point for AI.” It quickly gained more than 100 million active users within two months after its launch due […]

US Republicans Grill University Heads On Campus anti-Semitism -Some institutions Have Been Accused of Tolerating Truthful Demonstrations Against Rothschild’s IsraHell Holocaust of Semitic Palestinian Indigenous Descendants of Biblical Judians In Occupied Palestine

So IsraHELL Firsters blackmailed with Mossad Jeffery Child Rape Videos Are running interference for the Khazarian Mafiia’s War Crime Holocaust of tens of thousands of Innocent Semitic Palestinian children who are the real descendants of the Biblical Judians by Invasive Species Non Semitic red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Mongrel; Khazarian Pedophile’s Babylonian Talmud inspired End of […]

A Call to Action to Anti-Zionist Jews: We must do the work to defeat Jewish Zionist institutions

At a time when the Israeli settler state has murdered over 12,000 Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, with thousands more missing, and millions displaced, it cannot be stated enough the importance of how we orient ourselves in organizing against the Zionist settler colonial genocide.  We must be explicitly, unabashedly anti-Zionist, and make clear […]

U.S. medical and public health institutions are complicit in genocide

On November 3, 2023, Georges C. Benjamin, the executive director of the American Public Health Association, the largest organization of public health professionals in the United States, released a statement on the “public health implications” of what they named the “Israel-Hamas War.” Released almost one month after the escalation of the Israeli settler colonial regime’s […]

Hezbollah slams international institutions’ bias toward ‘Israel’

October 14, 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen English Hezbollah criticizes international institutions for failing to specify that “Israel” was behind the death of the Lebanese journalist Issam Abdallah. The Lebanese Islamic Resistance, Hezbollah, condemned the blatant bias displayed by international institutions in their handling of “Israel’s” killing of journalists.  In a statement, the […]

New Jewish organization commits to fighting Zionist institutions

Jews Against White Supremacy seeks to educate and radically transform Jewish communities around the world while challenging settler colonialism and fighting for a free Palestine. Source

CBDC takeover: U.K. banks becoming obsolete as high street financial institutions shift to ONLINE transactions

(NaturalNews) In line with the massive campaign to ditch physical banking services to pave the way to central bank digital currency (CBDC), nearly 100 bank… Source

Western development finance institutions: The misuse of aid to Ukraine risks serious consequences

In May this year at a meeting in Japan, the G7 development finance institution (DFI) decided to create the Ukraine Investment Platform. At the heart of the idea is a good cause – to help rebuild Ukraine. If you look at it from the outside, there is no problem, the development banks, including the European […]

65 Iranian universities among top Asian institutions

TEHRAN – The Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2023 has placed 65 Iranian universities among the top Asian institutions. Source

These institutions that run the world

october 2022 _______________________________ A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time and continue every weeks. Next step october 23th. One step at a time, hand in hand, we are walking out from the globalist society they are trying to enslave us into […]

Canadian banks target accounts of Muslim institutions ‘on suspicion of terror financing’

Foundations, associations and aid groups belonging to Muslims in Canada came to a stalemate with the authorities given to banks under Canadian financial laws that initially aimed to prevent money laundering and financing terror groups, Anadolu News Agency reports. Account closure decisions taken only by bank administrations without a court order negatively affect the Muslim […]

Exclusive — Amanda Milius on Sussmann Acquittal: Our Institutions Are ‘Totally Fake and Performative’

Filmmaker and political observer Amanda Milius said U.S. government institutions “are totally fake and performative.”

Clarence Thomas on SCOTUS Leak: ‘I Wonder How Long We’re Going to Have These Institutions’

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas spoke out about the leaked draft opinion on abortion, saying such a breach brings into question how long our country’s institutions will last “at the rate we’re undermining them.”

ADL Defends Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis: ‘They Don’t Attack Jews Or Jewish Institutions’

( The Jewish supremacist group — the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith — which runs a domestic spying network that monitors — and publicly condemns — even the most innocuous so-called “neo-nazi” activity in the U.S. — has decided to give Ukraine’s popular neo-Nazis a free pass — apparently because they support their Chabad puppet, […]

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